
Chebeague Island Council Calendar

#7 | July 2022

Chebeague Island Council Calendar JULY 2022 • Issue #7 Cover Happy 4 th of July! The Parade is back - after the last 2 years we are all Super Heroes. About the Calendar The Calendar is publishedmonthly by the Chebeague Island Council. It is available on-line at Chebeague Island News (www.chebeague.org) or www.chebeagueislandcalendar. com and mailed to every occupied residence on the island. The Calendar welcomes submissions from its readers, including letters and thank you notes, but it cannot publish anything that is political in nature, libelous, or obscene. All submissions should include the author’s name and contact information. Without exception, the deadline for submissions is noon on the 20 th day of the month preceding publication. Submissions and ad copy may be mailed (247 South Road), left at the Council office (on 247 South Road) or emailed (cheabeagueislandcouncil@ gmail.com) and sent as attachments (.doc; no pdfs) or included in the body of the text. Images and photographs should be sent in a .jpg, .jpeg, or .rtf format. Please do not use the old email address at as this is an inactive account. As a courtesy and space permitting, island nonprofits are given up to a free half page each month to publish their news. Any such submissions exceeding a half page will be charged at the usual rate. All submissions become the property of the Chebeague Island Council, which reserves the right to edit them for length and clarity. Submissions that are not time sensitive may be held until there is enough space to publish them. Additional information about submissions is available at www.chebeagueislandcalendar.com. Advertising rates are as follows: full page, $70, ½ page, $35; ¼ page, $20; 4-line classified, $5; 6 to 8 line classified, $10. Each submission should include the intended publication date, size wanted, and the number of months the ad should run. All ads must be paid for at the time of submission.

Contents Island Commons


Notes From The Council


CTC News

7, 8, 9

Chebeague Community Church 10 Chebeague Island Historical Society 11 Chebeague Recreation Center 12 From The Town Office 13 4 th of July Parade 14 Chebeague Island Library 15 Chebeague Island Cemetery 17 Interesting Tick Facts 19 The Recompense Fund 22 July Calendar 24 Board Members Lola Armstrong, Christine Auffant, Kristen Dyer Buxbaum, Deb Hall, Denise Hamilton, Tricia Haines, Sarah Hopkins, Kathy Kuntz, Ann Thaxter Contact Us Email: chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com Publisher Chebeague Island Council

The deadline for submissions for the August issue is noon on July 20.

Phone: 207-846-4988 Mail: 247 South Road

ISLAND HANDYMAN “No Job is Too Small” Jeff Wescott

Chebeague Island, ME 04017 In Person: Council Office, 247 South Rd

Graphic Design Sharkey Graphic Solutions www.sharkeygraphics.com Printing Cyber Copy www.cybercopyme.com

40 South Road 207-400-6533 kaileedog@aol.com



Message From Dr. Larson Direct Primary Care is a way to maintain access to all the essential elements of your health care. I am honored to have the opportunity to serve residents and guests of Chebeague Island and am happy to meet with you at theWellness Center or in your homes.Working together to build on a foundation of listening, trust, and understanding, we can manage nearly 100% of your acute and chronic care needs together. What a relief to know that your doctor is but a phone call or text message away, ready and eager to support your physical and mental health, on your time and when it is convenient for you. Please stop by to say hello Friday mornings at the Wellness Center.

Dr. Larson will be at the Wellness Center on July 1 st and 15 th , at 9-11:30am. No appointment needed. Please see her website for the full range of services she can provide. (207) 233-2502 • www.heidilarsonmd.com She will see folks who are not in her practice for a fee of $100.00. She does not bill insurance.

Coveside Physical Therapy, LLC • Mobile Physical Therapy Practice (508) 735-7507 / covesidephysicaltherapyllc@gmail.com / covesidephysicaltherapy-llc.com

Elizabeth Doughty, PT, DPT, GCS, CDP is a physical therapist who provides in-home physical therapy services right to your doorstep.Whether you have just received a total joint replacement, have had recent falls and want to improve your balance, are having increased pain in a specific joint or muscle or wish to become a little stronger with the warmer weather upon us, Elizabeth is able to assist by coming right to your home. By evaluating and working together with each and every client, a specific plan of care will be established to meet your goals. She received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Ithaca College and is Board Certified Geriatric Specialist. Elizabeth specializes in fall prevention and dementia as she is a Certified Dementia Practitioner. In addition, Elizabeth will be holding open clinic hours one day a month at the wellness clinic in addition to in-home appointments. Most insurances accepted, including Medicare. Please feel free to inquire using the email or phone number above. I look forward to working with you!

