Salmon Falls Library 2020-2021 Monday 3-6pm, Wednesday 4-7pm, Thursday 3-8pm, Saturday 9-noon
This year the Library increased its membership by 18 households and 49 individuals. SFL continued subscribing to the Bibliotheca Cloud Library e-book borrowing service through the Maine State Library. We also provided access to Tumbledown, a free online streaming service of books for children and teenagers. We spent a lot of this year rearranging, weeding, organizing and creating systems that make the library easier to use. We added additional sections for the newest Fiction and Non-fiction; new sections for International Mysteries and Crime; another for True Crime and one for Graphic Novels. New signage for every section and/or category in the entire collection makes it easier for patrons to browse and for volunteers to return books to the shelves. The books and CD’s that we weeded went the FOSFL annual sale or got donated to Goodwill. Most of the toys from The Children’s Room were packed away until it is safe for kids to play with them. We participated this year in the Summer Reading Program with Hollis Center Library, West Buxton Library and Berry Library and shared in the grant from the Narragansett Foundation. SFL’s focus was for kids to receive a packet of goodies that included a time log for hours spent reading. Prizes were given out each time they returned their books. We started out with 10 kids, but follow-up decreased, as we had to be open by appointment only, beginning in June. Through the ups and downs of the pandemic, we continued to have a steady stream of patrons. We averaged 55-65 patrons per month, with 135-185 items checked out. Additionally, 3-4 people used the computer each month and volunteers worked in the library 8 days every month. TheFriendsof SalmonFalls Librarycontinues tooffer support andfinancial assistance. Their Annual Yard sale received lots of donations from our patrons and raised over $600. We added several new volunteers, who all help the library run smoothly by generously giving of their time and skills. We thank them and appreciate how dedicated they are.
Respectfully submitted, Lynn Ericson, Library Director
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