EAST MACHIAS SWF & Son Lobster Co, (207) 259-0988 EAST MILLINOCKET Calvary Temple Assembly, (207) 746-5274 Carl’s Auto Parts Inc, (207) 794-6778 Crandall’s Hardware, (207) 746-5722 Crandall’s Hardware, (207) 746-5722 Eastmill Federal Credit Union, (207) 746-3428 NAPAAuto Parts/Coastal Auto Parts, (207) 746-5204 Stanley’s Auto Center LLC Timberland Trucking Inc, (207) 746-9394 EAST WATERBORO F.M. Abbott Power Equipment, Inc, (207) 247-5278 Lakeside Market Inc, (207) 247-8440 RSD Graphics, (207) 247-6430 EASTON Boondock’s Grille, (207) 472-6074 Brent Flewelling, Inc, (207) 488-5031 Bruce Flewelling Inc, (207) 488-6188 Country Farms Market, Dan Ferris Inc, (207) 488-6089 Northeast Tree Harvesting, (207) 316-3356 One Stop, (207) 488-6100 The Maple Moose, EDDINGTON B&F Road Service-Truck/Trailer Service, (207) 974-7696 Cold River Campground, (207) 922-2551 Peavey Manufacturing Co, (207) 843-7861 The Eddington Store, (207) 843-7155 ELLSWORTH BLAuto Service, (207) 460-2422 Brown’s Communications, Inc, (207) 667-2254 Coastal Interiors, (207) 667-7166 Complete Tire Service, (207) 667-5344 Ellsworth Marketplace High Street Barber Shop, (207) 667-0490 Main Street Auto Care, (207) 667-6068 MMP Services, (207) 812-5944 EMBDEN Ernie Falcone Allied Realty, (207) 612-1488 Frost Cedar Products, Inc, (207) 566-5912 Morgan Camp Care, (207) 399-9491 Stevens Electric, (207) 399-6638 The Works-Builder/Contractor-George Yodice, (207) 578-8247 EXETER Circle-D-Spray Foam Inc, (207) 461-3686 Cornerstone Babtist Church, (207) 379-4343 Exeter Agri Energy, (207) 379-2963 Fettinger Fuels, (207) 379-3320 Stonyvale Inc, (207) 379-2963 Thibodeau’s Seal Coating, (207) 991-1275 FAIRFIELD Hinckley General Store, (207) 453-9812 L.N. Violette Co, Inc, (207) 453-9323 Mainely Power Sports, (207) 616-0605 FALMOUTH C&E Earthworks, (207) 615-1802 Keniston’s Motor Sports, (207) 878-5776 M&N Operating Co, (207) 650-4085 Southpaw Sign Studio, (207) 878-0678 Wilshore Farm, (207) 776-8812 FARMINGTON Cushing Motorsports, (207) 778-4206 Farmington D, (207) 778-6880 Home Auto Group Farmington Ford-Franklin Chrysler, (207) 778-3334 Mount Blue Motel LLC dba Colonial Valley Motel, (207) 778-6004 Ripley and Fletcher Preowned, (207) 778-5607 FAYETTE James Hook & Co, (617) 423-5500 JFP Solutions Inc, (781) 389-7999 King’s Arrow Co, (207) 215-1775 FORT FAIRFIELD Boondock’s Grille, (207) 554-7155 Greenlaw Electric LLC, (207) 472-6072 Hillside IGA, (207) 473-7942 Maddog Mowin’, (207) 551-7724 Phil Killcollins Farms, (207) 557-4879 Turner Sanitation, (207) 476-5095 FORT KENT B. Charette Logging Inc, (207) 316-3130 Fort Kent Powersports, (207) 834-3607 Frank Martin Sons Inc, (207) 834-3171 FREEPORT Dave Kenney Builder Inc, (207) 329-4344 M&N Operating Co, (207) 737-8249 Six Rivers NEMBA FRIENDSHIP Long Island Fisheries, Inc., (207) 542-0699 No Clouds Allowed/Robin Reed, (207) 975-9821 FRYEBURG Best Budz, (207) 256-3191 DW Electrical Contractors Inc, (603) 733-5333 E&R Excavation Inc, (603) 356-6086 Northeast Snowmobile Rentals, (207) 935-1220 Old Saco Inn, (207) 925-3737 The Pizza Shed, (207) 935-2524 Webb Law Firm, (207) 283-6400 Western Maine Glass, (207) 935-1158 Western Maine Timberlands, (207) 925-1138 GLENBURN Frost Properties, (207) 