2021 LSLA Annual Meeting
The pandemic took a twist this year with the āDā strain causing the Board to make the disappointing decision to hold it online only using Zoom. The guest speaker, Mary Wicklund, the LakeSmart Program Director for Maine Lakes Society, gave a great presentation on the LakeSmart program. More details about the meeting can be found on our website, including a recording of the meeting (https:// littlesebagolake.com/2021-annual-meeting/).
For 2022, we hope to be back in-person at the VFW hall in Gray having our annual meeting. To be able to see everyone in the flesh again would be great! Please keep watch on the website and Facebook for details.
WHAT WE DO Little Sebago Lake Association Functions & Finances
Milfoil Mitigation and Invasive Threat Awareness Membership Database Update Financial/Budgets By-Law and Policy Reviews Fundraising Planned Giving/Endowments Safety Patrol Program Courtesy Boat Inspections
Grant Writing Public Forums
Pirate Parade Day Annual Meeting Planning Operations of Organization Water Quality Testing Dam Monitoring & Emergency Plan Strategic Planning Fleet Maintenance Organize Educational Forums
Town-State-Federal interactions Road Associations Networking Website Newsletter Merchandise Lower Narrows Restoration Watershed & Erosion Control
2023 LSLA Calendar Pictures
Do you have any amazing photos capturing year- round activities, sunrises, sunsets, wildlife, etc. on our beautiful lake? I am always accepting high resolution .JPEG formatted pictures for consideration for the LSLA calendar. I have already begun saving potential selections for the 2023 edition. Please send your favorite pictures to Diane at dburnell@littlesebago.com
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