MSA Club News
ing the new trails. This is exciting news for those who enjoy our trails! A special thanks to all those members and businesses who have already purchased club memberships. We hope you all have a great snowmobile riding season. Ride right and ride safe. Follow us on Facebook and visit our web- site windhamdrifters.com Club meetings are held @ Pat’s Pizza in Windham on the 2nd Monday of the month. Happy New Year! Shane Spencer-Club Reporter Hello Everyone! Our club has been very busy with trail maintenance as reported last month. We have repaired or rebuild more bridges this year than in many recent years thanks to the help of numerous volunteers. There have been at least 9 bridges repaired or re-topped this year! The Snow Road bridges have been repaired along with Bells Field bridges near the Cushing Road, Bells Field bridges near Rt. 136, bridge on the power line near Fickett Road and a number of others. Our pot luck dinner at the December 2 meeting was a huge success with a very good turnout! We have had a number of new young members join the club which is great news and a big help for trail work! We are always looking to welcome new members of all ages to the club. Club meet- ings are held at the Acacia Lodge on Rt. 136 in Durham, not far from the Get N Go, typically on the first Thursday of the month at 6 PM. Please join us! Our Facebook group page can be found at Tri-Town Penguins Snowmobile Club please check the page for the latest club news, trail reports and updates, there is a link on the page to join the club online, we wel- come all to join! Repair work is over for now, now is the time ride, snow is on the way! Richard Nadeau, Member The Sno-Crawlers have been busy getting the trails ready for anxious snow enthusiasts, and it has proven quite the challenge with the warmer weather, and the muddy conditions. The good news is our crews have been walk- ing into the areas needing attention just so they can get as much done as possible. To date our club members have been able to rebuild two bridges, lay the tar paper on the roof of the new shed at the clubhouse, finish up the remaining trail signage and most importantly were able to raise $500 worth of toys for the local Toys for Tots program. We can also say that the trails on the powerlines are clear, and the trail is clear from Depot St to Route 220 with continued progress throughout the trail system. TRI-TOWN PENQUINS Durham, Pownal, Freeport, ME WALDOBORO SNOWCRAWLERS Waldoboro, ME
to find your way around our beautiful town. There are quite a few trails that have had to be redirected because of new construction and or logging operations. If you would like a new map once they are done, they can be picked up at the town office, Sugar Shack Cafe and the gas station on Rt 113. Our monthly meetings are always held the 2 nd Saturday of the month at the Community Center in Brownfield for anyone who would like to attend. COASTAL REGION Hello fellow white-gold enthusiasts. We hope your holidays were everything you planned and Santa brought you a few goodies for your winter hobbies. As I write this, we have about four inches of snow on the ground in the Saco area. That coupled with the cold nights has provided us with a thin base, but not enough to ride on. Now just bring on the Nor’ Easters and allow us a riding season down south. The entire state started off slowly with snow. I’m wondering if that is a sign of things to come in the next few years and decades. If you are reading this, you most likely are a member of a snowmobile club and we applaud you for that. Being part of a club has opened my eyes to the many facets of snowmobiling. Not just how to ride, but how to prepare for a ride, what gear to own, when to ride and not to ride, etc. The most important thing being a member of a club has taught me is how to respect the landowner. So many people think any open field is there for them to hop on their sled and blast around to their heart’s content. That mentality is killing our sport as landown- ers are becoming more and more frustrated and posting their property. As a club member, it is our responsibility to pass on the knowl- edge to others who may not know any better. I’m sure all those ‘free riders’ are not bad people. They may just need to be educated in snowmobiling etiquette. In closing, I want to give a huge shout out to all the members of our club who have totally killed the trail work and bridge maintenance again this year. There are too many to list, but you know who you are. When we do actually have rideable snow in the Saco area, our trails are fantastic due to these volunteers. Cheers! Doug Doherty, President SACO PATHFINDERS Saco, ME Find us on Facebook