The Wellness Center with a MaineHealth Nurse Is Open for Blood Draws, Blood Pressure Checks, PT/INR Testing, Medication Setup, Dressing Changes, Suture Removal, Wellness Checks, and Health Information. No appointment needed.

The Foo t Doc t o r

No charge for these services.

Dr. Rybka will be at the Wellness Center on Wednesday, July 13 th . 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Call 829-6463 for an appointment.

Tuesday, July 12 th and 26 th , 9:00 to 11:30am


Island Commons

132 Littlefield Road Chebeague Island, Maine 04017 www.islandcommons.com

Administrator, Amy Rich 207-846-5610 amy.rich@islandcommons.com

Red Studio Shop

BID! Hello to Summer 2022

Open Saturdays, from 10 to noon! We’re always looking for items. If you have things to donate please call Susan Stranahan at 846-9378.

July 8 to July 28 www.islandcommons.com

We’re delighted to welcome Ruth Houghton to the Commons! Be sure to stop by & say hello…she’d love to see you! Volunteers Needed! Our group of active and engaged residents would love to have your company for a walk, a little gardening, a card game, a puzzle. We also have opportunities for students to earn their 60 credits. Give us a call! 846-5610. Drop-in visits welcome… please wear a mask

Summer or Year Round EMPLOYMENT! Part time or seasonal. Flexible days! 7:30am 2:30pm. In our home Meal prep, housekeeping, light assistance with resident care OR in client homes: Provide

Fathers Day 5K was a great success! The rain held off long enough for 50+ people to walk/run and enjoy a delicious brunch at the Commons…and they raised $5K to support our work! Many thanks to our Sponsors, Donors, Volunteers and to all who made the trek. If you still have an outstanding pledge to pay, you can do so easily from our website www.islandcommons. com. THANK YOU!

companionship, light meal prep, housekeeping,

transportation. Join our top-notch team! Contact Amy Rich 846 5610.



Notes From The Council

Summer is finally here! There are so many fun things going on, Fairs, Music, Celebrations, and Beach Days! With all this activity comes more traffic, cars, bikes, golf carts, scooters, walkers, runners – our narrow roads are crowded. Please slow down, stay on the correct side of the road, single file, and stay alert for the unexpected. Chedemption is in full swing, and the bottles and cans are adding up. Island nonprofits can sign up to volunteer for a week and share in the full year’s proceeds. Last year each nonprofit received all most $600.00! Not bad for a few hours work. And the best part is keeping all those cans and bottles out of the waste stream. Everyone can help. Please call Ann Thaxter, 846-3274, for more information. School House Seconds opened early this year. Hooray! Our volunteers report the shelves and tables are overflowing with a huge selection of amazing bargains. All proceeds go to support the Council’s programs including Fuel Assistance, health services, the Wellness Center, Chedemption, community mental health support, Soup Lunch, Flu Clinics, Health Fairs, 4 th of July Parades, the Calendar, and more. Look for the School House Seconds volunteers in their new bright orange School House Seconds

aprons to help you find what you didn’t even know you were looking for… The Wellness Center is happy to welcome two new providers. Dr. Tracy St. John and Dr. Victor St. John will be offering their unique chiropractic therapy on the second Friday of each month beginning July 8 th . Mend Health and Wellness has a specialized interest in soft tissue manipulation with a focus on pain relief for common musculoskeletal discomfort to sports injuries, work related aches and pains, and mobility issues of all kinds. For more information including appointment scheduling and insurance coverage please look at their web site gomendhealth.com or call their office at 289-6005. Please stop by the Wellness Center on July 8 th after 9:00 AM to meet them and learn more about this latest on-island health service. The Pihcintu Multicultural Chorus performance was incredible! They so appreciated the warm welcome from the Chebeague community, especially the delicious lunch provided by the Ladies Aid. They will be featured in a documentary film due for production later this summer. Perhaps some of the footage from their Chebeague performance will be included…



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I will have golf carts available this summer for hourly and daily Rentals. Please spread the word and let all of your friends, family and visitors know! Thank you! Contact info: Call/text: 207-749-2347 Email: Dylscarts@gmail.com

My other email is dylandoughty44@gmail.com, you can email me there about the may 6 th hall bash. It’ll be a great time! Thanks again.



