Our training program remains strong, we have one member almost finished with their Paramedic training, another who started their Paramedic school recently and another who has started Advanced EMT school. Both should be finished and licensed within the year. These are examples of our Recruitment and Retention training program paying dividends to our community. With the number of calls for service growing each year, the need for continued progress and improvements for our emergency services is clear. I want to express my sincere appreciation to the citizens of Hollis who we strive to provide the best quality service to year after year for your continued support. You should be as proud of the brave and dedicated men and women of your Fire Department as I am. I thank the citizens of Hollis and the members of our department for the opportunity to lead Hollis Fire-Rescue and hope to continue to do so to the best of my ability for years to come.
Submitted with Pride,
Chris Young
Chris Young Fire-EMS Chief
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