The Maine Snowmobile Association (MSA) is an organization of over 20,000 family members and 2100+ business members in 280+/- non profit snowmobile clubs. Club members accept responsibility for a great deal of the trail maintenance, signing, grooming, bridge construction, fundraising and landowner relations activities that keep the 14,000 mile Maine snowmobile trail system open. Visit www. mainesnowmobileassociation.com , the MSA web site, for information about the MSA and its member clubs, the Maine Snowmobiler’s Calendar of Events, trail conditions and links to lodging facilities, services and Chambers of Commerce ready to assist you with your
Maine winter trip planning. The MSA also maintains a popular Facebook page. To join the MSA, see details to the right, visit www.mainesnowmobileassociation.com or contact your local snowmobile club.
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