944-9456 Harvey RVs & Marine, (207) 990-5081 HE Bridges Inc, (207) 942-3624 Tocci’s Checkout Convenience, (207) 573-1165 Tuffy Bear, (207) 949-0969 Village Variety, (207) 942-4522 GORHAM Benson Farm Earth Products, (207) 892-6446 G&M Electric LLC, (207) 807-0169 GRAND LAKE STREAM Canal Side Cabins, (207) 796-2796 Downeast Lakes Land Trust, (207) 796-2100 Pine Tree Store, (207) 796-5027 GRAY Birchwood Brewery, (207) 657-4593 Burke’s Trailer Repair, (207) 592-9483 Clarke MacDonald Horseshoeing LLC, (207) 890-1995 Coastal Auto Parts, (207) 657-4997 Falabella Building & Remodeling, (207) 329-5687 Fishermen’s Net, (207) 657-3474 Gray Ace Hardware, (207) 657-4204 Jane Bell Agency/Allstate Ins, (207) 657-7911 PCS Performance, LLC, (207) 415-4673 Osgood’s Outdoor Power & Auto, (207) 935-2121 The Great Atlantic Puffin Co, (207) 935-5444
State Farm Insurance, (207) 657-6788 Tailgate Sports Bar & Grill, (207) 657-7973 Trails n Ales, (207) 657-1295 GREENE/LEEDS Complete Excavation, (207) 402-5108 GREENFIELD TWP David’s Landscaping, (207) 659-0188 GREENVILLE AE Robinson Oil Co Inc, (207) 695-3566 Big Lake Equipment, (207) 280-3885 Breton’s Store, (207) 695-2862 Brex Corp, (207) 985-4447 Camden National Bank, (207) 695-0778
MSA Business Members Support Maine’s Snowmobile Trails Thank them by using their services
Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce, (207) 532-4216 Gregs Garage, (207) 694-0505 Greg’s Garage, (207) 694-0505 Harbison Plumbing & Heating, (207) 532-2600
Crawford Homes & Auto Mart, (207) 532-7970 Watson Well Drilling, (207) 538-9512 LIVERMORE Don’s Stove & Chimney, (207) 897-4200 John’s Trucking, (207) 491-1262 LIVERMORE FALLS Dimension Lumber, (207) 897-9973 MADAWASKA Bob’s Neighborhood Inc, (207) 728-3896 Ed Pelletier & Sons Co, (207) 728-3802 Fort Kent Powersports, (207) 834-3607 Jean Ouellette, (207) 728-3395 Martin’s Motel, (207) 728-3395 Mike & Sons Inc/ Valley Rentals, (207) 834-6310 Ouellet Construction, (207) 725-0100 RMJ Automatic Fire Protection LLC, RSD Properties/ Cabin on the Hill, (959) 929-4077 United Insurance, (207) 728-6366 White Farm, L.L.C., (207) 831-8891 MADAWASKA LAKE Fieldstone Cabins at Madawaska Lake, (207) 768-1688 MADISON Bob’s Cash Fuel, (207) 696-3040 Bob’s Cash Fuel, (207) 696-3040 Charlie & Son, (207) 474-2617 Dave’s Automotive & Plow Service, (207) 696-0930 Frank Martin Sons, Inc, (207) 858-4748 Harry J. Smith Co, (207) 873-4232 Hearth & Home Realty, (207) 696-4247 Hight Chrysler Dodge Jeep, (207) 474-7171 Jeff Bess Sled Repair, Lakewood Golf Course, (207) 474-5955 Madison Electric Works, (207) 696-4401 McKenney & Sons, Inc, (207) 474-4606 Motor Supply-Div of Carparts, (603) 382-9206 T.R. Dillon Logging, (207) 696-8137 Taylor’s Drug Store, (207) 696-3935 MALDEN, MA Pimental Industries, (617) 470-8338 MANCHESTER Kennebec Cabin Company/The Woodshed, (207) 480-1066 MANHEIM, PA Ron Bomberger Hardwood Floors, Inc, (717) 665-4528 MARLBORO, MA Top of the Ladder Home Services MARS HILL Al’s Diner, (207) 429-8186 201 Power Sports Inc, (207) 672-3773 A D Forestry Specialist, (207) 474-3353 Northeast Planning, (207) 399-5503 R&B’s Home Source, (207) 474-2400 RTD Enterprises, (207) 696-3964 SK Precision Arms LLC, (207) 815-0401 Depot Square Hardware & Variety, (207) 345-2091 Ford’s Painting & Drywall Services, (207) 576-7778 Future Foods, (207) 345-2791 Mechanic Falls Auto Supply Inc, (207) 345-3326 MEDDYBEMPS David Lee Construction, (207) 454-0097 MEDWAY 2211 Medway Road, (207) 746-5799 Gilman Electric Supply, (207) 746-3207 Grandbellys, (207) 746-6009 Katahdin General Store, (207) 735-4740 Lennie’s Superette, (207) 746-5100 Maryanne’s Market, (207) 746-5336 Nicatou Stove Shop, (207) 746-5799 Rivers Edge Motel & Pizza, (207) 746-5162 Stanley’s Auto Center, LLC, (207) 746-5770 MILFORD AW Madden Inc, (207) 827-6314 Bergeron’s Small Engine, (207) 827-4064 Fort Kent Powersports, (207) 834-3607 M&N Operating Co, (207) 737-8249 MBJL Inc, (207) 827-3200 Randall Madden Trucking, Inc, (207) 827-1401 RJ Morin, Inc, (207) 827-2157 RL Sales & Service, (207) 827-3185 Weymouth’s Garage Inc, (207) 827-2069 MILLINOCKET 5 Lakes Lodge, (207) 723-5045 Angelos Pizza Grille, (207) 723-6767 Birse Property Maintenance, (603) 231-1328 Jigged-Up Sport Fishing Charters, (774) 200-1180 Katahdin Federal Credit Union, (207) 723-9718 Katahdin Gateway Insurance, (207) 723-9941 Katahdin Motors Inc, (207) 723-5154 MaryAnn’s Market, (207) 746-5336 New England Outdoor Center, (207) 723-5438 Pelletier Mfg Inc, (207) 723-6500 Plourde’s Rubbish & Recycle, (207) 723-4812 Rev Limit Repair, LLC, (207) 261-1022 Russ Barber Shop, (207) 723-4040 Sawmill Bar & Grill, (207) 838-2150 Scootic Inn Inc, (207) 723-4566 Standley Bros. Machine Co., Inc., (978) 927-0278 Stanley’s Auto Center, LLC, (207) 746-5770 Steve’s Auto Body, (207) 447-1365 Twin Pine Rentals, (207) 723-5293 Webb Law Firm-John S. Webb, (207) 632-3832 MINOT Lake City Auto MONMOUTH Larry & Sons, Inc, (207) 933-2321 Monmouth Federal Credit Union, (207) 933-2667 Buckhorn Camps, (207) 723-1548 Custom Welding, (207) 659-0312 David Rand, (603) 501-9271 Designlab, (207) 723-9988 Fin & Feather Club Gerald Pelletier Inc, (207) 723-1991 Gerald Pelletier, Inc, (207) 723-9094 Hannaford, (207) 723-8047 Bear Paw Inn, LLC, (207) 425-6241 FA Peabody Company, (207) 429-9187 Katahdin Trust Co, (207) 429-8400 Mars Hill IGA MECHANIC FALLS
Houlton Power Sports, (207) 532-4381 Houlton Power Sports, (207) 532-4381 Houlton Power Sports Houlton Power Sports, (207) 532-4381 Industrial Sales & Salvage, (207) 694-2041
Century 21 Moose Country Realtors, (207) 695-3731 Chalet Moosehead Lakefront Lodging, (207) 695-2950 East Road Electric, (207) 695-0304 Indian Hill Trading Post, (207) 695-2104 Jamieson’s Market, (207) 695-2201 Kamp Kamp, (207) 695-0789 Kineo View Lodge, (207) 695-4470 Lakefront Getaway @ Moosehead Lake, (508) 527-6455 Leisure Life Resort/Trailsid Restaurant, (207) 695-3737 Mike Theriault Construction, (207) 280-2946 Moose Mountain Inn, (207) 695-3288 Moosehead Hills Cabins, (207) 695-2514 Morrell’s Hardware, (207) 695-2897 Mountain Ridge LLC, (207) 695-3754 Mud Puddle Mercantile, (207) 902-3045 NAPA Greenville, (207) 695-3585 Northwoods Outfitters, (207) 695-3288 P&M Performance Parts Inc, (207) 695-3585 South Inlet Campground, (207) 933-5050 Stress Free Moose Pub & Café, (207) 695-3100 Balance Gym & Wellness Center Breton’s Store, (207) 695-2862 Charles Aucoin Logging Inc, (207) 695-2271 Erkkiworld Detailing, (207) 