
Chebeague Community Church A Reconciling Congregation

Contact us at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com or at 207.846.6987 www.chebeagueumc.org

Weekly Schedule: Thursdays at 11 AM , Ladies’ Aid meets weekly – bring a current craft project to work on (or come for the fellowship)! Thursdays at 1 PM , Ever wonder how to address issues like hunger and poverty from a faith perspective? Gloria Brown will be leading a Bible Study based on Bible Study using The Social Justice Bible Challenge by Marek P. Zabriski. Email her at gjbrown58a@ gmail.com for more information! Meeting ID: 232 499 191 Sundays at 10 AM, We will be offering a mix of indoor and outdoor worship gatherings. For indoor services, we are asking everyone to wear masks, practice physical distancing, and sanitize hands upon entry. We anticipate after Indigenous Peoples’ Day weekend to switch to remote services, but we are keeping an eye on the spread of the Delta variant, so stay tuned!

Upcoming services: October 31 st – All Saints Day Sunday In the Christian faith, we believe that we are surrounded by the great cloud of witnesses that has gone before us. We take time on this day to remember and honor their memory. Bring a photo to place around our altar space, and we’ll engage in a litany of remembrance together. November 21 st – Giving Sunday We are a generous, thankful people, and on this day we take the time to acknowledge the gifts that we bring to the Chebeague Community Church that God blesses and multiplies. For those who support the church financially on a regular basis, we you to return your 2022 estimate of giving cards; for everyone, we invite folks to name your gifts and talents for God’s use in our church and community!

Sign up for our enewsletter on our website to stay fully up-to-date with our events, our prayer list, and more!

Come Dream with Us - We Want to Hear from You! Our community is in the extraordinary position of creating a new church organization from the ground up.When leaving the United Methodist Church, we knew what we didn’t want. We do know we want to be inclusive, diverse and friendly. What we don’t know is the details of mission, governance, and program. Come, help us dream a new church at a brainstorming session on Tuesday, November 9 th at 6:30 PM via Zoom . Meeting ID: 815 200 0968, Passcode: 20152020. All are welcome – we need all kinds of perspectives as we take these steps into the future together.

Family Fellowship, Food, and Faith! STAY TUNED! Look to the fall for new opportunities surrounding food, faith, families, and fellowship – all in the Parish House! We’re keeping an eye on COVID numbers so that we can gather safely for an all-ages-together faith formation experience that incorporates mission, sharing and growing together, connection – and fun!

Monthly Boxes from the Food Pantry - and more Food Pantry News! With the onset of fall (and the fast approaching winter), we know how difficult it can be to keep items stocked and ready for the holidays. This season we’ll be doing monthly boxes, roughly based on the holidays. For November, our Thanksgiving Box will be full of things to help you feast with your friends, family, COVID pod, or whomever you will celebrate with. We’ll have turkey breast and items like white potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, canned yams, canned cranberry sauce, onions, butternut squash, gravy, rolls, pumpkin pie and cream for whipping. If you’d like one, please contact Polly Wentworth at 207-233-8382 or chebundance@gmail.com by November 10 th .

In addition, we remain committed to providing for those experiencing food insecurity and for those who are making meals for people in need of community support. If you are ever in need of groceries, please contact Polly or email chebundance@gmail.com . We will be stocking our shelves with staples! iThank you in sharing in the abundance with us - and for helping each other make it through this time. We appreciate those who have dropped off items from closing cottages, those who have continued to financially support the work of the Food Pantry, and those who want to lend a helping hand!



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