Chebeague Fire and Rescue
Living on an island in the winter can be challenging for anyone, especially for those with advancing age. Despite all efforts to stay as independent as possible, aging rewards us with degenerating joints, reduced vision, and impaired hearing. Most people over age 65 develop at least one chronic health problem and many have several, usually requiring visits with health professionals and
prescription medications. Older adults are at higher risk of falls, strokes, and infection.While no one ever wants to go to the hospital, an older adult can have an injury or a health problem suddenly worsen, requiring a rescue call, and the need for emergency room services. Please plan ahead for the event of the rescue team coming to your home by following these recommendations:
1. Go on-line to https://www.vialoflife.com and fill in the form with your basic medical history, medications, allergies, health providers and emergency contacts. Post the form in the vial they provide. Put it on your refrigerator door so the rescue team can find it. 2. Talk to your family members or close friends and choose a health care proxy who can speak on your behalf if you are unable to speak for yourself. They need to know what your wishes are, and you should also complete an advance directive, so your wishes are in writing. It is extra helpful if you complete a “Physician Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment” (POLST) form with your PCP, where you can specify whether or not you would want to be put on a ventilator, or get resuscitated if your heart stops beating. This bright green form can go as well in the “Vial of Life” (see #1) on your refrigerator. 3. Put a list of things that need to go with you to the hospital such as dentures, hearing aids and glasses in the vial as well so these do not get left behind- the rescue team will do their best to have them go with you if they know you need them. 4. Organize a phone tree so that when one person is contacted, others are also informed so that your support network is activated in an emergency. 5. Move away any obstructions between the main door and the bedroom so that a stretcher can be brought though your home. Clear pathways also reduce the risk of falls. 6. Keep the information on your refrigerator updated as your health/ medications change. These recommendations are also helpful if you need to leave your home in a storm or power outage. Let’s all do our part to help each other stay as safe and healthy as possible. Ralph Munroe, Chief of Fire and Rescue.
Soup! The Chebeague Island Council will bring Soup Wednesdays back to the Hall in January! Given the COVID situation, we are asking that anyone cooking soup is fully vaccinated and that the soup be prepared in the Hall’s licensed kitchen. The weekly community meal is open to anyone who is vaccinated, although we will provide soup to go to anyone who is not vaccinated or is not comfortable dining in the Hall. There are new heat pumps to keep us warm, as well as HEPA air purification filters to help keep us safe. If you would like to help or have any questions, please call Sarah at 329-6538.
ECHO (Enterprise for Chebeague Housing Options)
Our mission is to provide, through creative and collaborative ways, housing opportunities to sustain a year-round island community on Chebeague Island.Wehavebeenhavingdiscussions with the Town about creating low-priced housing to rent or sell to young families desiring to locate on Chebeague. The Island Institute is holding a series of meetings having to do with creating housing options on island communities. The first meeting was by zoom on November 10 th , and was very well attended. Additional meetings will be held on December 8 th and January 12 th .
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