Photo by: Eileen & Larry Lefland - ITS 81 in Benedicta view of Mt. Katahdin
MSA and snowmobile club membership is not mandatory; such support is welcome and appreciated. There is no speed limit on the snowmobile trails. Riders need to maintain reasonable and prudent speed for the cur- rent conditions, taking the weather, trail conditions, trail traffic, operator skill level and other contributing factors into account. You may see a speed limit sign posted by a club or community, generally to protect trail access or for safety considerations. Please observe these locally posted limits. You do not have the right to operate your snowmobile on someone else’s land if permission for access has not been granted. There are many places where it is just plain illegal to operate a snowmobile in Maine: in cemeteries, near hospitals and churches, too close to private homes, on public sidewalks, etc... Riding is only allowed on power lines and utility corridors if there is an authorized snow- mobile trail. Those trails will be marked and appear on a snowmobile trail map. Riding on railroad track rights of way is illegal, the exception would be an authorized trail crossing. Visit the Operation Lifesaver web site, oli.org , for more information.
info to get you started: A driver’s license is not required to operate a snowmobile. Liability insurance is not required by law; the MSA en- courages riders to have coverage.
For Emergency Assistance: To reach a Maine Game Warden 24 hours/day contact the dispatch center nearest you:
j Safety Courses Snowmobile Safety courses are offered by the Recreational Safety Office of the Maine
HOULTON.................1-800-924-2261 BANGOR...................1-800-432-7381 AUGUSTA.................1-800-452-4664 GRAY.........................1-800-228-0857
Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife: 207-287-5220. A list of their upcoming courses is maintained by IF&W at www.maine.gov/ifw .
j Reporting an Accident If you are involved in, witness to, or made aware of a snowmobile accident resulting in injury to another person, you must make yourself known, render aid to the best of your ability and report the accident by the quickest means possible. All accidents re- sulting in a death or injuries requiring a physician must be reported to law enforcement by the quickest means possible. Proper- ty damage accidents ($1,000 or more) must be reported within 72 hours using a form provided by IF&W, at www.maine.gov/ifw/ .
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