• The Code Enforcement Officer has worked with the Planning Board for Ordinance changes and updates that were all approved by the Town voters. • The Real Estate market has sky rocketed in this area, which results in our office spending a lot of time with Real Estate agents, surveyors, appraisers, attorneys, sellers and buyers. My Administrative Assistant spends countless hours giving them direction, emailing files, returning phone calls and assisting all of these customers. • The Code Enforcement office receives many e-mails each day, some days upwards of fifty. In addition to the e-mails are all the phone calls. The Code Enforcement office is quite busy most days serving the public. 1. Continue to digitize the files and tax cards so that our records can be retrieved electronically as well as paper. This is done in between other projects and daily workloads. Doing this in-house saves the Town a substantial amount of money. 2. Explore with the Planning Board and Select Board if there is a need for a marijuana ordinance. 5. Continue to work on new permit applications to make them more customer friendly and available online. I want to give special thanks to my Administrative Assistant. Without her hard work and dedication, I would have never been able to accomplish the majority of the daily work and additional projects that we completed. I want to thank Martha Turner, the Planning Board Secretary. I have relied so much on her for research, support, and all the other things she does for our office. The Select Board has been supportive for our office. Without their continual support, we would not be able to support the taxpayers and work on trying to keep taxes down. Thank you, members of the Select Board. A special thanks to all of the staff of the Town of Hollis. Every one of you have been a supportive resource in helping our office accomplish our daily goals. Our goals this upcoming year are: 3. Continue to enhance our webpage to achieve optimal customer service.
Code Enforcement Officer
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