This year has seen many changes in the Clerk’s Office. Julie accepted a position in Otisfield after working in the Town of Mechanic Falls for 4+ years. I came on board in November to “replace” Julie; and I jumped right into the deep end with my first day being the first Monday in November, meaning it was Town Council Meeting night; my second day was Election Day! Both were long days, giving me a feel for what was to come, but I came back Wednesday morning ready to go.
As with most things in life, change is inevitable and the Clerk’s Office is no exception. Lorrie Rand, our Deputy Clerk moved on inMarch to become the Registrar in Otisfield; I am so grateful for the time I had her here to learn from. My biggest debt of gratitude goes to Lisa Prevost, who patiently puts her own work aside as I continually interrupt her with
questions. I am getting more comfortable as your Town Clerk every day and would like to thank everyone for their patience as I learn the ropes. I have met many of the citizens of Mechanic Falls and thank you for welcoming me into your community. I look forward getting to know this community better and to help with your needs going forward. Please be sure to check out the town’s website for upcoming events and announcements: www.mechanicfalls/govoffice.com. We also offer a wide variety of online services like Rapid Renew for registrations, ATV, Boat, Snowmobile registrations, Hunting and Fishing licensing as well as Dog Registrations. All of the links are posted on the Website. Please do not hesitate to contact us at 207-345-2871 if you have any questions.
Janice Ferri, Town Clerk
2021 Vital Statistics
2184 Active Voters
24 Births
744 Republicans
45 Deaths
563 Democrats
22 Marriages
140 Green Independent 737 Unenrolled
Inland Fisheries & Wildlife 174 Hunting/Fishing licenses
Motor Vehicle Registrations
94 Boat Registrations 172 ATV Registrations
2387 processed registrations
111 Snowmobile Registrations
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