
Chebeague Island Library

846-4351 phone • 846-4358 fax cheblib@hotmail.com https://cheblib.booksys.net/opac/cheblib/index.html#menuHome

Starting Wednesday, May 5 th , the Library will be open for browsing during Wednesday hours only. Adults only, masked, social distances observed. Visits will be limited to 15 minutes. We cannot offer restroom access, or access to computers at this time. We are limited to 5 people including staff, because of the square footage. It’s a start.

COVID CURBSIDE/DELIVERY HOURS will continue Friday & Saturday 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Call or email to let us know what you would like.

NEW BOOKS - so many new books Antiques Roadshow, 40 years of Great Finds Paul Atterbury * Birds of Maine by Peter Vickery African American Poetry edited by Kevin Young • Foregone by Russell Banks House of Sparrows by Betsy Sholl

The Island Directory - Trying very hard to get on top of corrections and edits before summer. Please check your listing for accuracy (or inaccuracy!) and send any edits to gulldirect@hotmail.com. Thank you! We still have plenty to sell, $20 each.

It is a great time to Plan Ahead. Have you been considering buying or selling your home? Let our team guide you on the island and the mainland! Contact us to find out why this is the best time to sell. SPRING IS HERE!

LTFteam@shorelineagents.com The Leonard Thompson Federle Team Jane Leonard 207.831.9951

Karen Thompson 207.329.6729

Jodi Federle 207.215.4006

207.553.7500 | shorelineagents.com



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