Dedication of the Annual Town Report
It is with great pleasure that this year’s Town Report is dedicated to John L. Myers Jr. John has served as Buxton’s Town Clerk for 36 consecutive years and is probably one of the most recognized faces in the Town of Buxton. As Town Clerk, John wears many hats. Roles and responsibilities include, but are not limited to, overseeing, and certifying elections, appointing town positions, preserving town records, completing motor vehicle registrations, licensing dogs, issuing vital records, and ensuring appropriate fees are collected for the town. He also oversees our Deputy Town Clerks you meet as you enter Town Hall. You may even see John performing a marriage ceremony in Town Hall every now and then. In addition to being an asset for the Town of Buxton, John is one of the most highly respected and educated Town Clerks in the State of Maine. John has been enthusiastically active in several organizations throughout the state. He is a member of the York County Clerks Association where he previously served as Vice President and President. He is currently the Treasurer for the Maine Town & City Clerks’ Association (MTCCA) and has previously served as President for MTCCA as well. John received his “Lifetime Certification” in 1999. He has been the recipient of numerous awards through MTCCA including “Town Clerk of the Year” in 2002, the “Ethelyn Stuart Marthia Award” in 2013, the “Presidents Award” in 2016 and MTCCA’s newest award – the “Lighthouse Award” in 2021 for being a beacon of light throughout the year. He also earned the title of “Certified Municipal Clerk” by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks in 2012 and received recognition with the New England Municipal Clerks Institute and Academy in 2011 for completing their 3-year educational program and received the “Lobster Award”. John is certified as a Treasurer through the Maine Municipal Tax Collectors’ and Treasurers’Association (MMTCTA). He was an instrumental member of the Building Committee for the creation of the beautiful Town Hall we have today. John’s interests and community involvement go far beyond his Town Clerk duties. He was a member of the Bonny Eagle Jaycees for 5 years where he served as President. He is currently the Secretary of the South Buxton Cemetery Association and previously served as the cemetery’s Superintendent for several years. His dedication and involvement with the cemetery led him to having a road within the cemetery named in his honor. He is heavily involved in other cemetery associations throughout Buxton as well. Believe it or not, John has been digging graves by hand for 47 years. He is a wealth of knowledge regarding Buxton’s history and has been involved in various capacities within the Buxton-Hollis Historical Society. John has been a member of the Bar Mills Community Church for 30 years where he has served as Deacon. He is currently in charge of managing the church’s finances. John is a lifelong resident of Buxton and currently resides in town with his wife, Louise. He is the father of Joshua and Nicole and a proud Beepa to Logan and Bayley. John, we truly thank you for your continued service to our town. We appreciate the help you have given to others over the years. The love you have for Buxton and the community does not go unnoticed.
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