2021 Annual Report Code Enforcement Office 2021 Annual Report Code Enforcement Office
As can be seen by the table below, building activity has significantly increased in 2021, dwelling permits increased by 100%, with a corresponding increase in plumbing and septic installation permits. Activity for the Planning Board was also up with the approval of two significant housing subdivisions, a number of minor (1 to 3 unit) subdivisions or revisions. Business use applications were also up, including three solar farms and a major upgrade to CMP’s infrastructure off Henry Hill Road. One solar farm was completed off Beech Plains Road. Many of the projects approved by the Planning Board will start construction in 2022. Revenues from the permit and inspection fees should be a net positive for the Code Office operating budget for the next few years. 2021 was also another year of Covid-19 and people working from home and filing complaints on noise for activity by their neighbors. Barking dogs and working in their yard until after hours are common complaints. This places extra demand on the code office staff for calls, walk ins, and investigating the complaints. As can be se n by the table below, building activity has significa tly increased in 2021, dwelling er its increased by 100%, with a corresponding increase in plumbing and septic installation permits. Activity for the Planning Board was also up with the approval of two significant housing subdivisions, a number of minor (1 to 3 unit) subdivisions or revisions. Business use applications ere also up, including three solar farms and a major upgrade to CMP’s infrastructure off Henry ill oad. ne solar farm was completed off Beech Plains Road. t projects ap roved by the Planni g Board will star construction in 202 . Revenues r it and inspection fe s hould be a net positive for the Code Office operating budget f r t ext fe years. 2021 was also another year of Covid-19 and people working from home and filing complaints on noise for activity by their neighbors. Barking dogs and working in their yard until after hours are common complaints. This places extra demand on the code office staff for calls, walk ins, and investigating the complaints.
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Stick Build Homes
Manufactured/Mobile Homes
5 2 9
3 0
7 1
1 2
1 3
4 2
6 2
6 4
4 1
Modular Homes
13 35 60 40 38
11 23 57 49 34
20 15 66 54 38
26 18 29 41 39
12 26 55 48 49
18 33 64 53 41
25 26 56 50 37
23 41 49 41 34
17 27 56 70 59
Alterations & Additions
34 55 41 40
Sheds, Decks, Pools & Misc. Total Building Permits SSWS (septic system)
132 124 114 131
99 131 142 136 138 136
Internal Plumbing Total Permits
210 205 197 223 179 228 236 223 213 265
Respectfully submitted by
Respectfully submitted by
Peter Gordon Code Enforcement Officer/Building Inspector Peter Gordon Code Enforcement Officer/Building Inspector 02/01/2021
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