MSA Club News tle snow there was. We are optimistic that the latter part of the season brings good riding con- ditions. Last year our season was cut short in March, will we make up for it this year? Remember, this article has to submitted to the MSA a full month before it will appear in your mail- box. So, all this moaning and groan- ing about no snow could be mute. Whatever happens please ride safely and always stay to the right. Keep an eye out for the groomers and respect the landowners, without whom there would be no trails. So, let it snow and join a club. Marge and Lee Livingston Club Reporters October 5, 2020, we held our elec- tions of officers where all positions changed. Please welcome our new officers: President - Brett Salisbury, V.P.- Troy Tibbetts, Treasurer - Bob- bie Hicks, Secretary - Jenn Basford, Trail master - Nick Marcello. Meet- ings are held the first and third Mon- days of the month at 6pm at the Club- house. We are always welcoming of new members. You can find updates and club information on our new FB page, NightDrifters/1973. The club was in dire need of help both financially and cosmetically. We pulled together a “Save the Club Rifle Raffle” in November. It was our first success. A big thank you to all who helped sell and those who bought tickets. Congratulations to the winner, Eric Grant. There has been some much-needed work done inside and outside of the Clubhouse. Lots of cleaning and repairs have been done. We would also like to send a huge Thank You to our business members who really stepped up to help save this club. We know this has been a stressful year for most but without their generous donations we may not be here. JM Builders LLC, Hop- kin’s Paving LLC, S&G Construc- tion, Hartley’s, Friend Properties, Maine Store, Philbrick Enterprise, Huff Powersports, United Ag & Turf NE, Detroit Motors, Ben’s Autobody, Scott’s Car Care, 420 Delivers, Klein- schmidt and Somatex. As a new group we had a late start on the trail work. Small crews have been working hard to get trails safe and ready to ride. There is still a lot of work to be done and extra help is much appreciated. There have been some trail changes that hopefully will make for better riding and happier landowners. As soon as we are able, NIGHT DRIFTERS sc Detroit, ME Find us on Facebook
you all on the trails in the upcoming months and when we are finally able to open the club to all of you! Please stay and ride safe Lori Nunes Club reporter, sign & safety officer EMBDEN TRAVELERS North Anson, ME Find us on Facebook We wish to thank those that have volunteered to clear the trails of the massive blow downs. There may be a few odds and ends left, but, with snow, there should be good sledding. We do caution those that venture onto the ice that it is thin, if it exists. Fahi and Sandy Ponds have had an ice cover. However, at this moment (1/14/21) Embden and Hancock have significant open water as well as the Carrabasset and Kennebec Rivers. We know snowmobiling pro- vides for, and encourages, outdoor access. But, with the rapid increase in Maine’s COVID-19 positivity rate we have cancelled our club’s partic- ipation in the annual Embden Pond Snow Fest that was to be February 13th. As a club, it is our belief that we could not administer the Maine CDC guideline for outdoor gatherings. In the interest of everyone’s health and safety we ask for your understanding and look forward to another opportu- nity in 2022. We are encouraged by an increase in membership over last year and hope all sled safe and travel with concern to skill, trail conditions and care for others users of our landowner privileged opportunity. Remember, the only place to pass on curves, you know, is at a beauty show. Your Cub Reporter READFIELD BLIZZARD BUSTERS sc Readfield, Maine Find us on Facebook Last month the topic seemed to be the lack of snow and the unsea- sonably warm temperatures. Guess what, nothing much has changed. Not wanting to be totally negative there are some forecasters saying there is colder weather, and snow heading our way. We can discuss the accuracy of their forecasts next month. As every- one knows, this year has been extraor- dinary in regards to wind storms and downed trees in trails. The Blizzard Busters did manage to complete the cleanup of all trails, for now. Lots of shout outs and thanks to those club members who donated their time, energy and equipment to get the job done. Our groomer operators have also been out trying to “roll” what lit-
we will be holding a “Thank You” event for our wonderful landowners! We are working on more fundrais- ers so keep an eye out for those. Stay warm and do your snow dances! Jenn Basford – Secretary nightdriftersclub@gmail.com NORRIDGEWOCK SPORTSMEN ASSN Norridgewock, ME It seems that every year we have the trails in pretty good shape and then we get hit with something and have to redo our work. Our club spent many days trimming trails. We had no snow but our trails were in pretty good shape. Then we got that heavy wet stuff and birch trees all over Nor- ridgewock bent over our trails. One of our cleanup days after that, we had 8 people and 4 chainsaws going at the same time. That day also involved two gators, and two personal 4 wheel- ers. Now, most of our trails are look- ing pretty good again. There have been some riders (especially near the store), but many are still waiting for more snow. We meet the 1st (regu- lar business meeting) and 3rd (trails