Town of Hollis Select Board Report 2020-2021
During the Fiscal Year of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, many ongoing events influenced themanner in which the Town of Hollis was operated. COVID required restricting the number of people allowed inside the buildings. This changed the manner in which many transactions were handled. The office staff are to be congratulated on their smooth handling of all requests from the Town of Hollis residents. They were able to effectively meet the needs of the community while complying with CDC guidelines. The Parks and Recreation Department was able to provide a combination of outdoor sport programs and special events in an outdoor arena. Although the annual Hollis Community Day Pirate Fest was postponed due to COVID until the next summer, volunteers continued to fundraise for the event. Thanks to all of our staff and volunteers for your dedication and service to the Town through the pandemic. The Select Board Chair, David McCubrey, worked with both state and federal funding sources to obtain any funds available from the COVID pandemic to include $87,000 from ‘ Keep Maine Healthy Grant’ which he successfully was able spend to spend for installation of a new ramp, required COVID supplies and new Audio-Visual equipment to have virtual public meetings as well as in person meetings. With the help of the Broadcasting team, Zoom meetings were implemented to provide the public, committee members and all municipal officials a safe way to meet. The Select Board would like to thank Poland Spring (Blue Triton) for their continued generosity and support of Hollis. The donation of a snow blower allowed our pond to be kept clear of snow, which made it more inviting for people to play hockey and ice skate. The donation of a three-room trailer helped residents to feel comfortable with meeting town officials and employees during the pandemic. Poland Spring also donated money to the Hollis Community Day Committee. The Sports Complex received a $20,000 donation designated to upgrade the walking path and installation of additional playground equipment. We are all very excited to have additional space for the children to play and walk. We appreciate all your support Poland Spring! The Select Board would also like to thank the many individuals, businesses and truckers who donated funds toward the Hollis Community Day event that eventually was cancelled but the funds remained in a protected account for use at a later date. The list is too extensive to list but thanks to each and every one for your generosity and community spirit. Aspecial thanks to Brookfield for allowing us to apply for a grant for water safety equipment to be used with our Summer Recreation Program. The Narragansett Number One Foundation continues to support many projects to enable the Sports Complex to upgrade their concession stand and the Community Day event to be held.
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