Chebeague Community Church A Reconciling Congregation
Contact us at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com or at 207.846.6987 www.chebeagueumc.org
Thursdays at 1 PM , Ever wonder how to address issues like hunger and poverty from a faith perspective? Gloria Brown will be leading a Bible Study based on Bible Study using The Social Justice Bible Challenge by Marek P. Zabriski. Email her at gjbrown58a@ gmail.com for more information! Meeting ID: 232 499 191 Sundays at 10 AM, We will be offering a mix of indoor and outdoor worship gatherings. For indoor services, we are asking everyone to wear masks, practice physical distancing, and sanitize hands upon entry. We anticipate after Indigenous Peoples’ Day weekend to switch to remote services, but we are keeping an eye on the spread of the Delta variant, so stay tuned!
Upcoming services: October 3 rd – All God’s Critters Got a Place in the Choir! Join us for our annual Blessing of the Animals. Bring your pets that can handle being around other animals (leashed) to receive a blessing during this worship gathering where we give thanks for all God’s creatures. 10 AM on the church grounds. October 10 th – Indigenous Peoples’ Day Weekend We celebrate the Chebeague Community Church, acknowledging what it means to be in community together, community with God, and community with the land around us. Outdoors, 10 AM on the church grounds. Sign up for our enewsletter on our website!
A Big Thank You! to everyone who helped us along the journey of becoming the Chebeague Community Church.We couldn’t have done it without you – your conversations, gifts, support, encouragement, and more. To celebrate, please join us on Sunday, October 10 th at 10 AM for worship or 11 AM for food and refreshments as we take this next step together. Please, as well, take the time to drop Gloria Brown and Rochelle Rice a note of thanks for the many hours of time, energy, and commitment to bring us through the disaffiliation project with focus and love.
Family Fellowship, Food, and Faith! STAY TUNED! Look to the fall for new opportunities surrounding food, faith, families, and fellowship – all in the Parish House! We’re keeping an eye on COVID numbers so that we can gather safely for an all-ages-together faith formation experience that incorporates mission, sharing and growing together, connection – and fun!
Food Pantry Notes and Needs – As summer winds down to an end and you start looking to close up, consider donating your food items to the Food Pantry. Email chebundance@gmail.com if you have food to drop off. If you are looking for assistance with online groceries, contact Kel Hanley (814) 876-6792 or Polly Wentworth (207) 233-8382 to help you set up Whole Foods or Native Maine Direct . If you are in need or know of someone who is, please contact Denise Hamilton at (207) 838-6107. Sunday School and other Volunteer Opportunities! We’re looking for a team to help relaunch our Sunday children’s formation in the fall. Curriculum is provided – we’d love folks companion our kids with crafts, mission projects, and stories. Talk to Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com for more details. We also need help with technology to offer hybrid services in the sanctuary (in-person and remote options). Let us know how you can help!
Chebeague Community Church – We Need You! With the formation of the Chebeague Community Church, we need you to help us be the church of the community and for the community. We have three categories of membership, open to anyone age 13 or older: Full Membership for those who claim the Chebeague Community Church as their home congregation, Associate Membership for those who may have formal church membership elsewhere, and Friends for those who are supportive of the church and its programs.
To become a member or if you’d like to learn more about membership, contact Melissa ( ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com ) or the church office. Our next orientation session for anyone interested in membership will be on Saturday, October 2 nd at 10 AM at the Parish House. We’ll take in members on Sunday, October 10th during our normal worship service.
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