Hall. Rec also provided arts and crafts projects for parents to pick up for their children since activities had ceased in the Community Building due to COVID. Thank you Parks and Rec! The Select Board has been working with the Fire EMS Chief Chris Young to update the Town of Hollis Municipal Fire and Emergency Medical Services Ordinance and for the Fire Department to provide information on the number of calls, as well as type and disposition of the call i.e., transport, medical, fire, or other. We’d like to recognize the Hollis Fire Department and Emergency Services for their hard work, and training that they complete in order to keep our residents safe. The Hollis Select Board nominated and honored individuals for the Annual Report, the Spirit of America awards for 2020 and 2021, and the Small-Town Civic Volunteer Award for 2021. Congratulations to all of you! Ken Stone Annual Report Dedication- 2019-2020 Louis DeSilva Centurion Dedication- 2019-2020 John and Beth Mattor Spirit of America Award- 2021 Joseph Palmer Spirit of America Award- 2021 Robert M Hanson (Bob) Spirit of America Award- 2020 Tara Michaud Small Town Civic Volunteer Nominee 2020 Finally, the Select Board would like to thank each of the members of our team at the Town Hall and Recreation Department: Anna McClay- Tax Collector; Diane Meserve- Treasurer; Martha Huff- Town Clerk, Registrar of Voters, Freedom of Access Officer and General Assistance; Faith Plummer-Deputy Tax Collector, Deputy Treasurer, Deputy Town Clerk, and Deputy Registrar of Voters; Deb Stitson- Assessor; Tammy Munson- Code Enforcement Officer; Bennet Flinner- Select Board Administrator; Tammy Thompson- Code Enforcement Administrative Assistant; Martha Turner- Secretary for Multiple Committees; Deb Tefft- Department Head- Parks & Recreation; Madison Moody- Assistant Department Head- Parks & Recreation; Tiffany Dean- Administrative Assistant- Parks & Recreation; Nate Martin- Full Time Recreation Assistant: Lynn Ericson- Librarian; Edward Hines- Maintenance; Jessica Wildes- Animal Control Officer and finally Tom Witkowski Animal Control Officer.
Respectfully, The Hollis Select Board
Dave McCubrey- Chairman Jack Rogala Mary Hoffman
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