Saco River Community Media - February 28, 2022 Town of Hollis Annual Report
The Town of Hollis has successfully partnered with Saco River Community Media since 2000. Over the past 21 years we’ve been enormously proud to provide residents with a reliable, unbiased source of local news and information, one that can be accessed on cable and online. On a weekly basis, the citizens of Hollis can connect with the towns decision and policy makers while live meetings are underway. The towns meetings can be seen after they’ve taken place at www.src-tv.org. Zoom meetings have become the new normal in many towns and Hollis did an admirable job transitioning to this format. As the pandemic eases its grip, meetings are held at the town hall more frequently. We’ve assisted with the transition as needed and we’re always here for the town if they need guidance with technology or equipment. Hollis is growing and some critical decisions will be the subject of ongoing discussion. Letting the public have a voice in these discussions is vitally important. Despite the pandemic, the town meeting tradition is alive and well and we make sure all the town’s recorded meetings are freely available to the public. Viewers can see town government at work on cable channel 5 and online at www.src-tv.org. For elderly viewers with mobility limitations, this is an especially valuable service. We’re also proud to provide citizens with no-cost access to a wide array of equipment designed for community purposes. This equipment includes high quality camera’s, projectors, microphones, and a public address system. Residents have used this community-building equipment to celebrate what’s special and unique about Hollis. Our studio has been used for local candidate forums, musical performances from local talent, and informative talk programs, to name just a few. Over the years, we’ve helped promote Salmon Falls and Hollis Center library events, the Buxton Hollis Historical Society, Indian Cellar Park and the Hollis Conservation Commission, holiday events, graduations, the annual Pirate Fest and the Hollis Center Church, to name just a few. Like many non-profits, we are always looking to evolve and grow. Remember - we are as always committed to helping the citizens of Hollis with any of their needs, including event promotion, production training, studio access and even helping set up a podcast if needed. Our doors are open to you and your family and friends – feel free to give us a call at 727-5702 for more information about our mission and services.
With every good wish for a healthy and happy 2022, Patrick A. Bonsant Executive Director, Saco River Community Media
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