Island Commons
132 Littlefield Road Chebeague Island, Maine 04017 www.islandcommons.com
Administrator, Amy Rich 207-846-5610 amy.rich@islandcommons.com
VISITORS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, we are excited to be able to offer visits, but they are still regulated. Visits are offered Monday-Friday. Please call 24-hours ahead to book your time slot. Outdoor visits are great, weather permitting; indoor visits are permitted also. 846-5610 Amy or Christina. Bid Hello to Summer!! returns for a five-week run, starting July 4th weekend. The Commons’ online auction was so much fun last year that we’ve decided to host it again. Each week will feature an exciting theme, including The Chebeague Experience!, our popular Bounty of the Sea week, Getaway Adventure with a variety of fun overnight accommodations, Dine
In/Dine Out, and Take Your Memories Home, artistic reminders of the beauty of summer on Chebeague. Watch for details on our website www.islandcommons.com The Red Studio at Island Commons will open for the 2021 season on Saturday, May 29, from 10 a.m. until noon, and be open Saturdays throughout the summer. We’re loaded with fabulous antiques, home furnishings, linens, jewelry, crystal, lamps, tables, you name it. Come see what we’ve collected over the winter. Let’s welcome a wonderful summer of friends and fun finds. All proceeds benefit the Island Commons.
Everyone loves an occasional treat for dinner…pizza anyone? If you’d like to sponsor a special meal for our residents please contact Nancy Olney nancy.olney@islandcommons.com Thank you!!
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