Member Spotlight Harvey & Jean Williams Anson North Anson Snowmobile Club By Mike Fairbanks
H arvey and Jean Williams are well known in the snowmo- bile community and their associa- tion with the Anson North Anson Snowmobile Club. Harvey and Jean joined the club shortly after it was founded in 1975. Members have come and gone but Harvey and Jean have remained involved over all the years. Harvey and Jean were avid snowmobilers. They rode almost daily Often times, their daily ride would be to a restaurant for lunch. They also took some pretty amazing snowmobile vacations. In the 90’s they went to Yellow- stone National Park. In the 80’s they took a trip they speak of often. They and a few others had their sleds trucked to Wisconsin. They rode their sleds all the way from Wisconsin back to Maine. Harvey and Jean have also made several trips around the Gaspe Peninsula. Harvey still continues to enjoy snowmobiling. Several times a season one of his sons will go on a ride with him. In 2011 Harvey and Jean received the recognition as Land Owner of the year from MSA. Harvey and Jean open their land to others for recreational use.
Harvey has held many positions within the ANASC. Harvey was club President in 1983 & 1984. In 1984 &1985 he was Assistant Trail Master. In 1986 Harvey became the Trail Master and remained in that positon until 2017. Harvey is currently one of the Board of Directors for the club. Harvey also participated in theMSA trails com- munity for many years. Another great recognition Harvey received recently was being inducted into the MSA Hall of Fame. Harvey moved to North Anson at a young age to help on his Grand- mothers farm. Farming taught Harvey good work ethics, how to operate equipment and get jobs done on a limited budget. These qualities proved to be very helpful when he became Trail Master. Harvey has seen many changes in trails, snowmobiles and groom- ing equipment during his life- time. When Harvey first became Trial Master he used an Arctic Cat Panther and a homemade drag to groom the trails. Dana, Harvey’s son, built an 8-foot drag, which they had to pull together using two Artic Cat Panthers. The next upgrade in grooming equipment was a Ski Doo Alpine double track.
In the late 80’s the club purchased an ASV track Truck. This was the first trail groomer the club pur- chased and what a huge upgrade from the Alpine. In 1997 the club purchased a used 1995 Tucker 100 with a Mogul Master Drag. Harvey must have been in his glory with this groomer. Harvey always wanted the clubs tail sys- tem to be the best it could be. He would encourage the club to keep up to date equipment. Over the years, Harvey had the opportu- nity to operate six different Tuck- ers the club purchased. Harvey was a very dedicated Trail Master and kept the clubs trail system in super shape with the help of other dedicated club members. Harvey would get up at 4:30 AM to work on his farm and then go out grooming most evenings. Harvey was also a great asset for landowners’ relations and estab- lishing the club’s trial system. Harvey has been persistent about getting the trestle in North Anson open back up for snowmo- biles to cross. It has been his mis- sion to see this happen. Harvey made calls almost daily to see what the status was for getting the trestle open again. Harvey is
one-step closer in accomplish- ing his mission. Recently the RR bed was purchased by the State of Maine to open for recreational use. There was a small cere- mony to name the trestle “Wil- liams Bridge” and Harvey had the honor of cutting the ribbon. Hopefully in 2022-23 the repairs to the trestle will be complete and Harvey can drive his sled across the “Williams Bridge” Jean also played a vital role in the ANASC. She supported Har- vey as Trail Master, volunteered countless hours and made many food items for the clubs fund rais- ing events. Jean was well known for the delicious homemade pan- cakes she made for the clubs annual; pancake breakfast. Jean has made countless pies and batches of dynamites to sell at the clubs annual craft fair. It did not take long for the dynamites to sell out and people would request pies that were made by Jean. Again a huge thank you to the Williams family for everything they have done and continue to do for the ANASC. Congratu- lations Harvey for the honor of the “Williams Bridge” Mission accomplished!
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