Join the MSA & the Club of Your Choice Select the MSA-affiliated snowmobile club that you would like to support by going to https://www.mesnow.com/MSACLUBS.html , then fill out this membership form. Enclose your check for $30 or enter your credit card info and mail to: MSA, PO Box 80, Augusta ME 04332. If you’re paying by credit card you can fax the form to 207-622-7669. $15 of your dues supports your local club; $15 supports the state association. The club is credited for your membership, and an MSA decal is sent to you. Your subscription to the MSA newspaper, the Maine Snowmobiler, begins with the issue following receipt of your membership. Season runs from October 1, 2020-September 30, 2021 CLUB SELECTED ________________________________________________________________________ MEMBER NAME ___________________________________________________ DATE ________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________ CITY/TOWN ____________________________________________ STATE ________ ZIP ______________ TEL _____________________________ DATE OF BIRTH ___________ ___________ IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD, PLEASE CIRCLE ONE: VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER CARDHOLDER NAME ______________________________________ TEL __________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________ ACCOUNT NUMBER _____________________________ EXPIRATION _____________ CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE _______________________________________________ TOTAL # OF PEOPLE IN FAMILY
Upcoming MSA Meetings - March Executive Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, March 11th at 6:30 pm via Zoom. Please watch your email for login information. The March MSA Directors Meeting & Showcase Ride will be held on Saturday, March 13, 2021 hosted by the Limestone Snowhawks SC. Gathering at 8 AM. Please watch the website and Facebook for more details. Director’s Meeting & Dinner also on March 13th will be held at the Par & Grill in Caribou starting with Social Hour at 5:00 PM followed by dinner and Meeting. Maximum of 50 attendees due to Covid Restrictions. Please RSVP to the office at 207-622-6983 or msa@mesnow.com. This Showcase Ride & meeting is contingent upon the State of Maine’s Covid restrictions. For more information contact Northern Region VP Matt Stedman at 207-557-1921 or Stedman.matt@jdirving.com
MSA, PO Box 80, Augusta ME 04332 • 207-622-6983 • Fax: 207-622-7669 • msa@mesnow.com
Jill St. Peter, LUTCF
Walk in, Mail in, Call in, Click in ® 319 Wilson Street Brewer, Maine 04412-1504 Jill.stpeter.jb4s@statefarm.com Bus 207-989-1288 • Fax 207-989-6697
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