
From The Executive Board

monthly MSA Directors meeting in Water- ville on Dec 16 th . Last year we couldn’t gather to do this event but it will be happening this year. If the date hasn’t passed when you get your paper, why not come see who the lucky winners are and hear the monthly news from MSA? It will give you a chance the hear your name in person if you happen to have your ticket pulled. It is always a fun event. If it has passed, congratulations to all the winners and to all the clubs that sold the tickets. This was a large fund-raiser for clubs and MSA. Thanks to all who sold and bought tickets. Here are two dates to mark on your cal- endars and make a point to attend. The first on is Saturday, January29th, 2022. The East Branch Sno-Rovers in Medway will once again be holding their Groomer Rodeo. They invite groomer dealers to bring equipment and let people test ride them in real conditions. There are also other events happening at the club that day, including a pig roast and a MSA

trail workshop. Look for more information in this paper about it. The second date is February 12 th , 2022. That is the date for the Eastern Region Show- case ride. We will meet at the Northern Timber Cruisers Clubhouse at 8:30 and take a ride in the area to show what the region has to see. The plan is to come back to their club and that evening hold the monthly MSA Directors meeting. The club will be serving a dinner for all and the meeting is open to anyone. Again, look for more info to come and please make a reservation through the MSA office to attend the meal. You can also contact me, Eileen Lafland (llafland@midmaine.com) if you want more information. From Larry and myself, we wish all MSA members and their families Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for 2022.

A s I write this article, snow is falling. (Snow Dance is Working) clubs are in full swing getting ready for trails to open. Our season is almost here. Thank you to all the volunteers who keep our trails ready to ride. Thank you to all the Landowners who let us use your property. Congratulations to all the super raffle winners. I hope you enjoy your prizes. Merry Christmas, Happy New year, enjoy your riding. As always Ride Right and Be Safe Dave I don’t have much more to pass on but do want to wish everyone a very happy, safe and blessed Merry Christmas from my family to yours. Look forward to talking to all in 2022. Keep Smiling and if you need anything, give me a call. Think SNOW. Jack Lord Well, it’s 28 degrees out and there is white stuff in the air...Good Sign. I hope you all had a very happy and safe Thanksgiving Holiday. I have been checking with the clubs in the area and I’m told outside of special little and some big projects they are planning on in the coming months, everyone is ready for the snow and anxious to get going. I have said it before and continue to say it- Eastern region clubs are great. Clubs in this region are turning in memberships at a wonderful rate. Early season numbers show they are contacting members old, new and some from years past to sign them up and show them their club and MSA are alive and thriving. These same clubs are also sending in Super Raffle tickets a high rate, so that also shows people are anxious and wanting the sea- son to begin. Speaking of the Super Raffle the prizes will be awarded just before Christmas at the was only spitting a little but it was in the air and just a sign of many, many things to come, I hope! I know there have been places in the state that have gotten an inch or two of the white stuff, so hopefully it means we will have a great year. Right now, temperatures have to drop a great deal and water needs to freeze before we get too much so it will stay, but it is encouraging. H i Everyone,

Eastern Region VP

Eileen Lafland, 207-843-7813 PO Box 733, Holden ME 04429 llafland@midmaine.com


ey guess what I saw today, November 19 th , in Dedham, Maine? SNOW!!! It

Until next year (2022)! Eileen

Central Region VP

News from the Membership Corner By Eileen Lafland Snowmobile clubs across the state have definitely been busy sign- ing up family and business members both renewals and new mem- bers at a rapid pace. In just two days in mid-November overall total memberships went up almost 1,000! As of November 21 st , two hun- dred and one clubs have submitted memberships which is a great start to the year. Keep it up everyone and to the few clubs that hav- en’t sent in any memberships yet, we are waiting for yours. Of those 201 clubs over seventeen of them have between 50 and 100 memberships. There are also four clubs with between 100 and 150 memberships and two clubs are over the 150-membership mark. These totals are family and business memberships combined, not total number of family members. The rate of renewal memberships by all clubs is also a high point. It is wonderful to see businesses and families that have not been in the system for two or three years come back this year. Almost every club has returned at least one or two memberships from years ago. There are a few clubs that have gone above and beyond to re-sign these families and businesses. Here are just a few of those clubs: Night Drifters, Moosehead Riders, Hatchet Mountain, Wassokeag, Minot Moonshiners, Washburn Trail Runners, and the Sno-Devils. There are many other clubs that could be named here but these stand out. Now for the monthly combined totals of family and business mem- berships as of November 21 st . Coastal has 811, Central has 813, Western has 985, Northern has 1,046 and the Eastern Region has 1,397. There are 4,104 family memberships and 965 business memberships with total member- ships of 5,069. Let’s see what December brings! Happy holidays everyone!

Jack Lord Home: (207) 672-3915 • Cell: 207-717-7131 Email: jacklord5256@gmail.com

Coastal Region VP

David Watson, 207-205-1558 412 Roberts Ridge Rd East Waterboro ME 04030 dwatson6841@gmail.com

MSA MEMBERS CHANGE OF ADDRESS Let us know when your USPS mailing address has changed - so you won’t miss an issue of the Maine Snowmobiler Members Name: ______________________________________ Old Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ NEW MAILING ADDRESS: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Mail to: Maine Snowmobile Association, PO Box 80, Augusta, ME 04332 fax: 207-622-7669 or e-mail info to: msa@mesnow.com



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