trail conditions and certain areas that may need extra attention. We’d love to see those beautiful views found in Sebago too! Mark your calendar: Free Snowmobile Weekend is March 4-6, 2022. Riders from any state or province can operate their snowmobile in Maine as long as they have a valid registra- tion from another state or province. This means if your sled is reg- istered in New Hampshire, you can come on over to Maine and ride without registering in Maine for this weekend only. This is the same weekend as Open Snowmobile Registration weekend in New Hampshire, with the same rules in place. Just a friendly reminder: Moxie says, “Please stay on marked trails!” Happy New Year! Hope you all enjoyed a festive Christmas and joyous New Year. Winter has been a very slow starter here along the mid-coast, we had most of the ponds and brooks frozen up but pesky rain and warm temps has not helped! Our annual Club Christmas Party was once again well received with 29 adults and our newest member, baby Parker in attendance. This year’s gifts to members were new pens and winter hats with our new club logo. The Circle Game was played for presents; Estelle made several handmade Christmas items plus her soaps which were drawn off by names. Table center pieces were also drawn off and Tabatha purchased the Christmas tree. Thanks once again to the Entertainment Committee for all the behind the scenes! Job well done. In Club news, a new bridge near Lothrop Road has been completed, the log cabin got a much-needed work day (Thanks to Tim and Sonya for meals). The club once again is donating to the towns ‘Giving Tree’ and a donation was made to the Alna Fire Depart- ment for help refinishing the meeting room floor. The club did very well selling the MSA Raffle tickets this year. Over $4100+ were sold with half of that amount going to the club’s treasury. Greg, Paul, Estelle and Carla (Cubbyhole Pub) were some of the high sell- ers. Thanks so much to one and all who sold or bought tickets. Thanks to Sonya for co-writing this month’s letter for me! Hope to see some of you on the trails, think snow! Club Reporter Joel Verney WINDHAM DRIFTERS Windham, ME Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a great holiday season. The Windham Drifters have spent many hours preparing for the season and we hope by the time you are reading this mother nature has gifted us with white gold and we are able to open our system. ALNA sc Alna, ME
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and a warm beverage. Travis operates this for the state of Maine. If you haven’t checked it out it’s a beautiful location. As for other club business, we have a new secretary. Cynthia Pernice took the reins from Brenda Robbins who served for the past 5 years! Thank you Brenda! Below is a list of current officers. President, Trailmaster Travis Rodrick: 207- 578-2154: ciogirls@gmail.com Vice President and Director Tim Robbins: tim.robbins@kapower.us Treasurer and Director Jim Benoit: 207- 265-5547: jbenoit@tdstelme.net Secretary and Membership Chair Cynthia Per- nice: 207-650-1421: cynthiajp43@yahoo.com Director John Watson: 207-242-9862: jlwat- son161@gmail.com Safety Officer and Director John Tobias: 207-235-2069: johnjoycetobias@gmail.com Director Bill Munzer Our Club meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 4:00 at 1238 Car- rabassett Drive (next door to The Sugarbowl). Club reporter Cynthia Pernice 207-650- 1421 or cynthiajp43@yahoo.com WELD WINTER WILDCATS Weld, ME www.facebook.com/weldwinterwildcat
I thought I’d share a picture of our Club Logo. This logo was created almost fifty years ago in 1973! We are looking forward to planning our 50 th Anniversary of the Club. Wildcats have been busy fixing bridges and brushing trails. Good news this year, we have a new owner of the Mt. Blue Garage who will be open on weekends for gas in Weld! We are so excited to have the opportunity to serve gas to locals and visitors right off ITS89. Also, the Skool House Variety will be selling bait this year for folks that want to go ice fishing on Webb Lake. We’ve been keeping close con- tact with the other local clubs to figure out who will groom what trails and when. We are trying to expand our trails, but new land- owners and logging operations are going on as with most clubs, so stay tuned. If you’re interested in joining us, our monthly meetings are the second Wednesday of the month at the Skool House Variety at 6pm. You can also fol- low us on Facebook for more updates from the Wildcats. We are all doing our snow dances to get ready to roll out and ride on the white carpet. Happy Trails. ☺ Well, we hope everyone had a fantastic hol- iday season and have gotten everything you need for the snowmobile season! We have been busy in Brownfield making sure our trails are ready for the first snowfall. This season we are hoping is more normal than the past, meaning we are hoping we can do our fundraising dinner which was canceled last year. We are always hoping for some new ideas of how we can make our trails better!! Right now, we are updating our maps to make it eas- ier for you Linda Healey Club Reporter BURNT MEADOW sc Brownfield, ME
Like us on Facebook or message us at sebagobranchduckers@gmail.com
Sled season is here! The Sebago Branch Duckers welcomed 4 new members to the club! New 2022 Lake Region Snowmobile Trail Maps are now available at most local businesses. As you head out on the trails this season, feel free to drop us a line regarding
Club officers are still discussing opportuni- ties with town officials to add new trails to the system and other opportunities for maintain-
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