
Chebeague Community Church A Reconciling Congregation

church.chebeague@gmail.com • 207.846.6987 • www.chebeaguechurch.org

Weekly Schedule: Thursdays at 10 AM Office hours – stop by the Parish House to chat with Pastor Melissa or to check in with Deb Bowman, our administrative assistant. Thursdays at 11 AM Ladies’ Aid meets weekly – bring a current craft project to work on (or come for the fellowship). All are welcome! Thursdays at 1 PM Gloria Brown leads a Bible Study based on The Social Justice Bible Challenge by Marek P. Zabriski. gjbrown58a@gmail.com for more information! Meeting ID: 232 499 191 Saturdays at 4 PM Catholic Communion Service – currently meeting in the Parish House each week. Sundays at 10 AM Join us in person by wearing a mask and physical distancing or join us on Zoom using meeting ID 834 4114 5219, with passcode 20152020. Stay tuned for our Summer Worship series! Weekly Prayer Vigil for Ukraine Each week, we’ll set up our sanctuary space for prayer, reflection, and meditation as we pray for the war in Ukraine and those most impacted by the continuing violence. You are invited to pray alone or with others. For more information, visit our website or our Facebook page. Sign up for our enewsletter to stay fully up-to-date with our events, our prayer list, and more!

Upcoming services and series: Starting in July – Faces of our Faith series where we share stories about the people who have shaped us and our faith. Watch for special musical guests and visiting speakers this summer. We are still working on scheduling. A busy summer ahead! Church Council meeting is open to all and scheduled for July 10 following worship. The link to Zoom in addition to the information packet can be found at http://www.chebeaguechurch.org/leadership.html ************************************ The Food Pantry has easy meal bags for those who are quarantining from COVID or who are awaiting the results of a PCR. When figuring out how to isolate, let us help you take one decision off your plate – and fill that plate with food! Contact chebundance@gmail.com or Denise Hamilton for info. Would you like to participate in worship? It’s a wonderful way to feel involved in the spiritual life of the church. Looking for lectors every Sunday in July and August. Call the office and we will set you up!

Were you married in the church? Baptized? Are you connected to the space and life of the church and faith community? A celebratory lobster roll lunch (with blueberry buckle dessert!) is happening at noon, on July 31 st . What are we celebrating you ask? You!

Reservations will be required by calling 846-6987 or emailing church.chebeague@gmail.com.



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