
Hybrid Invasive Variable Milfoil Militia Program 2021 Coordinators: Pam Wilkinson & Tim Greer

2021 Milfoil Crew

Throughout the winter we would like to encourage you to visit sites to learn the difference between native milfoil, native lake plants and the invasive plants, not just hybrid milfoil, that can affect our lake. We do not need another type of invasive invasion to zap our volunteers and financial resources. It is encouraged that you become part of our newly created Adopt a Shoreline and become an IPPer (Invasive Plant Patroller) to help cover our 30 miles of shoreline. The educational part can be shared with your young adults to become lake stewards. We would like to personally thank all those who called in. A special thank you to those who had an interest with the IPPer program, who would occasionally check their area or were able to respond to a request to check out their spot. Please join those who are helping to make this work on all the 30 miles of shoreline plus islands to prevent the spread. We were fortunate to have a local fisherman report milfoil in an area that not many people are used to going to. It was on the west side of Rope Swing Island and very rocky. Our crew extracted 28 bags of milfoil equaling 1120 pounds wet, and approximately 560 when dried. We are blessed to get this out of the lake to avoid fragmentation that will spread to other areas. The total amount of milfoil extracted this year was

This invasive plant is relentless and the war against it continues after 18 years. Our battles keep the invasive milfoil from taking over our swimming and boating areas, ruining the fishing activities, changing the ecology of the lake and maintaining our property values. It is important that you become part of our defense by recognizing what is on the bottom of the lake in your area and reporting concerns to info@ littlesebagolake.com or call 207-809-4706.

Captain Gordon Smith


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