From The Executive Board
G reetings,
H ello Everone,
Western Region VP
Coastal Region VP
Summer has been hot & dry for a lot of the state. Let’s hope winter is cold and Snowy!!! As clubs ramp up for our season, We have an MSA Directors meeting on September 20th. This will be held at TBone trail in Limerick Maine with burgers and dogs. Hosted by Route 11 Streakers. I hope to see a lot of you attend. On Sept 25th is the Ossipee Mountaineers Snowmobile Club Swap meet at the clubhouse in Waterboro. Coastal region has a new director Steve Bennett he joins Eric Perreault and Rod Berry welcome aboard and Thank you. If you need any help, please reach out to me or one of my directors. Looking forward to another great season, Thanks to all clubs for doing their part.
It’s almost that time again with the fairs starting and hunting season right around the corner we’re next. Now is a good time to start checking on trails, meeting new landowners and check on bridges before the snow flies. Membership packets are being delivered as I write this. Don’t forget super raffle tickets are great way to earn a little extra for your club. Also looking for a club in the western region to host a directors meeting in January. Reach out to me and I’ll give you the details. Until next month THINK SNOW!!! Jim
David Watson, 207-205-1558 412 Roberts Ridge Rd East Waterboro ME 04030 dwatson6841@gmail.com From The Membership Corner
James Boyce, 207-265-6512 1168 Fosterhill Rd, Freeman ME 04983 Jboyce1168@gmail.com
W elcome to the 2022-23 season! By now the membership packets should most if not all be in the hands of someone from every club in the state. Many, many thanks go to Liz in the office for putting these packets all together this year! She spent a great deal of time and effort making sure they were all ready for the Aug. directors meeting. Just a few reminders on completing the info and sending it in to the office 1. Make sure ALL info on the cards is accurate including name, address, phone number and number of people in the family. If you need to make a correction, please do not white it out, just write new info beside old info. We need to be able to read both old and new to enter it into the system. 2. If a family was a member last year or in past years and you do not receive a pre-printed card, make a note on the transmittal form that it is a renewal and send the info in on the transmittal form. We do not need you to make out a new card as they are in the system with a member ID number. If we have questions, we will call you for clarification. 3. Memberships expire the end of September. In order for members to receive the November paper we must have their renewal in the office by the end of October. For each month after that we need the info no later than the 20th of the month before. 4. Send in renewals as you get them not hold them for weeks or until the end of the season. Members want to get their info as soon as they can, and in order to do that the office needs the info. 5. If you need help or have a question you can email membership@mesnow.com or call Eileen at (207)-843-7813 or contact the office. Have a great year everyone! I look forward to getting your memberships so I can get them in the system! Eileen
Eileen Lafland, 207-843-7813 PO Box 733, Holden ME 04429 L.andE.lafland525476@gmail.com
MSA Club News
P.S.~~ Oh, those Redsox!! P.SS ~~ Think Snow!! P.SSS~~ Thanks,Marty Oxley!! P.SSSS~~Keep Fluet’s $100, he’s loaded!!
the month September through April at 6:30 at the Portage Town Hall- or in the new groomer building (behind the Portage Town Hall) once it is completed. We hope you will join us, We try to make it fun. The Portage Lakers work hard but Play Harder! Here is wishing all of you a happy fall season, ASHLAND SNO-MOBILE CLUB Ashland, ME Hello Maine snowmobilers, I hope you have all enjoyed your summer. Meetings are on the 2 nd Monday of every month and most of them are at the Ashland Rec Center. We will be working on member ship packets & and getting our 2022-2023 sea son schedule of events nailed down. If you are interested in joining the club, learning about who we are and what we do, please reach out to us on Facebook by searching for “Ashland Sno-Mobile Club”. If you have enjoyed our trails, live &/or ride here often please consider joining our club. Every member helps to make the load a bit lighter and ensure the clubs’ future. There is always a way to chip in and help regardless of what past experiences you have. We look forward to meeting some new folks this year, enjoying good times both maintaining & rid ing the trails in the Ashland area. We will be scheduling workdays for the fall & always need extra hands to assist in bridge repair, sign maintenance, brushing & trail clearing. Contact us to find out how you could help. See you soon, Ashland Sno-Mobile Club Dear Members, It’s hard to think about snowmobiling when it has been in the 80’s and 90’s but I’m still looking forward to it! It has been a great sum mer for the ATV branch of the club. An ATV ride was held in conjunction with Mapleton Daze and a large group participated in the CHAPMAN RIDGE RUNNERS sc Chapman, ME Tammy Kenney Club Reporter
