Central Region VP
Coastal Region VP
Eastern Region VP
clubs and the contact people within the club. The MSA Snowmobile Show is a go this year!! The office has been working extra hard to line up dealers, vendors and exhibitors for this year’s show. At this time, it looks like all booths have been or are nearly sold, so we are looking forward to a great turnout. Watch for more information in this paper and next month. Super raffle tickets are printed and according to Al Swett, flying out the door of the MSA office. Al worked out to get some GREAT prizes for this year’s raffle. Price will still be $2 each or 6 tickets for $10. The club keeps half the money and MSA gets the other half. It’s a wonderful fund-raiser so make sure your club gets tickets soon. FOR EASTERN REGION CLUBS- I will have a supply of Super Raffle tickets at my house, or be able to get them from Augusta within a day or two. If you need some, please call me and we will make arrangements to deliver them. This is an attempt to save MSA postage as they are heavy and the mail service is slower lately. Make sure you contact me a week before you need them so we can get them to you. ALSO FOR EASTERN REGION CLUBS- I will be setting up an Eastern regional meeting in September in the Holden area. I would like as many Eastern region clubs as possible to attend so we can distribute MSA club packets to you. This may have already happened by the time you get this paper, if so just contact me. If you haven’t heard from me about your club packets, please contact me at llafland@midmaine.com or call (207)-843-7813. Again, we are attempting to cut down on postage costs and to make sure this information reaches the clubs directly. Be safe on trial workdays everyone! Make sure you are contacting your landowners and getting their permission. Do not assume it is the same per- son as in the past, because a lot of changes have taken place in the last year. Until October, Stay safe and buy and sell those raffle tickets!! Eileen Lafland, Eastern Region VP
H ello everyone hope your summer was great but it’s time to get ready for the season. Here is a few things that help me out. Check in with your local realtor to see if properties have changed hands on your trail system. Another is reach out to the local hunters for blow downs bridges that might need repair. I always get great feedback from these groups. I’ve been working on delivering the membership packets to the Western Clubs along with super raffle tickets. Reach out to me if I can do anything or answer a question. Always here to help out. Till next month THINK SNOW Jim Boyce If you have a question, problem, concern, or idea on snowmobiling in “The County”, get in touch with me. You can contact me at the phone # or email below. I look forward to meeting as many folks who help drive snowmobiling in the Northern Region as possible; you are a hard-working crew! Matt Stedman tween. Volunteers meet with private landown- ers to get permission to access property, place signage, repair bridges, groom trails, etc. At a larger level the clubs and associations work to ensure that issues that affect snowmobil- ers & snowmobiling are being discussed and worked on so we can continue to enjoy our great sport for years’ to come. Clubs need volunteers, if you have been sitting back as a passive club member or snowmobiler I would ask that you step out & take on a task for a club this year. It is very rewarding knowing you are a part of “making it happen”. Remember, most all of the trails in the state connect, so it is key to our sport to keep them all open so folks everywhere have trails to enjoy. I would also encourage you long term club members to reach out to those who do not currently join and ask them…we need more people assisting in club events, fundraisers & trail maintenance to ensure what we have today remains possible in the future. The only way we do this is to welcome new people into our clubs, allow them the opportunity to bring new energy & ideas. Eileen Lafland, 207-843-7813 PO Box 733, Holden ME 04429 llafland@midmaine.com W OW!!! Summer has flown by again and we are getting ready for a new snowmobile sea- son. Where does the time go? It seems like I just wrote one of these yesterday, but it has really been a few months. I hope everyone had a safe, enjoyable summer and you are all looking forward to getting cold weather and riding the trails. As I write this, things are still on shaky grounds with the COVID virus, but let’s hope we get it under control again and move forward. Speaking of moving forward, that is what MSA is doing, little by little. The steering committee has continued to meet through the summer and we have some new ideas to put in place. Clubs- when you get your club packets this year, PLEASE look them overcarefully as some processes have changed. We are attempting to make things easier for clubs to submit items to the MSA office, so read it care- fully. Also, please make sure the person in charge of memberships for your club gets their info soon and reads it carefully. If your club has not filled out a new Officer Update Form just go the MSA website, www.mesnow.com, click on for mem- bers and choose MSA forms, click Officer update- online version, fill it out and send it. Or you can pick the download version, print and mail it to the MSA officer. Either way, we really need this form completed ASAP so we can keep in touch with the
Jack Lord Home: (207) 672-3915 Cell: 207-717-7131 Email: jacklord5256@gmail.com
David Watson, 207-205-1558 412 Roberts Ridge Rd East Waterboro ME 04030 dwatson6841@gmail.com
H i All.
G reetings Snow Lovers!!! I’ve had a conversation with Mother Nature recently and I asked her to be kind this winter, She is going to speak with the rain gods to keep the faucets open just like the rain (we’ve had all summer). In other words my friends it is time to start the snow dancing.... Clubs are already coming together to turn the great state of Maine into the best riding in the Northeast. This year’s “SUPER RAFFLE” is bigger & better than ever. Three sleds, Hybrid trailer, and much more. What a great way to raise money for your club selling tickets with no cost to your club, should you need tickets let me know I can get them to you. MSA snowmobile show is back this year too. I hope to see you there. As always we need new members, volunteers please ask people to join. It is an exciting start to this winter. I’m looking forward to getting back on the trails. Enjoy the fall and start Dancing!!! Dave Watson
Here we go again. We are at least three months away from snowfall. This is the three months we put in all the work it takes to get four months of great riding in. We try to make sure we are getting everything safe and well signed. I know from doing this the last forty years, there is always small trail changes and some larger ones. We try to make sure these changes are all signed and well-marked and as always I ask, please watch the signs and be careful. I am asking all Central Region Clubs if there is anything I can help you with, please call or e-mail me. I know after trying to get to all the clubs it is sometimes overwhelming, so if you need me I’m here, it will be easier for my 52 clubs to call me then for me at my age to try to remember who I have called. Remember ride and work safe, have fun and call me, and don’t forget your snow dance. Keep Smiling, Be Safe Jack Lord
Northern Region VP
CLUB MEMBERS Once grooming begins SUBMIT YOUR TRAIL REPORTS TO: MSA@MESNOW.COM Please include your name and club affiliation Let us know when your USPS mailing address has changed - so you won’t miss an issue of the Maine Snowmobiler Members Name: ______________________________________ Old Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ NEW MAILING ADDRESS: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Mail to: Maine Snowmobile Association, PO Box 80, Augusta, ME 04332 fax: 207-622-7669 or e-mail info to: msa@mesnow.com MSA MEMBERS CHANGE OF ADDRESS
Matt Stedman 207-557-1921 (call or text)
PO Box 621, Ashland ME 04732 Stedman.matt@jdirving.com
H ello fellow snowmobilers, Where has summer gone? Seems like just yesterday school was letting out and folks were planning summer trips. This paper goes out to all folks who registered sleds in Maine last season, if you are not currently a member of one of Maine’s great snowmobile clubs I hope something you see in this paper encourages you to reach out & join. It is a great way to meet new folks, lend a helping hand & spend time with others that enjoy the sport as much as you do. The Maine Snowmobile Association & its clubs are the reason we have all the great trails across the State, connecting the riders from point A to point B and all the businesses in be-
Western Region VP
James Boyce, 207-265-6512 1168 Fosterhill Road • Freeman ME 04983 Jboyce1168@gmail.com
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