A portion of each club member’s dues goes to support the state association, a non profit organization currently representing20,000+/- familymembers and2100+business members. The MSA has an office in the state capital of Augusta. Staff includes a publications editor, membership processor and executive director who is a registered lobbyist representing MSAmembers before the legislature, state agencies and Maine’s congressional delegation. The staff produce a web site ( www.mainesnowmobileassociation. com ), a newspaper ( The Maine Snowmobiler ), an annual guide to Maine snowmobiling (Snowmobile Maine), the statewide map of the Interconnected Trail System and the annual Maine Snowmobile Show and distribute additional information through an email alert system and social media. In addition to membership dues, the state association is supported by publication advertising
revenue, the Maine Snowmobile Show, a golf tournament and an annual ‘Super Raffle’. The MSA Scholarship Fund, Inc., a separate but closely allied organization, has helped a number of MSA members with education expenses. To contact the MSA, email msa@mainesnowmobileassoci ation.com , phone 207-622-6983, visit 7 Noyes Street Place in Augusta or write MSA, PO Box 80, Augusta, Maine 04332. Visit www.mainesnowmobileassociation.com , and like the MSA on Facebook. The MSA and the snow mobile club in your area, or in the area where you ride, would welcome your support. See pages 16-17 for a list of clubs and a membership form, visit www.mainesnowmo bileassociation.com or contact your local MSA affiliated snowmobile club. United we trail, divided we fail!
Eastern Maine Snowmobilers
j Trail Maps The map of Maine’s Interconnected Trail System (ITS) is available free of charge at the MSA Office, 7 Noyes Street Place in Augusta; the Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, 284 State Street in Augusta; some Maine Visitor Information Centers, at the annual Maine Snowmobile Show and other events. To have a copy of the map mailed to you, send your request plus $2 S&H to: ITS Map, MSA, PO Box 80, Augusta ME 04332. A list of local/regional maps can be found on pages 18-20 of this publication, on the back of your ITS map and on the MSA web site www.mainesnowmobileassociation.com .
j Heading over the border Everyone must stop at Customs to snowmobile into Canada. Carry your current passport, passport card or other approved documents and any required insurance and trail passes for the province that you will be visiting. Visit www.cbp.gov for more information about travel document requirements. Please also be sure to inquire about any CIVID-19 protocols, mandates or restrictions that you must adhere to in Canada or other states. Note the hours of operation for Customs and plan cross-border trips conservatively. Our neighbors: New Brunswick Federation of Snowmobile Clubs, 506-325-2625 www.nbfsc.com Quebec Federation of Snowmobile Clubs, 514-252-3076 www.fcmq.qc.ca New Hampshire Snowmobile Association, 603-273-0220 www.nhsa.com
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