
Hollis Town Clerk’s Report for 2019-2020

Last year, I thought I would write this year’s annual report about all of the wonderful volunteers that Hollis has. And I dowant to thank each and every Board&Committee volunteer. So many people have served for years on Boards and Committees making Hollis a great community to live in. Little did I know that this would become a year for the record books. One thing can be said for the 2019-2020 year, it was a “Year of Elections!” Several of our regular Election Staff were unable to work the polls this year. I want to thank the many Hollis residents who came through and worked this exciting election year. Several Ballot & Election Clerks worked for the first time on November 3, 2020. Many commented on the accountability and processes of Maine’s Elections. The State of Maine has an invaluable Elections Staff Julie Flynn and then Secretary of State Matt Dunlap are always very supportive and helpful to Town Clerks across the state. I also need to thank my neighboring Town Clerks, John Myers of Buxton, Mary Chapman of Standish, Pauline (Polly) Weiss in Lyman and Ruth Scheibenpflug The Registrar of Voters in Buxton. They always answer all of my questions. Lila Wilkins has been an invaluable Election Warden and Moderator. She was available and willing to work all of those long preparation and election hours. This “Year of Elections” included; a March Primary, June Town Meeting, a Select Board recount in July, MSAD #6 School Director at Large, the Primary usually held in June was postponed due to Covid 19 until July 14, 2020, one MSAD #6 Budget Meeting, one MSAD #6 Budget Validation Referendum held on August 8, 2020 and then we finished the year off with an early absentee ballot processing for three days for the Presidential Election on November 3 of 2020. Amanda Graham, Carol Deschambault, Doris Hicks, Lila Wilkins, Anna McClay and Faith Plummer all helped to stamp, label andmail out a recordnumber of 1816absenteeballots. ForNovember we had 2,947 votes cast with 3,500 registered voters. Ed and Kathy Dyson, Augie Salevsky are ready to show for every election, they assist with early processing, setting up and taking down the election equipment. I held my first recount and thank all of the candidates and their representatives for a long day’s work. I would like to thank all of Hollis Elections Staff over the last few years; Lila Wilkins, Faith Plummer, Ed & Kathy Dyson, Alecia & Dan Freeman, Carol & David Goodwin, Elizabeth Stover, Paul Mattor, Carol Deschambault, Brian Atkinson, Doris Hicks, Martha Turner, Nancy Ponzetti, Donna & Peter Lovell, Bonnie Wickham, Bennet Flinner, August Salevsky, Max Salevsky, Jared Harris, Kelly Harris, Deb Silver, Katherine Harriman, Pam Alexander, Patricia Stover, Harlan Huff, Adam Charlton,


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