MSA Club News
more fun family entertainment. Also check out the Lions’ Den food booth for a full breakfast, lunch and dinner including pizza, pasta bowls and subs. Looking forward to seeing all of you at our events and out on the trails. So put on your dancing shoes and pray for the white stuff. 5 Here’s to a great upcoming season! REMEMBER TO ALWAYS RESPECT YOUR LANDOWNERS! Lori Nunes, VP, club reporter and safety officer The Lexington Highlanders Snowmobile Club “The Little Club That Could!“ Hello everyone, in the last newsletter we wHello everyone, some summer wasn’t it. Hard to believe that we will soon be working on the trails. In fact, some members of the club have been working throughout part of the summer on bridge construction. We applied for and received an RTP Grant to replace five bridges and a number of culverts. This work is presently ongoing and will be mostly completed for use this year. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday eve ning September 13th. at 7:00PM at the Rome Town Hall. Our remaining meetings will also be held in the Town Hall on the second Tues day of each month through April. All snow mobilers are welcome to come meet our club members and join if you wish. You may also join through our Face book page if you can’t get to our meeting. Some of the issues coming up this year are, progress of the RTP Grant, a new drag for the Ranger, ideas on membership growth, the addition of new trails and possibly another Ranger. All this and the floor is always open to issues and ideas from the membership. If you like to ride and don’t like trailering your sled up north then join our club and ride on 26 miles of local trails connected to the ITS. Trails that you worked on. You will be surprised at the great feeling you will get from sledding on YOUR TRAILS. If you are not a joiner and like to ride locally then welcome. All we ask is be safe, respect the property owner and enjoy. Hope to see you at the meeting. Hal Garnett Club Secretary ROME RUFF RIDERS PO Box 575 Belgrade Lakes, ME Where has the summer gone? We are approaching fall which brings a busy time for bridge repairs and fund raisers. We have enjoyed two cookouts this sum mer, one being our landowner thank you cele bration. These were good fund raisers as well. We are happy to say the local PTK (Par ents and Teachers for Kids) are again using our club house for a yard sale. It is nice to share our facility for those helping our local children. We have raffles in the works. A beautiful handmade quilt with an outdoor theme. More to share on this in next month’s paper as well as additional prizes for the raffle. Stayed tuned for information on prizes, donors and where to buy your tickets. Proceeds are slated to help pay for our new to us Groomer pur chased last spring. A special thanks to Tracy Morrison for his generous support to our club. Stay safe and enjoy the rest of the summer while waiting for the snow to arrive. HEART OF GOLD sc Harmony, ME
be working on with the BR to improve the machine; Updating the headliner, backup cameras to monitor the drag and also some work on the wiring. Pete will be taking the two Skidoos in for a full and complete service as well. Trail wise, we are planning on opening up a Park and Ride just north of the route 11 cross ing of the 111. This should alleviate some of the trucks parking on the road at the road crossing. We have a spot with direct trail access so this should work out great! So in closing, get those early evening camp fire stories going. Feel that cool night air on your skin. Finish stacking the firewood and get those docks pulled. Winter is coming and I think it’s going to be EPIC! Think Snow and thank you all for your support! Laurie Plourde President Ebeemee Snowmobile Club Well, the summer has been beautiful and our recreation has been focused on boats, 4 wheel ers and fishing. September is nearly here and soon we will be doing trail work and getting ready to sign trails. For the Blue Ridge Riders Labor day week end is all about our largest fundraiser, our annual pig roast which is always the Saturday before Labor day. Dinner is always amazing and is served from 5-7 and is followed by a huge raffle spearheaded by Dottie. Businesses and folks from all over Maine donate cash, kayaks, ice augers, free boat rent als, cabin rentals and dozens and dozens of smaller items. You can buy tickets any time the day of the pig roast and you don’t need to be present to win. This month’s newsletter will probably not be out before this year’s dinner but mark your calendars for next year! Mike CENTRAL REGION BLUE RIDGE RIDERS Rockwood, ME
EMBDEN TRAVELERS sc Emden, ME Find us on Facebook
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Hill Road in Orrington. Our mailing address is PO Box 202, Orrington, ME 04474. Our con tact phone number is 207-852-8000. You can also find us on social media. Our website has a Facebook feed right there on the home page. That’s where you will get the most updated information on our goings-on. Our meetings typically take place the first Tuesday of each month through April at 6:30pm. The first offi cial meeting is on October 4 th at 6:30pm. All are welcome. Thank you and see you soon! Laurie La Violette, Past President Treasurer and Publicist It has been a busy summer season here at the Penobscot Snowmobile Club. This has been our second year in a row of hosting truck and tractor pulls, right at our clubhouse. These events are named in honor of Kevin Call Jr, a beloved club member whom we all miss. The pulls have been a huge success and have helped the club to stay relevant and involved in the community, with proceeds (collected from spectator & racer fees, as well as conces sion sales) from the three different pull events allowing us to make some sizable scholarship donations to local kids heading off to higher education in a trade school. These events would not have run so well without the help of local sponsors, a key group of volunteers to make it all happens, and the town (and townsfolk) of Hermon, who have been strong supporters of the club for decades. A huge thank you to all involved. With the winter seasons trending warmer and shorter lately, we think finding a way to keep up local interest in the club year-round is a logical next step to keeping local snow mobiling alive. Like any small-town club, it’s a small, core group of volunteers who are ensuring we have land access for our trail system, the trails are kept clear and open, the