MSA Club News the trails. However, they have taken a huge hit with the warm weather we had around Feb 24th. Let’s hope for a decent storm to extend the season a bit longer! Despite the low snow we have started to train a new operator.
got. He knew the trails backwards and forwards and knew where every intersection was from here to Nica- tous. Kelcy always would help any- one in need on the trail or not, he had a great love for people and if he could help someone, it was his calling to do so, no matter the time of day or night. We surely are going to miss Kelcy and his vast knowledge. The snowmobile club would also like to report that we lost a very important club member, Kelcy’s son in law, Jerry McLean. He lost his battle with COVID in November. He was a special man that helped out our club whenever needed and was a good friend to all he knew. He gave so much assistance with his knowledge of people in the community that might like to become a member of the club. Also, he gave of himself at the public suppers doing everything he could to help his friends. We also have some more sad news to report. Harold Stoddard passed away in December. Harold helped build the ITS trail system as well as the Downeast Sunrise Trail. Har- old was very proud of the club and enjoyed the meetings, the public sup- pers and the time he spent on the trail system. He was always one to help make repairs when they were needed and always a great support person. Harold knew the trail system like the back of his hand and we will miss that about him. He could always pro- vide insight about the trails and knew exactly where every sign and intersec- tion was. We are going to miss Har- old a great deal. We hope this finds everyone well and safe in these unprecedented times. Kristen Curtis, Secretary 207-557-7454 430 Ridge Rd, Cherryfield, ME 04622 EBEEMEE sc Brownville, ME Happy, Happy Winter from Ebeemee!
moment as you travel our trail system and look at our signage. Traci makes the BEST SIGNS EVER! I love the street sign she made and put at the junction of Upper Ebeemee and the 111. Check it out! We have been grooming regu- larly since the mid-January. The BR (Sagamore’s Dream) is now making the trip to KI road and back as there is now enough snow to get through Bernie’s Blvd. That trail gets as much traffic as the 111! We rode to Green- ville Saturday and counted 37 Trucks/ trailers parked on the KI road! Pete has started the groomer/ operator training in the BR and has three cadets learning the ropes, John Troyan, Dan Sullivan and Traci Hart- mann. This will not only give Pete a break but allow us to groom more often and at all hours! Ebeemee Snow- mobile Club, stepping up and raising the bar! They are all doing great and all seem to have the same thought after the first run… “there sure is a lot going on in when you are in that machine”! I want to thank Pete for his patient tutelage on this journey! Traci is keeping all of our groomers busy for sure! Scott Lee, John Troyan, Melissa Brown, Russ and PamKrause, Dan Sullivan, Pete Plourde and yours truly! I have to say, I really enjoy going out grooming on the weekend. It is a nice way to pass some time and improve the trails too. It is wonderful hearing all the thank you’s and seeing all the happy faces out their recreating in our corner of the world. Our Adopt-A-Trail program is a huge success and is really helping out with fundraising this year. I love the signs and they really pop and make you smile. Always looking for that moose in the tree! We are about a third of the way to our goal so I would say it is going great! We have apparel for sale on our wonderful website as well as tabs for donations. Take a look at www. esc-ebeemeesnowmobileclub.com Well, I have sign backers to paint so I guess I should finish this up so I can send it off for the March Newletter. Enjoy the winter, enjoy the ride, enjoy the scenery! And remember… It’s not about the mileage, it’s about the SMILEAGE! Laurie Plourde, President www.esc-ebeemeesnowmobileclub.com
our seating 6 or more feet apart.