280-0193 Hammer Down Inc., DBAMoosehead Motorsports, (207) 695-2020 Kelly’s Landing, (207) 695-4438 Moosehead Motorsports, (207) 695-2020 Woody’s Bar & Grill, (207) 695-2488 GUILFORD AE Robinson -Guilford, (207) 876-4543 Cleaves Farms, (207) 564-7513 Dustin Lander & Son Carpentry, (207) 876-2755 French Construction, (207) 876-2276 Gerald C. Thomas Inc, (207) 876-3378 Kimball Insurance LLC, (207) 876-9777 McKusick Petroleum, (207) 876-4808 Newport Auto Parts, (207) 717-7679 HAMPDEN SA Denis Financial Services, LLC, (207) 356-8689 HAMPDEN, MA Vic’s Lawn Care, (413) 244-1357 HANCOCK Insulation Of Maine, (207) 460-2659 Merchant’s Automotive, Inc, (207) 422-3307 HANOVER Stony Brook Recreation, (207) 824-2836 HARPSWELL Lina Rose Inc, (207) 522-6817 HARTLAND EW Littlefield, Inc & Sons, (207) 938-4905 Kyes Insurance, (207) 778-9862 HAVERHILL, MA DBA Fergie’s Barber Shop HAYNESVILLE Haynesville Woods Sporting Camps, (207) 299-6434 HERMON A&G Acoustical Ceilings LLC, (207) 852-1105 Alan Dorr Earthwork, (207) 848-5143 Atlantic Communications Inc, (207) 848-7590 Coach House Restaurant, (207) 989-4101 Custom Welding Fabrication, (207) 659-0312 Custom Welding Febrication LLC, DA Pearson Heating Oils, LLC, (207) 848-5463 Danforth’s Down Home Supermarket, (207) 848-2181 Dysart’s Service, (207) 942-4878 Hermon Skeet Club Jay Shay Firewood, (207) 538-6431 McLaughlin Seafood, (207) 942-7811 RSJ Electric, Inc, (207) 848-7483 The Shop, (207) 848-2850 The Snowman Group, (207) 848-7300 Witham Heating, (207) 478-8780 Witham’s Paving Inc, (207) 848-5107 HINGHAM, MA Bolt Depot, (866) 337-9888 HIRAM Arthur & Wanda Eastman-Amsoil Dealer, (207) 625-4737 River Valley Snowmobile, (207) 809-5162 Sun Version ,LLC, (207) 256-0931 Wadsworth Woodlands, Inc, (207) 939-6085 HODGDON Benn’s Auto Service, (207) 532-3540 HOLDEN Central Maine Powersports, (207) 689-2345 Dysart’s Service of Holden, (207) 942-4878 Harold’s Transmission Repairs, (207) 989-6700 Mike Nelligan Construction, (207) 299-8910 Nate Holyoke Builders, NP Consulting LLC, (207) 944-7007 Plunkett Pond Cabins, (207) 561-0274 Qualey Excavation Inc, (207) 290-7187 Ron Bragg Carpentry Inc, (207) 570-4215 Traditions Golf Club & Pat’s Pizza of Holden, (207) 989-9909 HOLLIS Abbott’s Power Equipment Inc, (207) 247-5278 Chad E Poitras/Neal & York Funeral Home, (207) 929-3723 Wilson Pond Cabins, (207) 695-2860 Witham’s Heating, (207) 478-8780 GREENVILLE JUNCTION
Littleton Pitstop, (207) 694-4735 Mooers Realty, (207) 532-6573 Northern Maine Realty, (207) 521-4079 Sammie’s Tattoos, (207) 694-4202 Sloat’s Machining & Fabrication, (207) 532-4594 HUDSON Donald G Grant Building Contractor, (207) 327-2250 Ellis’ Greenhouse, (207) 327-4674 Roger’s Market Inc, (207) 327-2228 ISLAND FALLS Ben’s Repair LLC, (207) 949-2121 Bowers Funeral Home, (207) 532-3333 Brooks Equipment Service & Sales, (207) 463-2920 Patrick E Hunt, PA, (207) 463-2285 Perrin Realty, Inc, (207) 267-0066 Rockwell Properties, (207) 267-0767 Vacationland Estates Resort, (207) 463-2884 JAY Brackett Mechanical, Inc, (207) 491-1473 Bryan’s RV Repair RB Performance, Inc, (207) 645-6052 Sunshine Pools, (207) 645-7516 JEFFERSON BCD Excavation, (207) 458-9640 WESS Management LLC, (207) 671-0761 KENNEBUNK Boynton