July 2022

CHEBEAGUE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY News from CTC! Parking terms and conditions 1. It is the responsibility of the park ing permit holder to inform the CTC Business Office of any changes in vehicle information or residency/ commuter status. If residency or commuter status changes for Cous ins Island parking permit holders, the Customer may be re-assigned to the Route One parking lot. 6. Customers with Cousins Island parking permits may park at the Route One lot at any time for no additional charge. 7. Weekday Worker permits are valid Monday – Friday until 5:30PM at the Cousins Island lot with the exception of local lobstermen who may park later in the day. Weekend parking for Weekday Workers is allowed only on a space available basis. Weekday Worker permit hold ers can park at the Route One lot nights and weekends at no addition al charge.

Summer Office Hours Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm

Happy Birthday! Alisha Jones—Yard crew 7/1 Beth Putnam—Senior Captain 7/24 Whether you have an event to celebrate, a des tination to get to, or a group that would enjoy a cruise around the bay, we’d love to have you aboard! See our website www.ctcferry.org or contact our office for details. Annual Member Meeting Our annual member meeting will be held Saturday, July 23 at 9am at the Island Hall. We will be mail ing the notice of the meeting to our mem bers July 1. If you would like to become a member, please stop by our of fice and provide your name, address and the one time, $40 member ship fee per person. If you are unsure if you are a member, please give us a call and we can check for you! Independence available for Charter! We are excited to be able to once again to offer our vessel for charter!

Don’t Get Towed!

Business Office: (207) 846-5227/846-3700 16 North Road, PO Box 27 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 chebeaguetrans@gmail.com www.ctcferry.org CTC’s annual parking permit policies are stated in the Terms and Condi tions provided for both the Cousins and Route One lots. Failure to follow CTC parking policies may result in revocation of permits with no refund. Vehicles that do not have a valid annual or daily permits will be towed at the owners’ expense. Signs are posted at both lots with the telephone number to call if your vehicle gets towed. Those of you who have been travelling on our busses and ferries lately may have no ticed some new faces on board. We are hap py to welcome two new deckhands, Lisa Ross and Sandy Mail man, as well as two new bus drivers, Carol Duncanson and Kathy Darling! New Employees at CTC!

2 “Loaner” vehicles must be ap proved by the Business Office. Loaner vehicles that have not been approved are subject to daily park ing fees, fines, and towing. “Loaner” vehicles must be identified by plac ing a visible note with sticker num ber in the windshield. Loaners are allowed only when the permitted vehicle is unable to be used (e.g. under repair). Loaners are not allowed to enable multiple vehicles to park under a single permit num ber. 3.. Persons using any of CTC’s park ing facilities do so at their own risk and indemnify and hold CTC harm less from all liability, including lia bility for damage or injury due to theft, vandalism, natural disasters, or from other causes. Any damages, accidents, or injuries should be re ported to CTC Business Office im mediately. 4. Persons who leave keys with CTC parking attendants or other staff do so at their own risk and indemnify and hold CTC harmless from all liability, including liability for dam age or injury due to theft, vandal ism, natural disasters, or from other causes. 5. Only customers with Cousins Island parking permits may park overnight at the Cousins Island lot without prior approval of CTC man agement.

8. Customers using CTC parking facilities agree to conform to the Company’s rules regarding parking polices and designated parking spac es. 9. Daily parking at the Cousins Is land lot for vehicles without a Cous ins Island permit is on a space avail able basis and subject to parking fees. 10. Parking permits must be perma nently affixed to the lower driver’s side portion of the windshield where they are easily visible and may not be laminated or photocopied. Ex pired CTC parking permits should be removed from the windshield. If permits are not displayed in the proper location, the vehicle could be mistaken for a non-permitted parker and ticketed or towed. 11. Parking permits may not be transferred except in the instance when the owner has obtained a dif ferent vehicle. In this case the old permit must be removed and re turned to the Business Office so a new permit can be issued. 12. Parking permits are non refundable.