grooming equipment is kept up with for trou ble free operation, and countless other tasks. A huge step was made this summer when a cou ple members spearheaded efforts to find new tracks for the club’s Tucker Snowcat. A huge shoutout for Nick Pomeroy for tak ing a weekend trip across New England to inspect and retrieve a complete set of tracks, as well as to the club members who gener ously donated funds to help the club defray the costs. Their efforts will help to keep our groomer rolling smooth for years to come. It’s a story told countless times, we can’t have local snowmobile trails without local snowmobile clubs, and we can’t have local clubs without active, local members. We encourage anyone interested in snowmobiling in the greater Bangor area to come visit us at one of our meetings, held the first and third Wednesday of every month at our clubhouse on Bog Road, in Hermon. Meetings take a summer break from mid-April until about October, be sure to check our Facebook page for more accurate meeting postings. Winter weather will be here before we know it, and the more hands we can get involved in trail maintenance, and other club activities, the more fun for everyone! Hello from Ebeemee! I can confirm that the end of summer is in sight by my spotting of the first Bobolink flying in front of me while out on an ATV ride! I know many of us are anxiously awaiting the 1st snowfall but let’s not rush it!! There is a lot to do! We have started clearing our lot but it is going slow so we are now looking at hiring it out to just “get’er done”! If you can, please donate online to the cause!! If you would like to help, please email us at ebeemeevk@gmail. com or give me a call at 297-649-7372. John Troyan has a few projects he will PENOBSCOT sc Hermon, ME EBEEMEE sc Ebeemee Township, ME
With the New Portland Lions Agricultural Fair about to begin, we know snowmobile season is not far off. This Fair is supported by the Kingfield Sno-Wanders, Lexington High landers and New Portland Wire Bridge snow mobile clubs. Join all of us September 16-18, 2022. We have begun upgrading the trail around Sand and Fahi Ponds as it will be a major access to ITS 84 from the south end of Emb den. Last year we had to reroute the trail from the Embden Pond dam area (Alt ITS 84) due to logging. This year, this reroute seems necessary as a landowner has built a house where the trail crosses East Shore Road. We have done excavation work on the reroute to level some rocky areas. As Embden becomes urbanized and obstacles created by changes in land ownership seem formidable, we will seek alternatives to keep the trail system open in Embden. We are looking forward to the State supported improvements to ITS 84 from Oak land and keeping our connector trails open. You can count on the Braaap Shack reopening weekends once the trails are open. Please support trail prep work when you can. Contact Dan Champany at 207-376-6534 to offer your assistance. Our first meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 22 at 7 PM at the Embden Com munity Center. We have planned a Christmas party for December 10th. This will be a pot luck supper to be held at the residence of John and Alyson Duff. Bring canned food items to be given to local food pantries. Updates will appear on our Facebook page. Be safe in all you do! Your Cub Reporter Hi y’all, I hope all of you have enjoyed your summer, but now it’s time to think SNOW! Our winter season is right around the cor ner and I know like all of us, you too are hop ing for a snow filled winter, with lots of that “PERFECT RIDING SNOW!” BUT before we can actually ride, we need to get some work done! It’s time to get out your chainsaws, cutting shears, and all of your ambitious minds and bodies and get them ready for brush cutting, removing downed trees and re-establishing our trail system. In hopes of getting some well needed help, we’ll be changing our trail work days to Saturday instead of Sunday, starting on September 24 at 9 am at the clubhouse, so that we can com plete our trail maintenance before the season actually starts. Please check out our Facebook page for any updates, including trail improvements, or changes, notice of work sessions, and a sched ule of upcoming events. *Our first event of the season is our Annual Chicken BBQ at the Happy Horseshoe Camp ground on Sunday, September 4th from 11am - 2pm. Please come and join us for great food- BBQ chicken, lots of salads, raffles and of course many yummy desserts. **As an added bonus- many of us at the Lexington Highlanders Snowmobile Club are also members of the New Portland Lions Club. We, as Lions, would like to extend an invitation to our annual New Portland Fair on September 16-18th at the New Portland Fairgrounds on School Street (Rte 146) in New Portland. Friday 2pm-10pm, Saturday 8am-10pm, and Sunday 8am-5pm. We, the Lexington Highlanders snowmobile club will be selling tickets for the MSA snow mobile raffle and have some of the prizes there to see. There will be many great events taking place like a demolition derby on Friday and Saturday afternoon. Fireworks on Saturday night and Family Day on Sunday including a pig scramble, sack races, frog races and many LEXINGTON HIGHLANDERS sc Lexington Township, ME
Sevey Bridge Replacement.
The Ripley Trail Riders Snowmobile Club wants to give a shout out and sincere thank you to the Maine DOT and club members Mike Souza and Stacy Dean for donating the mate rials and heavy equipment for the rebuilding of the “Sevey Bridge”, a key connector bridge in the center of Ripley. Thanks to them we now have the steel girders needed for the span and some “gently used” decking materials to complete the crossing. Stacy’s massive exca vator made quick work of removing the old, worn-out, bridge (see photo) and we are now ready to get construction underway. Many other club members will lend their talents to assemble the materials before the snow flies this year. These donations are essential as the club had limited funds for such a large project. This is an excellent example of club members banding together to solve what appeared to be an unattainable task. May your ride through Ripley be a smooth and safe one this coming winter. Don Gower, RTR Secretary
Club Reporter, Marie Lougee
READFIELD BLIZZARD BUSTERS Readfield, ME Find us on Facebook
Is it possible to think about cold weather, snow and snowmobiling. In early August when Maine is in the grip of a heat wave?
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