
Senator Donna Bailey 3 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0003 Office (207) 287-1515 Senator Donna Bailey 3 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0003 Office (207) 287-1515 Senator Donna Bailey 3 State House Station August , E 04333-0003 Office (207) 287-1515

130th Legislature Senate of Maine Senate District 31 130th Legislature Sen te of Maine Senate District 31 130th Legislature Sen t of M i e Senate District 31

Dear Friends and Residents of Hollis, Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your State Senator. I am honored and humbled by the responsibility of representing you, your families, and our community in Augusta. I promise to work hard to do just that. This legislative session will be different from anything we have experienced before, working remotely when we can, having virtual committee meetings to promote safety guidelines in the face of COVID-19. Legislative committees will start to hold public hearings and work sessions on bills in early 2021. A live video stream of committee meetings will be available through the Legislature’s YouTube channel. I encourage folks to participate in the legislative process by testifying on bills virtually, another new feature of this session to socially distance as much as possible. Some of the priorities this session that the Legislature will face are developing more COVID-19 relief and support initiatives for families, small businesses and local government. We will also need to pass a responsible and effective budget and invest in Maine’s future. Even with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, people in Maine are still struggling. It is my utmost priority in this Legislature to support bills that help Maine families get back on their feet and invest in Maine so that we can have a stable future. We all need to work together to stay safe and get through this. If you have any questions or concerns, I am always available to listen and to help when I can. Please email me at Donna.Bailey@legislature.maine.gov or call my office at (207) 287-1515. I also encourage you to sign up to my emailing list to receive my regular legislative updates. You can do so at www.mainesenate.org. I look forward to working with you in 2021! Sincerely, Dear Friends and Residents of Hollis, Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your State Senator. I am honored and humbled by the responsibility of representing you, your families, and our community in Augusta. I promise to work hard to do just that. This legislative session will be different from anything we have experienced before, working remotely when we can, having virtual committee meetings to promote safety guidelines in the face of COVID-19. Legislative committees will start to hold public hearings and work sessions on bills in early 2021. A live video stream of committee meetings will be available through the Legislature’s YouTube channel. I encourage folks to participate in the legislative process by testifying on bills virtually, another new feature of this session to socially distance as much as possible. Some of the priorities this session that the Legislature will face are developing more COVID-19 relief and support initiatives for families, small businesses and local government. We will also need to pass a responsible and effective budget and invest in Maine’s future. Even with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, people in Maine are still struggling. It is my utmost priority in this Legislature to support bills that help Maine families get back on their feet and invest in Maine so that we can have a stable future. We all need to work together to stay safe and get through this. If you have any questions or concerns, I am always available to listen and to help when I can. Please email me at Donna.Bailey@legislature.maine.gov or call my office at (207) 287-1515. I also encourage you to sign up to my emailing list to receive my regular legislative updates. You can do so at www.mainesenate.org. I look forward to working with you in 2021! Sincerely, January 18, 2022 Dear Friends and si nts f H l is, T nk yo f r t e opp rtu it t s r s r t t t r. I r l t r s i ilit f r r s ti , r f ili s, a r c it i st . I r is t keep working hard to do just that. Last y ar, I was able to help r vive th State Property Tax Deferral Program, which will help s ni rs and p opl who a e disabilities stay in their homes. Basically, th program allows h st t t pay the homeowner’s property ax until he h meowner moves or p sses away. After the homeowner moves or passes away, the homeowner or th estate repays the def rred property taxes, pl s some interest for th lien that the state places on the property as ecurity. To apply for the program, please contact your local municipal asses or. Y u can also find he application form online at www.maine.gov/revenue/tax-returns-forms-property-tax. The application deadline is April 1, 2022. Earlier this month, the 130th Legislature reconvened for the Sec nd Regular S ssion on January 5, 2022. The statut ry adjournment dat is April 20, 2022. During this session, we will be busy. The Legislature has over 575 bills, including carryover bills from the First Regular and Special Sessions in 2021, to work on. I troduced a new b ll, LD 1752, which is an Act To Provide Insu ance Covera e for a Beneficiary on a Tr nsfer on D ath De d. If you’d like to get mail updates on th s bill, pleas subscrib to he Legislature’s Commi tee n Health Coverage, Insurance, and Financial Services’ mailing list at lists.legislature.maine.gov/sympa/info/hcifs/ip. In this session, I will continue serving as a Member of the Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs and the Committ e on Government Oversight. If y u have ny questions or concerns, I m always available to listen nd he p when I can. Please em il me at Do na.B iley@legislature.maine.gov or call my office at (207) 287-1515. I also encourage you to sign up to my emailing list to receive my regular legislative updates. You can do so at www.mainesenate.org. i r l ,

Senator Donna Bailey

Senator Donna Bailey t r il

Donna.Bailey@legislature.maine.gov Fax: (207) 287-1585 * TTY (207) 287-1583 * Message Service 1-800-423-6900 * Website: legislature.maine.gov/senate Donna.Bailey@legislature.maine.gov Fax: (207) 287-1585 * TTY (207) 287-1583 * Message Service 1-800-423-6900 * Website: legislature.maine.gov/senate Donna.Bailey@legislature.maine.gov Fax: (207) 287-1585 * TTY (207) 287-1583 * Message Service 1-800-423-6900 * Website: legislature.maine.gov/senate


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