7 JULY 2022 CHEBEAGUE ISLAND COUNCIL CALENDAR Thursday, August 4th 12 – 2PM at the Hall Handmade Items of All Kinds • Knives and Utensils Baked Goods and THE FUDGE



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July 2022

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depart Cheb:

Date dep Cousins: 7 - 1 Friday 7 - 2 Saturday 7 - 3 Sunday 7 - 4 Monday 7 - 5 Tuesday 7 - 6 Wednesday 7 - 7 Thursday 7 - 8 Friday 7 - 9 Saturday 7 - 10 Sunday 7 - 11 Monday 7 - 12 Tuesday 7 - 13 Wednesday 7 - 14 Thursday 7 - 15 Friday 7 - 16 Saturday 7 - 17 Sunday 7 - 18 Monday 7 - 19 Tuesday 7 - 20 Wednesday 7 - 21 Thursday 7 - 22 Friday 7 - 23 Saturday 7 - 24 Sunday 7 - 25 Monday 7 - 26 Tuesday 7 - 27 Wednesday 7 - 28 Thursday

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BOUNTY OF ART Unique art and artisans. 630 South Road across from access roads to Chandlers Cove Beach Open Fridays and Saturdays 10:00 am to 1:00 pm For more information, call Ann Bowman at 207-415 8181





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August 2022

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Chebeague Community Church A Reconciling Congregation

church.chebeague@gmail.com • 207.846.6987 • www.chebeaguechurch.org

Weekly Schedule: Thursdays at 10 AM Office hours – stop by the Parish House to chat with Pastor Melissa or to check in with Deb Bowman, our administrative assistant. Thursdays at 11 AM Ladies’ Aid meets weekly – bring a current craft project to work on (or come for the fellowship). All are welcome! Thursdays at 1 PM Gloria Brown leads a Bible Study based on The Social Justice Bible Challenge by Marek P. Zabriski. gjbrown58a@gmail.com for more information! Meeting ID: 232 499 191 Saturdays at 4 PM Catholic Communion Service – currently meeting in the Parish House each week. Sundays at 10 AM Join us in person by wearing a mask and physical distancing or join us on Zoom using meeting ID 834 4114 5219, with passcode 20152020. Stay tuned for our Summer Worship series! Weekly Prayer Vigil for Ukraine Each week, we’ll set up our sanctuary space for prayer, reflection, and meditation as we pray for the war in Ukraine and those most impacted by the continuing violence. You are invited to pray alone or with others. For more information, visit our website or our Facebook page. Sign up for our enewsletter to stay fully up-to-date with our events, our prayer list, and more!

Upcoming services and series: Starting in July – Faces of our Faith series where we share stories about the people who have shaped us and our faith. Watch for special musical guests and visiting speakers this summer. We are still working on scheduling. A busy summer ahead! Church Council meeting is open to all and scheduled for July 10 following worship. The link to Zoom in addition to the information packet can be found at http://www.chebeaguechurch.org/leadership.html ************************************ The Food Pantry has easy meal bags for those who are quarantining from COVID or who are awaiting the results of a PCR. When figuring out how to isolate, let us help you take one decision off your plate – and fill that plate with food! Contact chebundance@gmail.com or Denise Hamilton for info. Would you like to participate in worship? It’s a wonderful way to feel involved in the spiritual life of the church. Looking for lectors every Sunday in July and August. Call the office and we will set you up!

Were you married in the church? Baptized? Are you connected to the space and life of the church and faith community? A celebratory lobster roll lunch (with blueberry buckle dessert!) is happening at noon, on July 31 st . What are we celebrating you ask? You!

Reservations will be required by calling 846-6987 or emailing church.chebeague@gmail.com.




“GROWING UP ON CHEBEAGUE” The new exhibit, Growing Up On Chebeague , will open on July 1st. More than 110 individ uals shared photographs and artifacts for this exhibit. The exhibit includes hundreds of photographs, several of which are nearly full-size children. Child-related artifacts from the collection, as well as loans from islanders, enhance the exhibit. Topics include pals and play, mentors, photography, summer activities, winter activities, sports, birthdays, holi days, organizations, the arts, school, church, holidays, working, teenagers and the end of childhood. Admission is free .

ELLSWORTH MILLER MEMORIAL LECTURE SERIES “Maritime Anecdotes of Casco Bay” July 11th at 7 PM

Erno Bonebakker will present our July lecture on Zoom. As a sequel to the 2021 talk focused on WWII in Casco Bay, empha sizing Chebeague, he will review a somewhat random series of entertaining and interesting maritime stories related to Maine, Casco Bay, Chebeague, and Chebeaguers. You can join us by going to zoom.us and selecting Join a Meeting. Meeting ID is 82962476056. No password is required.

