Circa 1950 – Jane Frothingham lives in the historic Davis house on corner of Salmon Falls Road and Route 202. She owns and operates the Indian Cellar tea house. (Was she a Davis? Wife of Dr. Frothingham?)(I found a Jane Frothingham, unmarried, 24, born in Massachusetts, living with her mother and brother on the Buxton side at Salmon Falls in the 1940 census). About 1965 – Route 4A/202A rebuilt to be Route 202 and the 4A designation switched to the road through Bar Mills. Circa 1970-73 - Building used as a real estate office by Bill Turner. 1982 – Beverly and Richard Atkinson buy Indian Cellar from Bill Turner. The Atkinsons sell canoes there in the summer of 1982, but the canoe operation moves to the old Roger Fiber mill the next year. 1995 – John and Sally McGarry who also live in the historic Davis house buy the Indian Cellar property and briefly try some retail business. The building is empty for many years. June 2021 – The Saco River Corridor Commission approves the McGarry’s request for building demolition, a new septic system and replacement with a house. December 2021 – The Town of Hollis purchases the property to be part of the Indian Cellar recreation area. Brenton Hill Past President, Buxton-Hollis Historical Society January 25, 2022 5/10/2022 Report used with Permission from Brenton Hill, Buxton Hollis Historical Society. Circa 1950 – Jane Frothin am lives in the hi t ric Davis house on c rner of Salmon Falls Road and Route 202. She owns and operates the Indian Cellar tea house. (Was she a Davis? Wife of Dr. Frothingham?) (I found a Jane Frothingham, unmarried, 24, born in Massachusetts, living wi h her mother an brother on th Buxton side at Salmon Falls in the 1940 census). About 1965 – Route 4A/202A rebuilt to be Route 202 and the 4A designation switched to the road through Bar Mills. Circa 1970-73 - Building used as a real estate office by Bill Turner. 1982 – Beverly and Richard Atkinson buy Indian Cellar fromBill Turner. The Atkinsons sell canoes there in the summer of 1982, but the canoe operation moves to the old Roger Fiber ill the next year. 1995 – John and Sally McGarry who also live in the historic Davis house buy the Indian Cellar property and briefly try some retail business. The building is empty for many years. June 2021 – The Saco River Corridor Commission approves the McGarry’s request for building demolition, a new septic system and replacement with a house. December 2021 – The Town of Hollis purchases the property to be part of the Indian Cellar recreation area. Brenton Hill Past President, Buxton-Hollis Historical Society January 25, 2022 5/10/2022 Report used with Permission from Brenton Hill, Buxton Hollis Historical Society.
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