
Notes From The Council

ElizabethDoughty’s presentationon“Fall Prevention” was wonderful. Despite the cold and ice there was a great turn out and everyone really appreciated all the helpful information. The Hall’s new sound system and projector worked perfectly – thank you Chip Emery – and made a huge difference. Elizabeth and Coveside Physical Therapy services have agreed to provide more community education programs. Look for the next presentation in March which will focus on strength and mobility. Spring will come and you will want to be ready! Also, in follow up from the “Fall Prevention” presentation, remember the Council is sponsoring home safety assessments. Please call Coveside (508) 735-7507 and talk to Elizabeth for an appointment.

Soup Lunch to Go launched and sold out quickly. Sarah Hopkins and Sharon Rent are looking for volunteer soup makers, dessert bakers, and order preppers. If you appreciate the soup, you will appreciate how good you feel when you offer to help. The Council can reimburse you for the makings so save your receipts. We were glad that we could offer this first lunch for free. As we go on, we are happy to accept donations – and that includes making a soup – when you can. We are all looking forward to the time when we can eat together in the Hall! Until then, watch for Soup updates on facebook and Chebeague.org.

Now is the time to

Buyer demand is at an all-time high while inventory remains low. Considering a move? Contact us to learn more about what your home is worth in today’s market. PLAN AHEAD!

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Jane Leonard 207.831.9951

Karen Thompson 207.329.6729

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ECHO (Enterprise for Chebeague Housing Options)

ECHO’smission is to provide, in creative and collaborativeways, housing opportunities to sustain a year-round community on Chebeague. We are in transparent conversations with the Chebeague Selectman, CICA, and the Island Institute. We heartily encourage community feedback, ideas, and participation.


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