MUSEUM SHOP IS OPEN!! Summer hours for the shop are: 11 - 4 on Tuesdays through Saturdays and 1 - 4 on Sundays. Chip Emery, who is retiring from the board, was also recognized for the many years he has donated his time and talent to the museum. As both a volunteer and board member, Chip has contributed a great deal, espe cially in technology. He was instrumental in leading the recent technology upgrade that provided us with a more robust infrastructure as well as public WIFI. Chip promises to stay involved as a volunteer. Thanks Chip! Thank you Cathy and Chip! At our annual meeting, the board and members recog nized the contributions of two special volunteers. Cathy MacNeill was named “Volunteer of the Year.” Cathy has worked with the Museum for many years –as both a volunteer and a board member. Cathy assists with the museum shop, exhibits, collections, and admin istration. She works at the museum several days a week, willing to help out wherever she is needed. Cathy serves as Historical Society photographer and also pro duces our annual calendar, providing beautiful shots of our island for all to enjoy. Thanks Cathy!

Learn about Indigenous Shell Middens On July 31st at 1 PM Nathan Hamilton from USM and Thom as Bennett of Prince Memorial Library will be at the Hall to discuss Chebeague's shell middens. Please come and join in the discussion and bring any indigenous

artifacts that you have found on the island. They want to hear from you. If you think that you may have a midden on your property, please come learn about some exciting opportunities.

2022 Annual Meeting The CIHS annual meeting was held on June 11th at the Church. Our agenda included a review of the 2021 challenges and accom plishments, the 2021 financial report, and 2022 projects and activ ities. The members elected the following people to a 3-year term on the Board of Trustees: Mary Holt, David Hill, Jackie Trask, and Carol Sabasteanski. Following the meeting, we enjoyed a presentation from Dr. Chuck Radis, author of two books about his practice as an island doctor (including on Chebeague). At the June 20th meeting of the Board of Trustees, the following officers were elected: Holt (President), McNulty (Vice President), Marsee (Secretary), and Sabasteanski (Treasurer).

PO Box 28, 137 South Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017 207-846-5237 ChebeagueHistory@gmail.com Chebeaguehistory.com



www.ChebeagueRec.com • 207-846-5068 • ChebeagueRecreation@gmail.com

Chebeague Recreation Center A Place for Everyone

Summer Activities

Pool Programs

Swim Lessons Dates & Times Online Visit our website to view our schedule for youth swim lessons and register! Adult Swim Clinics 4 Weeks | Tuesdays & Thursdays Improve endurance, stroke technique, or add variety to your workout! Open to all levels of lap swimmers. Masters Swim Camp August 8-10 This camp is designed to develop skills but driven for fun and camaraderie with morning workouts and afternoons exploring the island.

Family Fun Nights Some Saturdays, 6-8pm | Starting July 9

Saturdays are for hanging out at the Rec with activities like mini golf nights and dance parties! HIIT for FIT Boot Camp Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8-9am | June 28—July 21 Have fun and stay active this summer with this boot camp style group workout! Teen Craft Series Tuesdays, 1-3pm | Starting July 5 Teens will learn how to use different tools and materials to create a new project each week!

See all upcoming programs & activities at ChebeagueRec.com

Kids’ Place Lobster Roll Sale

July 4, 12:00–2:00pm

Support Kids’ Place by enjoying a delicious lobster roll meal!

Preorder your fresh lobster roll, which includes a drink, chips, and dessert, by July 2. You can pick up your order on July 4th at the Chebeague Rec Center from 12:00 2:00pm. All proceeds go to Kids' Place and help support the island's licensed childcare center continue to provide invaluable care for Chebeague's families. Place your order at ChebeagueRec.com/lobster-roll-fundraiser

MISSION STATEMENT To provide the Chebeague Island community with recreational and educational opportunities that strengthen overall health and social connection to enhance lives and secure futures. A 501(c)(3) Charitable Corporation



From The Town Office

Town Office Hours: Effective week of June 20 th , the town office summer hours will be: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00AM-4:00PM. We will be closed to the public on Tuesdays. Transfer Station Hours: The Transfer Station has gone back to its summer schedule. The hours are now: Monday: 9:00AM to 11:00AM; Tuesday - CLOSED; Wednesday: 1:30PM to 5:00PM; Thursday: 9:00AM to 11:00AM; Friday: 1:30PM to 5:00PM; Saturday: 9:00AM to 5:00PM; and Sunday: 9:00AM to 5:00PM. Seasonal Floats and Ramps: All Town floats are in, please make sure to come to the town office to purchase your tie-up stickers.

