SANTA FOR KIDS PROGRAM This was the 30 th year for the Santa Program! We assisted 10 families with Christmas presents for a total of 23 children. The program was very fortunate to receive $5500 in cash, toy and gift card donations. Along with lots of handmade mittens, hats, and scarves. A new addition to the Santa Program this year was giftbags for Seniors. Giftbags with snacks, socks, mittens, hats and other items were given out to Seniors who could use a little Christmas magic. Feedback so far has been great and I hope to be able to continue this program next year with a few tweaks. One receiving senior let me know this: “I think it was a wonderful thing to do, to let us know we are still thought of”.
It was a bit challenging running the program this year by myself. Shopping for 23 children is a lot of work. Thankfully TJ Thayer shopped for 4 of those children and Walmart and Amazon both shipped quickly.
A special thank you to Patty Dyer, Patty Young, and Ruth Quirion who came in to help wrap presents. And to the PW crew and Jake Verrill who assisted with delivery of the Senior giftbags.
Those wishing to make donations for next year can drop off new, unwrapped toys, clothing, books, arts & crafts, or check/cash at the Town Office any time throughout the year. A SPECIAL THANK YOU to the following people for your generous donations. We could not run this program without your generous support.
American Legion Post # 150
Parent Lumber
** American Legion Post # 150 SAL
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Androscoggin Bank Dorothy Bouchles
Janice Ferri
** Sandra & Stacy Ballard
Thomas Roberts Machias Motel Naomi Cesare
** Bryant Energy
Chandler Funeral Homes
** Ed & Shelly Comeau
Day Motors
** Depot Square Hardware Store
Dirigo Federal Credit Union
Lorrie Rand
** Earle' Heating Oil
Economy Motors Penny & Bud Emery
Ricky & Lori Plummer
** Electrostatic Technologies
Paula Stotts Cindy Charloff Walter Lowe
** Future Foods ** Hannaford
Brian Grondin
High Rollers - TJ Thayer
** Vic & Dawnetta Hodgkins
Mechanic Falls Vet ** Minot Methodist Church “One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas Day. Don’t clean it up too quickly.” ---- Andy Rooney
Michelle Emery, Santa for Kids Program Coordinator
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