MSA Club News those trails when this letter comes out in the next MSA paper! Stay safe, ride to the right and respect all of our landowners, Bridget Gorton Club Secretary BRIDGTON EASY RIDERS sc Bridgton, Maine www.bridgtoneasyriders.com Your Snow Dances finally took hold and the Bridgton Easy Riders began grooming our trails on Febru- ary 6th. There was definitely not too much snow, but the Grooming Team was able to work miracles with what we had. Kudos to the groomers! The new drag made by Club volunteers worked extremely well, and saved the Club substantial money by doing the labor ourselves. We finally got enough snow to organize a Local Snowmobile Ride. On Sunday, February 21st, under clear blue skies, with perfect temperatures, 17 sleds met at 9AM at the old Memo- rial School in Bridgton. We split into two groups, to accommodate those who wanted to ride faster and those who chose to ride a bit slower. The two groups planned to meet at several trail intersections along the way.
online memberships. Our season is finally here. Get out and enjoy the ride. Dan Trouant, Club reporter
bling the amount that we maintain. As with most clubs, we put in a few new bridges this year and did much clean up after the December storm. So far this winter comments from riders have been extremely positive, so thanks for the visits and the comments It’s been great to see more riders in Weld, com- ing into the Skool House Variety on Saturday for a quick lunch in the park- ing lot, or going up Center Hill for the spectacular view of Webb Lake and the Tumbledown Mountain Range. We also
next club meeting, we will be making up a nominating committee for club officers in April. That’s it for now do your snow dance and remember to ride right ride safe David Greely, Vice President NORWAY TRACKERS Norway, ME Find us on Facebook norwaytrackerssnowmobileclub@ gmail.com Hello sledders, A message from our trail master, Troy, after a long patient wait for Mother Nature: We started trail work as far back as August when we had some ATV issues on our trails. As we went into the fall, trail work picked up. We have had countless volunteers that took time from busy schedules to “Social Distance” with us in the woods. We have spent hundreds of man hours preparing trails wind storm after wind storm. Many hours have gone into maintenance of our groomers and drags. All leading up to this week. President Rob and I talked yester- day about how all the hard work paid off as we had a late but smooth start to our 2021 season! I want to sincerely thank everyone that helped out both Old and New Members! I want to give a special Thanks to our Retiree Crew. Ken, Steve, Jim, and Jerry! These guys alone put in hundreds of hours this fall and winter to prepare for the season. Almost 6 months preparing for this week! Thanks Again Everyone! See You on the Trails! As always ride safe and ride right! Trailmaster Troy Farr We held an open house on February 20th at one of our major trail intersec- tions with ITS 89. It was very reward- ing to finally have a beautiful day with plenty of snow for riding and a lot of sledders enjoying our trails. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to show your support and for following social distancing and CDC guidelines.
enjoyed the ride, which covered about 60 miles. It takes the Tucker grooming machine about 10 hours just to groom ITS 80 and back, but only about a half hour for sleds to ride that distance! It was especially nice that Blaine Chapman, Steve Brill, and several members of the grooming team, who work so hard so that the rest of us can ride, and their families, could enjoy the fruits of their labor and join in on the fun. This Club ride was a great success and we hope to plan more rides in the near future. If you would like to be included, just join at bridgtoneasyriders.com and ask to be put on the e-mail list. Club membership has reached 126 families which is amazing for a Club in Cumberland County. We will try to plan an outdoor meeting in April, socially distanced and wearing masks, to elect officers for next season. Please check out our Facebook page for photos and a video of the Club ride and future events. Keep doing your Snow Dance! Bill Preis Hello! We had a good start and have been making great progress on our trails. Our members have been brush- ing and grooming the trails. We’ve also fixed a few bridges and made trails a bit wider. After the big snow and ice storm we had, there