
Report from the Hollis Planning Board for Fiscal Year 2020-2021

The Planning Board has nine members, seven regular and two alternates, appointed by the Hollis Select Board. We review subdivision proposals, conditional use applications, and proposed shoreland zone development. We meet with applicants, administer projects through the permitting process, consider public input and consult with experts in planning and design when needed. Our goal is to be fair and unbiased, and balance the rights of the property owner with concerns of the public. We follow the Hollis Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, and the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance, along with other applicable State and Federal laws. We also work to promote changes in local ordinances when it is appropriate. In 2020, we approved a Shoreland Zoning Application for a residence at 8White Pine Drive to replace an uninhabitable dwelling and improve access to the Saco River. Also in 2020, the Board denied a Conditional Use Application for a commercial use that was not permitted in RR2. The Board approved a Conditional Use Application from Brookfield Hydro for improved angler access at its West Buxton dam. A major cluster subdivision, Totem Pines, was approved. A great effort involved working with Select Board and Code Enforcement to create a Marijuana Business Ordinance, which was approved by Town voters on 8 June 2021. Meetings are scheduled on alternate Wednesday evenings, as needed. Members of the public are encouraged to attend and contribute to the discussions. Meetings are recorded and rebroadcast on Saco River TV for those who like to watch at home. Archived video recordings are available online, as well as agendas and minutes. While we are still dealing with Covid19, all meetings are also available by Zoom from the Town’s website. The officers elected for this fiscal year were Paul Mattor, Chair, and Max Kenney, Vice Chair. This year we welcomed two new members: Tom Witkowski and Don Roth Jr.

Respectfully submitted, Paul Mattor, Chair Hollis Planning Board


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