
Town of Hollis 2020-2021 Centurion Dedication

Marcia Nutting Lawson

The Town of Hollis Select Board would like to recognize Marcia Lawson, the current holder of the Boston Post Cane, as the Centurion of the Year. Marcia is 101 years old and lives with her daughter, Barbara. Marcia received the Boston Post Cane on March 16, 2016. Born near Rochester, Minnesota in December 5, 1920, her father ran the local store, post office and phone company in the small town of Pleasant Grove, MN for twenty years. The highly regarded Mayo Clinic was to become an integral part of Marcia’s life. After attending Rochester Junior College and becoming a medical secretary, she accepted a position as the medical editor at the Mayo Clinic. Knowledgeable and skilled in reporting updates on research and medical advances, she was an asset to have in the clinical setting.


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