The Mechanic Falls Public Library continued to provide ways for reading, research and reference in its obligation to the residents of Mechanic Falls in this COVID-19 year of 2020.
Due to the virus, the library closed on March 16, 2020 and reopened for limited curbside
book distribution in April. The public was allowed restricted use during normal business hours beginning on June 1, 2020. The Library followed State of Maine COVID guidelines for cleaning, the quarantine of books, videos, and did not shut down again. With the restriction of the number of people per square foot, however the library was unable to hold the regular pre-school story time. When the schools closed in March, many families in the area lacked sufficient high speed internet services to supply their children with internet to do their home schooling. With the tremendous help of Dominic Dymond, resident and parent, the library was able to offer WIFI in the Municipal parking lot as well as the Before and After School Building. The Library has since upgraded its WIFI capabilities, so WIFI will be available this summer to the Recreations Department’s Softball and Baseball fields. Our Summer Reading theme was “Imagine Your Story”. I did not have as many children participate as in year’ past. Callen Wentworth (age 5) was again top reader for the third year in a row. She had 129 books read to her over a five-week period. Charlotte Tolliver read 16 books independently and Caleb Herlihy had 31 books read to him. I was pleased with their results. The Adult Book Discussion Group has resumed and has been meeting in person and via Zoom. The group meets the second Thursday of every month from 5:30 to 7pm. Stop in or call the Library to find out what the group is reading this month. The Mechanic Falls Public Library had 2,375 patron visits. It circulated 2,609 adult fiction and non-fiction books, 254 interlibrary loans made, and 168 downloaded from the cloud library and 704 DVDs borrowed. The children and young adult fiction, non-fiction circulated 2,291 books. The adult and children’s programs did not have as many participants due to COVID restrictions. By using the information above and applying it to the “library use calculator” from the Maine State Library, the Library services to the Town of Mechanic Falls had an estimated value of $110,226.00. This year’s program is “Tales and Tails” and will start up in July. Stop in or call the Library in June to sign up and receive more information.
Library Cards are free to all residents of Mechanic Falls from Kindergarten and up. Stop in for a visit to see what the Library has to offer.
Nancy Petersons Mechanic Falls Library Director
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