including the windfarm in Bingham, railbed in Dexter, or other points north, come see what the Parkman Trailblazers have to offer. Ride right, be safe, and see you on the trails. Steve Marden
QUAD COUNTY sc Springfield, ME
Hi To All, The month of February, has been a lot better for sledding than January, but the weather people have been way too optimistic. Every storm has been about 1/3 of what they predicted. The base is thin, but with sleet and crust, it is hard. Quadcounty SC trail sys- tem is almost 60 miles as the crow flies, north to south, we have plenty of snow in the north. A little skimpy in the south. It is just like the differ- ence of snow between Old Town and Sherman. Our yearly Hot Dog Roast at the “Locks”, was Saturday February 27, 11-2. Hope you made it there! Quad- county SC did sell all 300 Calendars and almost done drawing first month,
We are happy with the services we’ve been receiving from the Katah- din Area Chamber of Commerce. We have a huge weatherproof map which we plan to display outside the upper entrance to the clubhouse. It’s quite impressive. We also have normal size maps. We do note that trails are sub- ject to change due to logging opera- tions in our area. We anticipate offering some (take out only) lunches on weekends. We are trying our first weekend for Feb- ruary 13 and 14. Ride Smart Ride Safe. Nancy C. Deschene, Secretary ndesc@myfairpoint.net PARKMAN TRAILBLAZERS Parkman, ME Winter has landed (kind of), and our trails are open. Making trails even passable this year has been quite the challenge, making them great will be a bigger battle. Our strong members in our small community have worked so hard to make trails good and now is when it pays off.
Grooming Training on Trail 5 It has been a challenge since train- ing happens in the Blazer and it has had some mechanical setbacks, we put a brand-new exhaust on it Feb 25th since the muffler was completely rot- ted, safety first for our club! Once we get everything straightened out, I’m sure the new operator will do a great job. Thank you to Nick for grooming all night before the weekends to make sure the trails are mint and thank you to Mac for training the new operator. Big thanks the Deanna and Andy who hold down the fort in the kitchen and keep the clubhouse running like a fine tuned machine! Think Snow!!! Respectfully Andrew Jackson The Downeast Region in Cherry- field and beyond hasn’t been lucky enough to have much of a snow pack. We have about 6 inches of snow and ice on the trails, so we haven’t been using our groomers this year. The groomer operators have been out a few times with the small sleds to open up the trails and be sure the trails are safe. We have some sad news to report. Kelcy Yeaton, one of the original founding members of the club passed away in November. He was instru- mental in building the clubhouse as well as the ITS trail system and the Downeast Sunrise Trail. Kelcy always enjoyed the club meetings as well as the public suppers we had. The club has a trail named “The Kelcy Trail” which he helped build himself. He always enjoyed when he could go out on his Arctic Cat Cougar to break trails which he did every chance he NARRAGUAGUS, sc Cherryfield, ME
with March and April to go. Your slow typing reporter, Kevin
Tollbooth Event The season has started to pick up finally. We have gone back to hav- ing meetings and we have opened the clubhouse on a limited basis on the weekends. On February 21st and 22nd, we had our first trailside toll- booth. If you stopped by and put a donation in the jar it would enter you into a drawing for some nice prizes! Thank you to Bangor Motorsports, MSA, UMaine, Dysarts, Village Mar- ket, Bangor International Airport, Julie Pace, and Byron Ogden for the prize donations! To say this event was a success would be an understatement. We hope to do it again next season with maybe even bigger prizes. As for a trail report, all our trails have been opened up and are being groomed throughout the week. We have a very, very thin base of snow. It held up great for the tollbooth weekend with nothing but compliments about
Our multiple groomers; Stephen Williams, Dale Perrigo, Willie Wil- liams, Dennis Brawn, and myself try to make grooming from being a chore and keeping it fun. Our guys continue to pick away at making our trails the best they can be, and though we have a long ways yet to go, we are leaps and bounds ahead of where we were last year. Next time you’re in the area and want a great mix of trails, fields, and fun on your way to destinations
R - Laurie Plourde L - Susan Boulton - Sign in memory of Susan’s dog Penny who recently passed unexpectedly. This sign will go up on the River Trail which was Penny’s favorite walk. Winter is in full swing up here folks! Our amazing Trailmaster Traci has been busy, busy, busy! Take a
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