
Town of Buxton Selectmen’s Report 2020/2021

As with most of the nation the Town of Buxton continues to maneuver through the Covid -19 pandemic. The Town of Buxton saw the need to tighten its belt and be conscience of spending in order to keep the property taxes down. Even with this we were still able to purchase a new plow truck for the Public Works Department. The financial challenges still exist, but with five subdivisions (total of 51 new dwellings) approved this past year, the town will begin to see growth. At the annual town meeting on June 12, 2021 the town’s people voted on and approved Articles 8 and 9 for a town wide revaluation as well as digitizing our property cards. The assessors from Parker Appraisal have been going door to door collecting the information needed to reassess every property to the current fair market value. It was a struggle for our Department Heads to keep their departments fully staffed through the pandemic. Fire-Rescue, Police, Animal Control, Dispatch, and the Recreation Departments were all shorthanded, but prevailed with long hours and dedication. The Town of Buxton is proud to welcome new employees in 2020/2021 who are ready to take on the challenges of their positions. John Myers was excited to welcome Shelby St. Louis to join the staff in the front office, she has been a great asset. Police Chief Troy Cline welcomed Sergeant Kevin Collins, as well as Officers Heath Mains, Kelsey Jacobs, Nicholas LaRiviere and Krista Lee. Recreation Director Grace Bibber welcomed Caitlin Michaud to the staff of the Recreation Department. In March we were honored to celebrate John Myers and his 35 years of service with the Town of Buxton. The Town of Buxton’s Fire Chief/EMS Director Nathan Schools was presented with the Spirit of America Award for his dedication and volunteerism guiding the town through these unprecedented times of Covid-19. The Board of Selectmen would like to recognize the outstanding contribution that the town’s employees have made in sustaining and improving Buxton’s services and image. The dedication and professionalism from the Town administration is commendable. They, together with our hard working and selfless volunteers, give us a community that we can be proud of. We thank you all for making this a great community to live in.


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