Article 36: Shall Section 7.4.2 of the Hollis Zoning Ordinance be amended to change 7.4.2 Application Fees to be determined by the Select Board in Policy #10? rticle 36: Shal Section 7.4.2 of the Hol is Zoning Ordinance be a ended to change 7.4.2 p lication Fe s to be deter ined by the Select Board in Policy #10?
Select Board Recommends Select Board Reco ends
Planning Board Recommends Plan ing Board Reco ends
Article 37: Shall Section 6 of the Hollis Zoning Ordinance be amended to add section 6.27 lighting as written? rticle 37: Shal Section 6 of the Hol is Zoning Ordinance be a ended to ad section 6.27 lighting as writ en?
Select Board Recommends Select Board Reco ends
Planning Board Recommends Plan ing Board Reco ends
Article 38: Shall Section 6.24 of the Hollis Zoning Ordinance be amended to add Section 6.24.3 Entrance Permits for entrance/driveway/and roads as written? rticle 38: Shal Section 6.24 of the Hol is Zoning Ordinance be a ended to ad Section 6.24.3 Entrance Per its for entrance/drive ay/and roads as writ en?
Select Board Recommends Select Board Reco ends
Planning Board Recommends Plan ing Board Reco ends
Article 39: Shall Section 4 of the Hollis Planning Board Ordinance be amended to add Section 4 F explanation of use of fees collected as written? rticle 39: Shal Section 4 of the Hol is Plan ing Board Ordinance be a ended to ad Section 4 F explanation of use of fe s col ected as writ en?
Select Board Recommends Select Board Reco ends
Planning Board Recommends Plan ing Board Reco ends
Article 40: Shall the Town raise, appropriate, and expend to the Hollis Community Day Fund $5,000 to support the event? rticle 40: Shal the To n raise, ap ropriate, and expend to the Hol is Co unity Day Fund $5,0 to sup ort the event?
Select Board Recommends Select Board Reco ends
Finance Committee Recommends Finance Co it e Reco ends
Article 41: Shall the Town authorize the sale or transfer of the Tea House Building located at 315 East Old Alfred Road to a non-profit on such terms and conditions as the Select Board deem are in the best interest of the Town? rticle 41: Shal the To n authorize the sale or transfer of the Tea House Building located at 315 East Old Alfred Road to a non-profit on such ter s and conditions as the Select Board de are in the best interest of the To n?
Select Board Recommends Select Board Reco ends
Conservation Commission Recommends Conservation Co is ion Reco ends
Given under our hands this 14 day of April, A.D. 2022 Hollis Select Board: s/signature on file David McCubrey, Chairperson iven under our hands this 14 day of April, A.D. 202 ol is Select Board: s/signature on file David McCubrey, Chairperson
s/signature on file, John Rogala s/signature on file Mary Hoffman s/signature on file, John Rogala s/signature on file Mary Hof an
Martha E. Huff, Hollis Town Clerk Received signed warrant on 4/14/2022 artha E. Huf , Hol is To n Clerk Received signed war ant on 4/14/202
Proposed Ordinances are available on the town’s website at www.hollis,maine.org or the Hollis Town Hall. Proposed Ordinances are available on the to n’s website at w .hol is,maine.org or the ol is To n Hal .
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ATM June 14, 2022- Warrant- April 14, 2022 AT June 14, 202 - War ant- April 14, 202
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