Given under our hands this 17 th day of November, 2021.
Hollis Select Board: ___S/ signature on file_ David McCubrey, Select Board Chair __S/ signature on file John Rogala, Select Board _____________________________ Mary Hoffman, Select Board
Town of Hollis, York County, State of Maine
November 18, 2021
Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed, I have noticed and warned the inhabitants of Hollis, qualified as here in expressed, to meet at said time and place and for the purposes there in name by posting an attested copy of the warrant on the bulletin board of Hollis Town Hall (upstairs and downstairs), The Hollis Community Building, Your Country Store in Hollis being in public and conspicuous places in said Town, on the 18th day of November, 2021 A.D., being at least seven days before the meeting.
_____S/ signature on file ______________________________ Terry Walters - Resident of Hollis
The Special Town Meeting was posted on -line at the Official Town of Hollis website www.hollismaine.org .
Thank you to Donna Lovell, Faith Plummer and Lila Wilkins who were appointed and served as Ballot Clerks for December 1, 2021 Hollis Special Town meeting.
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