Lebanon Maine Trail Riders SC Club Meetings on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at 74 Upper Middle Road, Upstairs from the garage in Lebanon. Tri-Town Penguins Club Meetings on The Last Tuesday of the Month at 7:00pm at the Acacia Lodge on Rt. 136 in Durham.
month at the Pathfinders Clubhouse with Potluck Supper on 1st meeting of the month. (6pm supper when applica- ble, meeting is always 7pm.) Alna S.C. Club Meetings/Potluck Supper will be held on the 1st Thursday of each month at the Alna Firehouse in Alna.
CLUB MEMBERS Once grooming begins SUBMIT YOUR TRAIL REPORTS TO: MSA@MESNOW.COM Please include your name and club affiliation Annual Banquet and Director’s Meeting. Will be held on May 1st at Jeff’s Catering in Brewer. More details to follow – please watch mesnow.com for more information. Maximum 100 attendees due to Covid Restrictions. Please RSVP to the office at 207-622-6983 or office@ mesnow.com. MSA Annual Banquet Executive Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, April 29th at 6:30 pm via Zoom. Please watch your email for login information Let us know when your USPS mailing address has changed - so you won’t miss an issue of the Maine Snowmobiler Members Name: ______________________________________ Old Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ NEW MAILING ADDRESS: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Mail to: Maine Snowmobile Association, PO Box 80, Augusta, ME 04332 fax: 207-622-7669 or e-mail info to: msa@mesnow.com MSA MEMBERS CHANGE OF ADDRESS
Northern Region
Western Region
ruary 20th & March 20th from 8-11am. Pejepscot Sno-Chiefs S.C. Club Meet- ings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Please find us on Facebook for all times, suppers and events. Pittston Prowler Club Meetings on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at the Town Fire Station. Skowhegan Sno-Hawks Club Meet- ings on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 6:30pm at the the Sno- Hawks Clubhouse on Rt. 2 in Skow- hegan. (Find us on Facebook.) Abnaki Sno-Riders S.C. Club Meet- ings on the 1st Sunday of each month at 6:30pm at the Sno-Riders Club- house in Madison. (Please find us on Facebook.) Cobbosseecontee S.C. Club Meetings 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at the clubhouse on Spears Corner Rd. in West Gardiner at 7:00pm. Anson-North Anson S.C. Club Meet- ings on the Second Wednesday of the Month at 7:00pm. Contact Club for location info. Heart of Gold Snowmobile Club Club Meetings on the 3rd Sunday of the month 8:00am at the Harmony Fire Sta- tion on 33 Cambridge Road in Harmony. Norridgewock Sportsmen Assn Club Meetings at 7:00pm on the 1st Tuesday of the Month for Bussiness Meeting and the 3rd Tuesday of the month for Trails at Northeast Performance. Rome Ruff Riders Club Meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 7:00pm at the Rome Town Hall in Rome. April 4, 2021 Ripley Trail Riders Annual Pot Luck Supper at Town Office Facility in Ripley. Coastal Region ☛ Recurring Saco Pathfinders S.C. Club Meetings on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday’s of the
☛ Recurring Portage Lakers S.C. club meeting on 1st Friday of each month @ 6:30pm October thru April. Watch FB for locations info. Washburn Trail Runners S.C. on 2nd Wednesday of each month @ at the Washburn Clubhouse. Potluck sup- per 6:00 pm & club meeting 7:00pm. Molunkus Valley Sno-drifters on 1st Saturday of each month @ at the Mol- unkus Clubhouse on 58 North St. in Sherman. Supper 5pm & club meet- ing 6pm. Follow us on FB for upcoming schedule of events, dates and times. April 13, 2021 Pleasant Ridge Riders SC Monthly Meeting, 7:00pm, 17 Pleasant Ridge Rd., Caswell Eastern Region ☛ Recurring Northern Timber Cruisers, Club Meeting, First Wednesday of each month starting at 7:00pm at the Club House on Lake Road in Millinocket. (Like us on FB.) Sebasticook Valley S.C., Club Meeting, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at the The Big A Clubhouse in Newport. Blue Ridge Riders, Monthly Meeting - Potluck at 6:00 PM followed by meeting at 7:00 PM on the 3rd Saturday of each month at the home of Brad Scott on Apple Tree Lane in Rockwood. Grand Lake Stream SC, Club Meeting, 2nd Wednesday of each month. Con- tact club for more info. Orrington Trail Riders, Club Meet- ing, 1st Tuesday of each month at the clubhouse. March 21, 2021 Eastern Maine Snowmobilers Board of Directors Meeting at 5:00pm. Club dinner begins at 6:00 pm and Annual- Meeting and election will be at 7:00 pm at the Club House on 263 Lev- enseller Road in Holden.
☛ Recurring Windy Valley S.C. Club meetings 1st Sunday of the month at 7:00pm at the Newry Town Hall on Rt. 26 in Newry. (Find us on Facebook or more club info.) Rock-O-Dundee Riders Club Meet- ing Second Monday of the Month at 7:00pm at the Rec Hall on King St. in Oxford. Andy Valley Sno Gypsies Club Meet- ing First and Third Wednesday of the month at the Club House on Small Road in Auburn. April 4, 2021 North Franklin SC Club Meeting Start- ing with Potluck Supper at 5pm at the American Legion on Depot St. in Phillips. April 6, 2021 Norway Trackers Zoom Meeting Starting at 6:30pm. Contac club for login information. April 18, 2021 Interstate Sno-Goers Club Meeting at 7:00pm at the Fryeburg Fire Station on 520 Main St. in Fryeburg. Central Region ☛ Recurring Abnaki Sno-Riders S.C. Club Meet- ings on the 1st Sunday of each month at 6:30pm at the Clubhouse in Clinton. Watch Facebook for more info. Readfield Blizzard Busters ClubMeet- ings at 7:00pm on the First Wednesday of each Month at the lower level of the Weathervane Restaurant on 1030 Main St. in Readfield. Town and Country SC Club Meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm at 35 Club House Road in Clinton. Potluck Supper at 6:00 pm before meeting. Lexington Highlanders S.C. Breakfast at the Highlanders Clubhouse on Feb-
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