Chebeague Community Church A Reconciling Congregation
church.chebeague@gmail.com • 207.846.6987 • www.chebeaguechurch.org
Weekly Schedule: Sundays at 10 AM Join us in person by wearing a mask and physical distancing or join us on Zoom using meeting ID 834 4114 5219, with passcode 20152020. Sundays at 4 PM Book Study, book TBD Contact gjbrown58a@gmail.com for more information! Meeting ID: 232 499 191 Thursdays at 10 PM Office hours – stop by the Parish House to chat with Pastor Melissa or to check in with Deb Bowman, our administrative assistant. Thursdays at 11 AM Ladies’ Aid meets weekly – bring a current craft project to work on (or come for the fellowship). Bring your lunch! All are welcome! Thursdays at 1 PM New Bible Study book: The New Testament You Never Knew by N.T.Wright and Michael Bird, two well-known Bible scholars. The study guide is part information, part workbook. Each session will have a 1/2-hour DVD presentation providing a tour of the Greco-Roman background to the Biblical story. Contact gjbrown58a@gmail.com for more information! Meeting ID: 232 499 191 Thursdays at 4 PM Catholic Communion Service – currently meeting in the Sanctuary each week. Sign up for our enewsletter to stay fully up-to-date with our events, our prayer list, and more!
Upcoming services and series: On going through September – Faces of our Faith series highlight people who have impacted our lives of faith and community. Church Council meeting is open to all and scheduled for Thursday, September 8th at 4:00 for spiritual formation followed by the actionable items and reports. The link to Zoom in addition to the information packet can be found at http://www. chebeaguechurch.org/leadership.html Future Planning workshop - Thursday, , September 8th 4:00 pm at the Parish House and on Zoom Fall Potluck Dinner - Saturday, October 8 th 5:30 – watch for details! In support of new Mainers and Freeport Community Services. ************************************ Chebundance is happy to take your unopened dry goods, canned goods or what have you as you close up for the off season. If you know anyone that is in need please reach out to the church, Polly (207)233-8382, or Denise (207)838-6107. We are currently giving Hanneford gift cards to folks as well as assisting with setting up off island grocery deliveries. Any questions? Call the church office Would you like to participate in worship? I t’s a wonderful way to feel involved in the spiritual life of the church. Looking for lectors every Sunday in July and August. Call the office and we will set you up!
Did you know? In the back room of the Parish House is a small church library. You are welcome to come and browse and if you want to “check” something out, there is a small notebook to record what you have taken and when. You might walk away with some edifying reading!
- Membership is for those who want to claim CCC as their primary spiritual community. - Associate Membership is for those who claim CCC as their “home away from home” church. Both Members and Associate Members can vote in our membership meetings. - Friends of the CCC is for those do not wish to become a formal “member”, but who express sympathy with its purposes and programs and support the life of the church. As a member, your covenant with us is to faithfully engage the work of Jesus Christ through this church by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness. Contact the church office if you are interested in learning more!
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