The Annual Town Meeting
The Annual Town Meeting date for the Town of Buxton is the second Tuesday in June. It will be held at the Buxton Town Hall, 185 Portland Road The polls will be open from 6 AM to 8 PM for the election of the Municipal Officials and referendum questions. The election of the Moderator will be at 5:30 AM. The Moderator is the person in charge on Election Day and will moderate the meeting held on the following Saturday, starting at 9 AM. It will be held at the Bar Mills Fire Station, 174 PortlandRoad. The Saturdaymeeting is an openTownMeetingwhereby those voters in attendance will vote on the Town's annual budget, zoning changes, and any other items on the Warrant. The Warrant is the agenda for the day as prepared and approved by the Board of Selectmen. Those elected to office at the polls on Tuesday will take office at the adjournment of the Annual TownMeeting on Saturday. These two meetings together, comprise the Annual Town Meeting. This year, 2021, the dates are Tuesday, June 8 and Saturday, June 12. For more information call the Town Clerk's Office at 929-6171 or email the Town Clerk at jmyers@buxton.me.us.
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