Enterprises Inc dba Kennebunk Sunoco, Kingfield Woodsman, (207) 265-2561 Mainely Provisions, (207) 265-2208 The Hood, (207) 671-7440 The Maine Beer Shed Valley Gas & Oil, (207) 265-5443 Winter’s Health + Fitness, (207) 778-1091 KOKADJO Century House, Cleveland Energy, (508) 668-2400 John Idman Building & Remodeling, (508) 668-8173 John’s Muscle Car Restoration, (508) 668-8173 Kokadjo Construction, (207) 695-3993 Kokadjo Trading Post LAKEVILLE Depot Lodging & Guide Service, (207) 403-0448 Wild Fox Cabins LLC, (207) 610-4021 LAMOINE Goulet’s Sale and Service, (207) 457-2223 Northeast Motorsports, (207) 457-2225 Pleasant Hill Auto Repair, (207) 457-6292 LEE Raymond’s Variety & Diner, (207) 738-2558 Sleeping Bear Lodging, (207) 399-3030 LEEDS Brown’s Construction, (207) 224-2226 LEWISTON Boilard Builders Infab Refractories, (207) 576-3003 Northeast Charter & Tour, (207) 784-3159 LEXINGTON Lakes Region Power Systems, (207) 520-1957 LEXINGTON TWP JR Nunes & Sons Excavation Inc, (207) 265-6286 LIBERTY Fountain Tile & Carpentry, (207) 505-0515 Mike’s Repair, (207) 589-6186 LIMERICK KNN Trucking LLC, (207) 929-0580 Precision Collision & Repair LLC, (207) 793-8200 Welch Corporation, (617) 254-7550 LIMESTONE Limestone Country Club, (207) 325-6158 LIMINGTON Sleeper’s Supermarket, (207) 637-2801 Wild One Motor Sports LLC, (207) 615-5297 LINCOLN Advantage Appraisal Inc, (207) 794-2018 Barker Business Services LLC, (207) 794-8563 Brown’s Equipment Repair, (207) 217-7683 Carl’s Auto Parts Inc, (207) 794-6778 F.A. Peabody Co, (207) 794-8257 High Street Market, (207) 794-2900 Lincoln Maine Federal Credit Union, (207) 794-8623 First Choice Real Estate, (207) 538-1765 GR Porter & Sons Inc, (207) 463-2255 Jerry’s Thriftway, (207) 463-2828 K&T Fire Equipment, (207) 463-2788 Katahdin Trust Company, (207) 528-2211 (207) 985-3889 KINGFIELD Anni’s Market, (207) 265-2664 ARC Enterprises, Inc, (207) 265-2646 Donald A Fowler Jr, Atty at Law, (207) 265-2002 Freeman Ridge Retreat Air bnb, (207) 491-2512 Haslam Septic LLC, (207) 667-8806 Mike’s Auto Detailing, (207) 479-0134 LEBANON
Pat’s Pizza- Lincoln, (207) 794-2211 Realty Of Maine, (207) 290-4345 State Farm Insurance Co, (207) 852-9911 Steaks-N-Stuff, (207) 794-8912 SW Collins Co, Inc, (207) 794-6113 The Waterfront Lincoln, (207) 403-9229
Googins Construction, (207) 730-8037 Hollis Safe Storage LLC, (207) 727-9002 LC Excavation, (207) 415-6102 Maine Boundary Consultants, (207) 727-5359 R Joy Services, (207) 415-3257 River Tap & Grill, (207) 298-9620 Robert Lundin DMD, (207) 929-3550 The Telephone Guys, (207) 929-8353 HOPE Monroe Construction, Inc, (207) 542-9636 HOULTON Acott’s Custom Painting, (207) 532-2228 Bowers Funeral Home, (207) 532-3333 Brown Construction, (207) 538-6502 Buildings Etcetera, (207) 532-9020 Crawford Homes, Inc, (207) 532-2444
Thornton Bros Inc, (207) 794-8666 Whitney Energy Inc, (207) 794-8300 LINNEUS Clark’s Variety, (207) 694-4369 Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce, (207) 532-4216 Katahdin’s Shadow Lodge, (207) 649-9975 White Family Freight, (207) 694-1496 LITCHFIELD Lintonia Bar & Grill, (207) 268-5037 LITTLETON County Yankee, (207) 532-6310
(Continued on Page 22)
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