
June 2021


Summer Office Hours Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm

The good weather seems to final- ly have arrived, and with it, so have our seasonal residents. For many, this will be their first time back to the island in over a year. Welcome back! This summer, CTC is operating with some new procedures. Tick- ets for the ferry must be pur- (chebeaguetrans.com) or by call- ing our office. We are not selling tickets on the boat. Tickets are collected prior to boarding the ferry. You must have a ticket or have purchased tickets prior to boarding! Please wait at the top of the ramp for the deckhand to welcome you to board. Some things remain the same. Summer on Chebeague = Pas- sengers+Freight. When you have a large amount of freight to bring to the Island, please consider either using Casco Bay Lines’ very convenient freight service or delivering the freight to the Cousins Island pier in your own vehicle before returning to the Route 1 lot to park and catch the bus. Our busses have very lim- ited room for freight. chased in advance, either through our online store

We welcome pets on our busses and ferries. Please remember, they are required to have tickets, too! Also, please make sure dogs remain under control, on a leash and not on the seats. We’ve had some close calls with excited dogs nearly knocking small chil- dren over… not something any- one wants to happen! Our bus drivers and captains are expected to leave on schedule. Please plan accordingly to arrive with plenty of time for unloading and parking. Use caution when driving to the Stone Wharf, driv- ing in our Cousins lot and to the pier on Cousins Island. These are all very congested places with lots of pedestrians and small children walking around. Once on the pier, please stand back from the ramp to allow dis- embarking passengers room to get by. The boat crew will load freight and call people with bicy- cles down first. We are excited to see everyone coming back. We wish everyone a safe and happy summer!

New Monthly and Annual passes availa- ble starting June1! We are excited to begin offering both monthly and annual ferry passes to year- round and summer residents beginning June 1. These passes offer the best value and convenience for our passengers using our service regular- ly. We will issue a photo ID that pass holders will be re- quired to show the deckhand when boarding the ferry. Please call the office for details on how to purchase these passes.

Business Office: (207) 846-5227/846-3700 16 North Road, PO Box 27 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 chebeaguetrans@gmail.com chebeaguetrans.com continue to require masks be worn on our ferries and bus- ses. Passengers who do not comply are in violation of federal law. Changes in Bus and ferry capac- ities With the State end- ing capacity re- strictions both for inside and outside spaces, we are able to return to our pre- pandemic capacities on both our busses and ferries! Masks still re- quired! The safety and health of our pas- sengers and em- ployees continues to be our top priority. Because of this and in order to comply with federal law that requires all people using public transportation to wear masks at all times, CTC will

June Employee Birthdays Jack Uminski - June 4 John Wilkinson— June 12

CTC is Hiring! We are currently accepting applications for: Part Time Bus Drivers A Class B CDL with passenger endorse- ment is required. Will train the right person Part Time Deckhands To work mainly weekends as an upper deckhand. It’s a great summer job!



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