Notes from the Hall
The Hall’s annual meeting occurs at 5:30 p.m. on October 21. Please sign and return the proxy so that we may continue our mission of supporting our community. Proxies will also be available at the Library, Doughty’s Island Market, and the boatyard. We are eager to welcome new board members Binkie Boxer, Dylan Doughty, and Cyrus McLean. Dylan and Cyrus will head up our new entertainment committee with plans to keep the community engaged and having fun. HALLoween costume party for grownups with live entertainment and adult beverages anyone? UMaine reunion? Island jam night? They are looking for suggestions and maybe a little help to plan some evening events throughout the year. We had a wonderful if quiet summer, with numerous events, including our own Martha Hamilton Arts and Crafts Extravaganza. We had so much fun and redistributed so many crafting and fine arts treasures that we are doing it again next summer, so save your donations until the spring when we can store the bounty properly! We also had several wonderful musical evenings, with many more expected during the coming months, including the return of the Whalers and the kids’ plays and concerts. Please tell us what you want to see happening at the Hall. The Community Center has had an eventful summer, learning how to respond to an everchanging, seemingly never ending pandemic. Thank you for your continuing patience as we evolve to meet each new challenge. We have installed HEPA air purifiers in each portion of the building, which can purify 5,000 cubic feet of air in 30 minutes. This means that each portion of the building can have up to four turnovers of air per hour. According to the manufacturer’s website, each unit is “[e]quipped with 4-stage filtration and deodorization… to target the smallest and dirtiest particles through the use of an advanced and proprietary fiber material. An activated carbon filter reduces VOCs [volatile organic compounds] and odors, while a negative ion generator weighs down airborne particles so that they’re easier to capture.” We hope the installation of these filters will allay patrons’ fears about the air quality in the building.
Dr. Zack, of the Yarmouth Veterinary Clinic , will continue his visits on the first Thursday of each month. The sign-up sheet will go up on the front door of the Community Center around 8:00 a.m., and the first appointments start around 8:45. As a reminder, you cannot designate a specific time for your appointment nor can you wait inside the foyer (last month, someone or someone’s pet pooped on the rug in the foyer—sorry, Cindy). Instead, please wait outside or in your cars, and the vet will come outside to call you in when he is ready for you. If there are no sign-up slots left, call Sam (846-0510) because Dr. Zack is sometimes able to stay until the 2:00 p.m. boat to accommodate all his customers. Although the Hall may look quiet right now, we remain busy trying to put the finishing touches on the interior, with new Roman shades, HEPA air purifiers, and a few final accessories for the audiovisual system. Don’t forget to ask for a hearing-assist device at the next meeting or event, as we have numerous sets available. Once again, we are grateful to Chip Emery for the many hours he has spent and continues to devote to managing our new audiovisual system and to the Recompense Fund for helping underwrite the considerable cost of this equipment.
Update from the Chebeague Island Community Center
summer months and a drier environment for the books (and book lovers) all year round.
Please come admire our newly finished garden borders. Many thanks to Erin Whetham for her delicate and detailed design. We plan to install a new bike rack soon as well as some comfy outdoor chairs and tables to encourage you to linger with a book or your laptop or a friend and enjoy the garden. We are trying to create new ways of engaging our community through fun get togethers, seminars, and health-promoting events, while not neglecting our well-loved services, such as Drs. Heidi and Rybka, children’s story time, and—fingers crossed— Wednesday coffee and soup. If you have ideas for an event, please contact a member of one of our boards. Remember, we are all here to serve our island community.
In addition, the Library is installing heat pumps this month, meaning that there will finally be air conditioning during the
We hope to see you at the Community Center soon!
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