were over 220 trees down on our trails. Our members worked hard to clear everything up! We’ve also had members work very hard on our groomers. We have a Ford Explorer, Jeep Cherokee, and three sleds which we’ve put universal drag connecters on. We did have our Jeep break down while grooming but luckily it was fixed fast. Of course, we’ve had setbacks due to COVID, we haven’t had any meetings but everyone is still doing great. Thank- fully we’ve been able to communicate with each other through our Facebook page and phones. Everyone has been doing a great job working on our trails and knowing what needs to be done. We hope everyone is having fun and being safe! Megan Rackliff Bridgton Easy Riders Club Correspondent. VIENNA MOUNTAINEERS Vienna, ME
Greetings, I would like to start this letter by thanking the North Fryeburg Com- munity Chapel for allowing us to host our all-outdoor rally this year. A good time was had by all who attended and the turnout was great! Thank you to everyone who came out to support us and big thanks to all the volun- teers for helping us pull this off once again. Jim Pitreau, Gabe Watson, Nate Hutchins, Larry Thompson, Paul Gallant, Brockie Gerry, Ed Davidson, Jacob Osgood, Wayne Hood, Herb & Patty Cummings, Deb Theriault, Mar- tin MacKenzie, Dale & Jen McClure, Larry Butters and Bobbi-Jo Gerry for all their hard work. Also, thank you to the following local businesses who donated prizes for our Chinese Auc- tion. Steph’s Barber Shop, Saco Val- ley Sports Center, Fryeburg House of Pizza, Stow Corner Store, Trumbull’s Hardware, Fryeburg Napa, Pizza Shed, Fryeburg Irving, Northeast Snowmobile & ATV Rentals, Saco River Brewing, The Little Mountain Store, B and L Oil & Propane, Green Thumb Farms, Nate & Kate’s Maple and Hair Designs.
are grooming now with a BR180, even with the soft snow, she makes the trails exceptional. Trail updates are posted on our Facebook page on a regular basis. https://www.facebook.com/weldwin- terwildcat So come visit and join our Club! Club registrations can be done at the Skool House Variety, or you can also make donations in the box at the Skool House. Ride right with the rubber side down!
Linda Healey Club Member
POODUNCK sc Dixfield, ME
WOW!! What a very successful Blessing of the Sleds!! Even though we were fighting?? the ATV clubs fish- ing derby, we still did VERY well!! THANKS to all the sleds that made the trip!! It was our year to “GIVE BACK” and every sled that went thru the Blessing got a FREE T-Shirt with the 24th Blessing info on it!! Again, a GREAT turn-out and we are excited for next year, our TWENTY FIFTH Blessing!!! Big thanks to Al Swett and his wife Valerie for making the trip to Mexico!! Al does SO MUCH for the MSAwhich means he does a LOT FOR US ALL. This year has been a year from *#%* for the MSA office and Al has stepped up to be a HUGE help. I BEGGED his wife, Valerie, NOT to (Continued on Page 26)
We headed north on ITS 89 in Bridgton, and then west on ITS 80 into Sweden, Lovell and Waterford. Our destination was the Bear Mountain Inn in Waterford, for lunch. There, we found indoor bathrooms, as well as good food and beverages. Because the Inn observes all the appropriate precautions relating to COVID19, our lunch was delivered to us as we sat outdoors, in comfortable Adirondack chairs arranged in a circle around a roaring fireplace, overlooking scenic Bear Pond. What a beautiful location! The hosts at the Inn were very hospi- table and welcoming. The volunteers from Bridgton Easy Riders had done a great job grooming trails the night before, and everyone
Our trails have held up very well considering the limited amount of snow we’ve had. Our groomer oper- ators have done a fantastic job and have put in many hours. You guys are the best! Our membership numbers are up and we appreciate those of you who join year after year and welcome all the new members as well! Your sup- port is surely appreciated and we hope to see all your names again next season. Let’s hope that we’re still riding
Thank you to those who supported us at our open house. Our Zooms meetings are continu- ing to work well. Follow us on Face- book for events and updates. We now have a Venmo account for completing
Hello fellow Snowmobilers! It’s been quite the season here in Weld. Starting in the fall of 2020 we worked with the State to pick up grooming and mainte- nance of another 30 miles of trails, dou-
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