meeting) Tuesday every month at Northeast Performance at 7pm. Cal Bob for more info 485-1072. Bob Washburn, Secretary, Membership Coordinator Hello everyone, I hope all are well and keeping away from the virus. Membership has been a little slow to date. Trail work has been kept going mostly through the effort of Lincoln, Doug and Shawn. The East side trail has been vastly improved and will be great sledding. We have completed all of the damage done from the freez- ing rain. A lot of work has also been accomplished on ITS 87. A new loop has been added to the West side trail that will allow another access to ITS 87 over a new bridge built by the hard work of Lincoln, Doug, Shawn and Perry. We have again sponsored the C-4 trail map. This map has been improved with heavier paper and any changes made and provided to us by the 28 snowmobile clubs that are covered on it. The West side trail has also changed a little due to one of our long-time land owners removing his property from our use. Just a little note on meetings. We have had an average of 6 members over the past 5 meetings. I understand that a lot of you might be concerned of the COVID 19 and not want to take a chance, however we always observe ROME RUFF RIDERS Belgrade Lakes, ME
the required protocol at our meet- ings. We need input from our mem- bers on keeping this great club going as well as help on trail maintenance. So, come out to our meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Rome Town Hall. We need your support. Oh yes, whoever hasn’t been “THINKING SNOW” knock it off. We need your help Hal Garnett, Secretary
uary and still very little snow and there’s rain on the way. The work crew was busy this week putting in a new bridge on the Starks trail. They’re ready to get snow and get in the groomer! We have some new business and trail sign advertisers: Engstrom’s Auto Service of Guilford, Powerline Construction of Sebec, Landlubbers in Athens, Jimmy’s SNS in Bingham, and 201 Power Sports in Bingham. Try to support them and all our busi- ness and trail board advertising. Also, all who gave donations to our club, THANK YOU. Our club didn’t sell any winning MSA tickets, but thank you to every- one who purchased them. Keep on dancing and don’t forget to respect our landowners, stay on marked trails, ride safe and ride right. Look us up on facebook for updates and if you have any questions call John at 628-1003 ANASC LEXINGTON HIGHLANDERS Lexington Twp, ME Hi y’all, Woo Hoo! We just got our first real snow since Christmas. 5” of wet heavy snow! Can’t believe it’s already mid-January, but by the time you read this newsletter it will already be mid-February. Not much of a snowmobile season... so far.... BUT we are praying to the SNOW GODS and doing our SNOW DANCE! So, don’t give up yet. IT’S COMING! Always thinking positively! We have been using our time wisely, by continuing to diligently work on the addition to our snow- mobile club. We have completed the left-hand side of the addition, with all of the windows and door being moved, and the inside walls finished and polyurethaned. All of our mem- bers are very pleased at how nice it looks and how much bigger it already seems, and we’re only half way. We are now working on creating a new kitchen with all hand customized cab- inets. It’s really starting to look like a professional kitchen. It looks like we are going to have to postpone our monthly breakfasts, and we were so ecstatic to have you all come see and experience the new club, but we’ll see you soon.................. The vaccines are starting to be administered, and hopefully by the time we finish the club entirely, we will be able to have a formal ribbon cutting ceremony to mark the Grand Opening of the newly remodeled and expanded club house. We are looking forward to seeing
WESTERN REGION ANDY VALLEY SNO GYPSIES Auburn,, ME andyvalleysnogypsies.com
At the time this article is being writ- ten we still do not have enough snow to ride or groom the trails. Our equip- ment is ready to go to work when the snow gets here. Our access trail to Minot Avenue services was successfully re-routed around the new ball fields due to log- ging and new supports were placed under the bridge between Garfield Road and Perkins Ridge Road. We had several downed trees from the recent wind, thanks to all who helped clean up the mess. Several new members have joined this year. Thank you, Steve and Jim, for leading this effort. If you know a snowmobiler who lives in the Auburn area and is not a club member please ask them to join. We meet the first and thirdWednes- day of every month at our clubhouse at 7:00 on Small Road in Auburn. Like us on Facebook and keep an eye on our website for more information. Greg Hammond dghammond3@gmail.com North Franklin sc Phillips, ME Hello, As I write this, we finally had a snowfall to cover the trails. We still need another good storm and some cold weather to help set it all up. As I had mentioned last month all the brushing and bridge work, we have done the past four months I had said how lucky we were to have three young men to help us on the trails on a regular basis. I want to mention their names at this time; Ty Looney, and brothers Ben and Brian Carrol. All three were great contributors and to show the club’s appreciation we paid their membership dues. Just a small Thank You for all their help! The guys have serviced the two (Continued on Page 26)
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