Mooring Fees: Mooring fees are due July 1 st . The town office will be closed Monday, June 20 th in observance of Juneteenth Day and Monday, July 4 th in observance of Independence Day. We have tried to provide more information on our Facebook page. Please visit our site; www.townofchebeagueisland.org for more information. As always if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the Town Office; 846-3148 or email townadmin@ townofchebeagueisland.org

Respectfully submitted, Vika Wood, Town Administrator

Broad Reach Realty

My purpose is to provide excellent service for my clients. Whether buying or selling, on or off island, please call me for your real estate needs. Come to the Niblic on Friday, June 24th between 9 -10am and enjoy a free cup of coffee or tea onme!

Sandra “Sam” Birkett

sandra.birkett @ exprealty.com 207.504.6716

Local • Loyal • Reliable


Chebeague Island 4 th of July Parade Theme It’s almost that time again…The annual 4 th of July parade! The theme this year is “Superheroes.” Start thinking about how you might create a float, decorate a bike, or put together a costume to reflect SUPERHEROES. We certainly have enough superheroes in our community; one of our favorites, Gail Jenkins, will be this year’s Parade Grand Marshal! Batman, Superman, Dredgeman? We can’t wait to see what you come up with! Muster at the Inn at 11:00 am, and the parade begins at 11:30 am.



Chebeague Island Library

846-4351 phone • 846-4358 fax cheblib@hotmail.com Our Catalogue is online at: https://cheblib.booksys.net/opac/cheblib/index.html#menuHome

Programs: Story Time every Tuesday at 10:30am SPECIAL Burt Dow Deep Water Man story time Tuesday July 5 th at 10:30am Middle School Night first Wednesday from 3:30pm-6:30pm Open Mic Second Saturdays in the Hall 2pm-4pm CANCELLED due to MacBeth Concerts-Halycyon String Quartet’s Burt Dow Deep Water Man Chebeague Community Church July, 9 th at 2pm

HOURS: Monday 4:00-8:00pm Tuesday 10:00am-2:00pm Wednesday 10:00am-2:00pm Thursday 10:00am-2:00pm Friday 10:00am-2:00pm Saturday 10:00am-2:00pm Sunday: CLOSED

Curbside pickup is available by request. Make sure to keep an eye out for the 2022 Chebeague Island Directory!


MacBeth 2022 Concert Series All concerts held at the Chebeague Community Church unless otherwise noted*

Saturday, July 9—2:00 p.m Halcyon String Quartet “Burt Dow, Deep Water Man” The beloved children’s story will feature live music, narration and projections of Robert Mc Closkey’s iconic illustrations. The show includes Halcyon’s arrangements of musical favorites such as “Beyond the Sea,” “Octopus’s Garden” and “Down by the Bay.” It celebrates working waterfronts and our sea-faring past through children’s literature and storytelling. Suitable for all ages! A N ICE CREAM SOCIAL WILL FOLLOW THE PERFORMANCE .

Sunday, July 17—2:00 p.m. Novel Jazz Septet

*Chebeague Island Schoolyard - BYO seating, lawn blankets! Truly remarkable jazz artists, Novel Jazz Septet has been “keeping the music of Duke Ellington & Billy Strayhorn alive and swinging” for over 30 years! Their astounding repertoire features familiar “beyond category” tunes and new ones retrieved from the Smithsonian’s archives. They are passionate about their music and about playing with each other. An afternoon of musicians just doing what they love so much.

Thursday, July 21—4:30 p.m. Sebago Long Lake Music Festival – 50 th Anniversary Musicians from the SLLMF got the MacBeth Concert Series (nee, Free Concert Series) started over 20 years ago and have become part of the Chebeague extended family ever since. We are happy to help them celebrate the festival’s 50 th Anniversary. The program will include works by Weber, Piazzolla and Robert Schumann.

Saturday, August 27—7:00 p.m. Diane Walsh in Concert

Concert pianist Diane Walsh has performed to rave reviews in 46 states and 22 countries. Her performance with the Portland Symphony three years ago wowed the audience which gave her a standing ovation, with cheers. We are so excited to welcome her back!

The MacBeth Steering Committee thanks its many generous donors for making these concerts available to all.



