
Hollis Town Clerk’s Report for 2019-2020

Becky Bowley, Tammy Thompson, Tammy Munson, Anna McClay, John Libby, Chris Schofield, Terry Walters, Vida & Stephen Fasulo, Rochelle Prince, Dawn Bellonzi, Nancy Conway, Eileen Curtis, Amanda Graham, Inge Graham, Joanne Toone, Therese Annis, Mary Davichick, Beth Gardner, Margaret (Peigi) Holmes, Heather Sullivan, Margaret Harrison, Barbara Miller, Cynthia Strout, Carrie Walker, Jessica Brackett, Rita Anderson and Chief Chris Young, John Leeman & Bob Neal of the Hollis Fire Department. The Hollis Office Staff was remarkable during this year, I say my thanks to Faith Plummer, Anna McClay, Diane Meserve, Bennet Flinner and Tammy Thompson who assist the Town Clerk every day. I appreciate Select Person, Dave McCubrey who always checks before every election to see what the Town Clerk might need. Jack Rogala & David were instrumental in getting a ballot box installed at Town Hall. I should note that the Center for Tech and Civic Life awarded the Town of Hollis an election grant of $5,000 which purchased our Absentee Ballot Drop Box for outside and many covid 19 supplies for our November 2020 Presidential Election. I need to add one other thank you, you know you live in a small-town in Maine when your husband Harlan Huff takes the day off from his work to assist you from 5 am to usually after midnight on a “Big Election Day.” I know that Covid 19 began in March of 2020, however I do not want to miss an opportunity to thank the people behind the scenes whowork to keep us all safe. The Town of Hollis is fortunate to have a Select Board and all other Hollis Departments who care about the residents of this town. The Hollis Parks & Recreation Staff had incredible amounts of new procedures to follow every day. Fire Chief Chris Young put in many long hours working with State and York County Emergency Services to keep us all updated. Bennet Flinner and Ken Knudsen assisted us all in learning how to do ZOOM Meetings. Mary Hoffman made a wonderful addition to our Select Board in June of 2020. I look forward to the day when we can visit each other in person, Martha E Huff, Hollis Town Clerk


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