
2022 LSLA Endowment & Memorial Giving Gifts of $1,000 or more Meridyth Astrosky & Krista Cushing Richard & Ann Coffey Scott & Linda Freedman Jamie & Katherine LeBlanc John S Morneault Dan & Pam Wilkinson Gifts from $500 fo $999 Clausen, & Kendel Hudson Jonathan Brass & Anne Lassar Floyd & Julie Brown Lloyd & Stacy Chandler Anthony & Terri Clark In Memory of Susie Dingwell Cole David & Sonna Collins Douglas J Collins Anne & Paul Strout Richard & Jane Sullivan Daniel Bicknell & Joanne Thomes -Bicknell Kenneth & Douglas Truscott Catherine & Stephen Martin Robert & Tina Mayhew Thomas & Sharon McCarthy Diane and Robert Miller

A Very Special Thank For All of Your Support to The Following:

Marc & Sharon Lamontagne Mark & Debra Lavoie Roger & Mary LeBlanc Exploring LLC Richard & Jennifer Lotstein Russell & Lindy Lovejoy Scott & Lynn Low Forbes & Maria MacVane Dottie Davies Marais Patricia Roberson & Bruce Marshall Alan & Susan Marston Blake & Abby Martin Michael Mastromonaco Kevin & Darlene Matthews Helena McCusker Samuel & Bette Novick Janet & Larry Nowinski Warren Eddy Nowlin & Retta Nowlin Ted & Debra Osgood Jon & Deb Pert Cindy Rague & Dana Beaulieu Sandy Rideout Eric & Michelle Roux Robert & Judith Roy Stephen & Maryellen Schissler Walter & Jeanne Schroeder Ronald & Anna Seekins Roland & Marilyn Seguin Bob & Susie Sharp Harold Snowman & Marjorie Bryant Richard & Shirley McIntosh Edward & Beverly Messina Bonnie Mitchell John & Roberta Morris Cynthia & Stephen Morse

In Memory of Ernie Mitchell Steven and Patricia Rand Robert & Wilma Reed Kim Robinson Richard L Roy, Jr. Karl & Carla Savino David Small & Betty Bricker-Small Tom & Linda Strout

Bruce & Nancy Tucker Robert & Bonnie Turner David & Lisa Viola Peter & Alice Violette John, Christine & Caroline Vozella Bernadette L. Wahle Harvey R & Rose Ann Waite Johanna & Thomas Walsh Barbara J Warner & Lori Sussman Raymond & Alina Waterhouse Karen & Gary Westerman Ron & Karen White Timothy Wilkinson & Mona Freeman Wilkinson Jon & Jeanne Zelensky Gifts of less than $100 David & Vicki Aaskov Berverle Aceto Cheryl & Allan Alterman Douglas Carmichael Ronald S & Lisa Cook & Deja Cook In Memory of Douglas Davies Clare Downey Howard R & Carmen Farr Jake & Gina Frustaci Ronald & Sharon Gregor George Hamblet John Keimel & Alice Oldford

To O’Donal’s Nursery for the buffer plants we give out at the Annual Meeting. To The Good Ship Gelato for their generosity with the coupons for safe boating To Hannaford Bros. for supporting our cause through the Hannaford Helps Re - usable Bag Program.

To American Legion Hall in Gray for hosting our annual meeting this year.

Paul Connolly Paul Connolly

David & Donna Banks Rick & Barbara Beckwitt Andrew & Holly Cole George & Phyllis A Hall Meg & Bruce Keltie Thomas & Sarah Kramlich Dougald & Jennifer MacGillivray Robert Maxwell James Moberg Mark Noonan & Chiara Battelli Bryan Phinney Bill Readdy & Colleen Nevius Alan & Barbara Saabye In Memory of Betty Thomes Sandra & Corey Wendland Gifts from $100 to $499 Judith Anderson Alan R Anderson In Memory of Judy Andrews Mark S Arsenault Barron Behrens-Nagle Wayne & Suzanne Berzinis Judith & Jack Bichajian Frederick & Margaret Boehm Nancy Boguszewski Alice Borella Louise Bowling, Elizabeth

Robert & Poppy Cook Daniel & Helen Craver Donna Davis & John Redlon Robert & Judy Davis Andy & Julie DeRice Diane Dix & Leighton Le Claire Andrew & Torre Donaldson Dumont Family Cottages Robert & Jacqueline Gallant Raymond & Nina Geissler Judy George Jane Gould Johnson Robert & Elisabeth Gravel Tammie & Ed Gregori Doug & Tamara Hoehle David & Phoebe Horne Walter Houseman & Nora Frank Gregg & Donna Isherwood Dorothy Jonson Kevin C & Denise Kaserman Fiona & Michael Keller In Memory of Dolores & William Gannon

Michael & Christine Thiim Ralph E & Diane M Vance John & Carol West

To Gray Public Library for the use of their facility for monthly board meetings.

Good Ship Gelato

2020 Supporting Organizations

State of Maine Town of Gray Town of Windham Maine Community Foundation

To the Town of Windham for your financial support for the milfoil remediation. To the Town of Gray for your financial support for the milfoil remediation.

Gary & Cindy Kenny Scott and Erica Kidder Ronald & Denise Koster Stephen & Drew Kovach

Peter & Sharon St. Clair Robert & Judith St. Pierre

Al & Brenda Lamanda Stephen & Julie London

To The Maine Warden Service for patrolling our lake this summer.

WHAT WE DO Little Sebago Lake Association Functions & Finances

Milfoil Mitigation and Invasive Threat Awareness Membership Database Update Financial/Budgets By-Law and Policy Reviews Fundraising Planned Giving/Endowments Safety Patrol Program Courtesy Boat Inspections

Grant Writing Public Forums

Pirate Parade Day Annual Meeting Planning Operations of Organization Water Quality Testing Dam Monitoring & Emergency Plan Strategic Planning Fleet Maintenance Organize Educational Forums

To Sharkey Graphic Solutions for their great service & expertise in

To Maine Label and Printing for all of our printing.

Town-State-Federal Interactions Road Associations Networking Website Newsletter Merchandise Lower Narrows Restoration Watershed & Erosion Control

putting together our newsletters!

And to all who have supported the goals of LSLA to keep Little Sebago Lake safe for all to enjoy!



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