Town of Chebeague Island 192 North Road Chebeague Island, ME 04017 www.townofchebeagueisland.org

Chebeague Island Cemetery

Reclaiming Graves and Plots* The Town of Chebeague Island has requested that plot# 89 last burial date 1900 whose owner of record was Warren “Bud” Cowdrey, Jr. be reclaimed by the town in order to be added to the inventory of available cemetery plots. Should you feel that you have a lineal or collateral claim to the cemetery plot in question, please provide in writing, legal proof of lineal or collateral descent to the Superintendent of the Chebeague Island Cemetery, 192 North Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017 on or before the 15 th of August 2022. If on receipt of the documentation and approval of the Superintendent and payment of perpetual care at current rates, a deed will be issued. If no claimant comes forward, this lot will be added to the cemetery inventory. *Town of Chebeague Island Cemetery Rules and Regulations Administration 7 g. Reclaiming graves or plots. The Town may reclaim plots or graves that have been abandoned for interment for 75 consecutive years or more. This involves a “substantial search” by advertising for existing heirs or devisees. If no owner can be found, then the cemetery may use up to one-half of the unoccupied lots [Title 13 MRSA subchapter VI, sec. 1381]. 3 Administration 2 e . . . 2. If more than one person claims the lot through either lineal or collateral descent, all parties must prove their connection to the original owner of the lot by providing documentation. 3. Claimants must reach an amicable decision regarding use of the lot and file a written and signed agreement with the Town Clerk before a burial permit will be issued. 4. Should the parties not reach an agreement, the Town will not arbitrate, and the parties may pursue their claim through legal means. 3 Though the Statute refers to “perpetual care and maintenance”, this is not the issue here; it is abandonment. Chebeague has always provided care and maintenance, whether the owner of the plot has paid for perpetual care or not.

Town Office Telephone: (207) 846-3148 • Fax: (207) 846-6419


Come to the Hall for the Martha Hamilton Arts and Crafts Extravaganza!

The third MOH Craft Exchange is finally here! It’s the Hall’s way of honoring Martha’s memory by encouraging resourcefulness and inspiring creativity. Now’s the chance to donate your unwanted craft, hobby, and fine arts supplies up to the day before the event. (You need not donate to participate in the event, but call Sam McLean if you have things you wish to donate [846 0510].) On the day of the event a $5 entrance fee allows you to scoop up as many materials as you like. We will have supplies from essentially any art, craft, or hobby you would like to pursue, from painting to knitting to gardening to woodworking. This is a chance to add to your yarn or fabric stash and to recycle some of your unwanted craft supplies. Have fun, and bring your own bags! Admission: $5 • Saturday July 16 • 9:00 a.m. to Noon

Bible Study Thursdays at 1 PM via Zoom. New study beginning August 4 th , nine sessions

You are welcome to join us as we start a new study book, The New Testament You Never Knew , by N.T. Wright and Michael Bird, two well-known Bible scholars. The study guide is part information, part workbook. Each session will have a 1/2-hour DVD presentation providing a tour of the Greco Roman background to the Biblical story.

FMI: Gloria Brown, gjbrown58a@gmail.com, 846-3491



Interesting Tick Facts

5 Little-known Facts Related to Ticks It’s summertime, which means more sunshine and more time outdoors playing, hiking and exploring nature. Unfortunately, this can also mean more quality time with some of nature’s most nefarious pests. Ticks, which are commonly encountered in tall grass and wooded areas, are one such notorious pest. And it’s important to make sure that you protect yourself and your family.

1. Ticks are not insects. It’s true. Ticks are not insects, although they are often mistaken for them. Ticks are actually classified as arachnids, or relatives of spiders, scorpions and mites. If you look closely at a tick when identifying it, it kind of resembles a spider with its four pairs of legs and lack of antennae. 2. Ticks are mini, real-life vampires... They want to suck your blood. Did you know that ticks require a blood meal to survive. That’s right! Ticks require blood for sustenance. Blacklegged ticks, for example, primarily feed on the blood of white-tailed deer, but they will also bite mice, small wild animals, birds and humans. 3. Ticks are daredevils. Ticks don’t jump or fly. Instead, they crawl up low brush or grass to find a host. Then, they clasp on with their back legs and reach their front legs out to grab onto a passing animal or human. This process is called questing. Sometimes, they even drop from their perch and free fall onto a passing host. Talk about a risky move!