NORTHERN REGION NORDIC LAKERS Stockholm, ME Nordic Lakers Club held a meeting in May and elected officers. President- Bub Anderson Vice President- Steve Anderson Deadlines for club news is the 25 th of the month prior to the publications. Please submit articles to editor@mesnow.com
Hi Gang, A very strange thing is happening right now~~~ the Splanman is doing the club news ten days before the deadline --- very strange!! I trust you all had a great Summer, as it has been a hot one for sure. As usual, the Snow gang never stops - we have invested in a new 14’x32’ parts building for all groomer parts, signs, and club sled storage. Now we can have everything in one place for a change. This building was built by the Amish and looks very nice. Your Snowgang officers for the 1922/23 season are as follows: President, Keith San ford. Vice President, Randy Bates, Secretary, Kim Joyce, Treasurer. Mark Fichter. Your Trailmaster is once again Patrick Joyce. Randy Bates has also taken on the position of Project Director. I will be in an advisory position only to the club as I am still having health issues. If you have any issues that need to be addressed, some new ideas, or just want to say “hi” any one of the above, will be glad to help. Hey, if you are looking for a fun time Sep tember 24th is our annual Landowner Appre ciation BBQ. This year we will we joined by the Katahdin Valley Wheelers ATV Club. Here is a chance to see new faces and meet new friends. This event will be held at 285 Pond Road at Keith Sanford’s home. I believe the serving time is around 1:30. Hope to see a great crowd, should be fun. As far as club meetings go, I will have to get back to you in my next news because the Bearden is open, so we may go back there, stay tuned. Also, our Caribbean Cruise raffle tickets are out, so check with any club officer or me to see where to get one. They will go fast so do not dilly dally!!!!!!!! Lastly, and so very important, please join/ rejoin the club as soon as possible. Our first membership mailing will have already gone out before you read this. The Snowgang web site is wwwbenedictasnowgang.com for all club info. Well, that’s all I’ve got for now, got to fix the mountain lion some lunch. Jim Splan, Reporter@ Large
PORTAGE LAKERS sc Portage Lake, ME It is Pumpkin Everything Season!
Summer is winding down, the morning air has a chill to it, and the days are getting shorter. While many clubs take the summer off and enjoy it, the Portage Lakers have been busy doing, well, lots of things! The new Groomer building is well on its way. Thanks to all of you that have had a hand in making the project come to fruition. And especially Thank You to the gracious donors that are making this huge project possible. Without all of you, we would still be working out of a groomer shed that the groomer barely fit in. There is still work to be done, but I am certain this group of volunteers will get it done before the first snowflake falls. Special thanks to Bruce, Glenn and Otis for working tirelessly on this project! This summer, PLSC also acquired the pig roast back from PHCC. There were 6 or 7 years that we had not hosted. This year they offered it back, so we figured why not?! The extra funds will come in handy for the build ing fund. It was a very successful event. We served about 260 people, give or take. We ran out of food at the end, so there were a few folks who had to order pizza for their dinner, but everyone was very understanding. Pine State Motorcycle Club came earlier in the afternoon and set up a few riding events for the crowd to watch while they were patiently waiting for the meal to be served. Thank you to Stu and Kathy Craig and the rest of the rid ers that provided entertainment. Thank you to all of you that helped cook, baked cookies and squares, donated supplies, served, carved, and cleaned up afterwards. It was a great day, and I slept well that night! As always, if you would like to donate your time with any of our ongoing projects, we wel come you. If you would like to join our club or make a monetary contribution, check out our website at portagelakers.org. Our Club meetings are the first Friday of
Treasurer- Phyllis Orthaus Secretary- Denis Orthaus Directors- Wayne Violette Connie Brown
Graydon Sodergren Cindy Anderson Brent McKeen
The club participated in the New Sweden Midsommer held on June 18, 2022, with a Food Booth. Annual Holiday Party is scheduled for December 10, 2022 Overnight Trip (tentative) February 17, 2023 Spring Dance/Raffle April 15, 2023 General Membership Meetings are sched uled as follows:
September 9, 2022 October 14, 2022 November 4, 2022 January 13, 2023 February 10, 2023 March 10, 2023 April 14, 2023 May 12, 2023
We are hoping for a great winter season 2022/23 for snowmobiling and seeing a lot of people using our trail system. We will be starting the membership drive in the very near future and will get information out to current members and others that would like to become members and support our great club!! Barbara McKeen Club Reporter
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