4. Ticks are dog lovers, too. Some ticks species, like the American dog tick and brown dog tick, prefer dogs as hosts. Unfortunately, dogs are often easy targets when playing in the yard or going for a walk in wooded areas. If you’re a pet owner, don’t forget to check FIDO frequently for ticks, especially after walks or playtime, and regularly wash bedding and plush toys. If you have an indoor/outdoor cat, be sure to check it regularly for ticks too. 5. When it comes to feeding, ticks are in it for the long haul. Unlike many other biting pests, ticks are adapted to feed for long periods of time. They bury their curved teeth deeply into the skin of a host, so they can remain securely attached for days on end to eat. It’s important to note that ticks typically require 24-48 hours of feeding before they can successfully transmit infections like Lyme disease, so prompt removal is crucial.

Were you surprised by any of these tick facts? Ticks may pose a threat to our health, especially during the summer when people – and pets alike – spend increased amounts of time in the great outdoors. However, that doesn’t mean we all have to stay bunkered down on house arrest over the next few weeks. If you plan on taking advantage of the warm weather by hiking, biking, camping or going on an outdoor adventure this season, just make sure to follow these five tips to prevent tick bites.


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Everyone on Chebeague is invited to attend!

JOIN US FOR AN IN-PERSON Community Conversation

Under the tent at the School House Road ball field. JULY 14, 2022 4:00 P.M.


The Recompense Fund is pleased to announce our Chebeague Nonprofit Community received $53,250 in 2022 grants. Our Annual Celebration for all nonprofits, donors and the whole Island community will be Monday, August 15 at 4:30 at the Rec Center. All Chebeague nonprofits will have an opportunity to present their work, vision and goals. Refreshments will be served. Weather permitting, the event will be outdoors.



Book Study Group Sundays at 4PM, six sessions beginning July 17 th in person and via Zoom “In Native, Curtice reminds us why our humanity matters—to explore the divine, to practice solidarity with one another, and to learn to be humble caretakers of this world. She is a brave truth-teller and a prophetic voice we need to be listening to, and Native is a book that will guide us toward a better future.” --Richard Rohr, OFM, Center



for Action and Contemplation

FMI: Gloria Brown, gjbrown58a@gmail. com, 846-3491

MYSTERY THEATER... ... Stay Tuned Saturday, July 30 th • 7-8:30pm at the Hall

12’ fiberglass skiff Danny Todd built, w 6 hp motor, good condition, low hours on motor; life jackets, other equipment $1999 text or call 859-693-8460 or 859-576-4036 CLASSIFIED


Burt Dow Deep Water Man Community Church 2pm

JULY 2022 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 5 6 7 8 3 12 13 14 15 1 4 11 16 9 2 10 Dr. Larson, Wellness Center, 9-11:30am Independence Day School House Seconds Laidies Aid Fair 12-2pm 4 th of July Dr. St John, If you would like your event listed on this Calendar please email the Council at Chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com by the 20 th of the month. 19 20 21 17 CCC Worship, 10am CCC Worship, 10am 18 31 22 23 26 27 28 24 25 29 30 Nurse Wellness School House Seconds 9am-12pm/7pm-8pm Center, 9-11:30am Storytime at the Library, 10:30am Nurse Wellness 9am-12pm/7pm-8pm Center, 9-11:30am Storytime at the Library, 10:30am CCC Worship, 10am Book Study 4pm CCC Worship, 10am Book Study 4pm Novel Jazz Septet 2pm Dr. Larson, Wellness Center, 9-11:30am Dr Rybka Wellness Center 9-11:30am 9am-12pm/7pm-8pm Storytime at the Library, 10:30am Burt Dow Deep Water Man story time 10:30am School House Seconds 9am-12pm/7pm-8pm School House Seconds At the Inn 11am Parade starts at 11:30am Wellness Center Long Lake School House Rd Ball Field Concert 4:30pm Storytime at the Library, 10:30am Annual Arts & Crafts Fair 10am-1pm at thehHall MacBeth Concert 2pm CTC Annual Meeting Mystery Theater 7-8:30 at the Hall Middle School Night 3:30pm 6:30pm at the Library Community Conversation with The Island Institute 4pm, Under Tent at the Martha Hamilton Arts & Crafts Extravaganza 9am-Noon

CCC Worship, 10am Book Study 4pm

Church Lobster Lunch

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